Friday, February 14, 2025

More Than Just Knowing The Word

February 14, 2025

"More Than Just Knowing 
The Word"

     Some people know The Bible and the verses therein almost as well as they know the back of their hands, so to speak, but they do not know The Lord JESUS or Me as they should. Yes, these people have memorized My Word well, but yet they tend to forget the things therein that they should be doing. And the sad thing about that is the fact that they did not forget per se, they just chose to ignore what should have been remembered. This tends to be the problem with a lot of people these days, which is a sad state of things indeed. There is so much more to living a life walking with and in The Lord JESUS than just remembering some Bible verses, but one would never know it until they invite CHRIST JESUS into their life and heart. Remember this, satan also knows The Bible and knows It better than any of you do, but his heart has never been in the right place to receive JESUS CHRIST as Lord and Savior.
     Therefore My children, if indeed you are serious about wanting to know My Word, be serious as well about being in JESUS CHRIST. It is one thing to know My Word and what It says from cover to cover, and another thing entirely to intimately and personally know The Lord JESUS CHRIST and Who He is. The Lord JESUS should be first and foremost in one's life and not just a passing thought, which many people tend to have trouble doing. Those who can keep CHRIST JESUS first in their life will experience joy, peace, rest, and a sense of well-being like nothing else can do for them. Some of the most evil people who ever lived knew what My Word said from cover to cover, but their hearts were not where they should have been in order to receive The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Therefore people, be not hearers of The Word only, but be ye doers also, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Leaning on GOD's Word

February 13, 2025

"Leaning on GOD's Word"

     I really grow weary sometimes of seeing and hearing so many people who are claiming to be Christians, behaving like they are of the world and not just in the world. Romans 12:2 says, do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of GOD, what is acceptable and perfect. Do not be blinded as are the unbelievers by satan, because he attempts to keep them from seeing the light of the Gospel of the glory of CHRIST, Who is the image of GOD. Remember as well what James 4:4 says, you adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with GOD? Therefore, whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of GOD. And 1 John 2:16 says, For all that is in the world - the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life - is not from The Father but is from the world.
     What I am trying to convey to each of you by this message is, that you should learn what is truly important in this world before it is too late. The world can be interesting and oftentimes exciting, but as a child of Mine in CHRIST, you need to have your limits. The world is filled with all kinds of ungodly temptations, and you who belong to Me have to learn how to ignore the temptations of the world. You can always use My Word as a sword to fight against temptation, because as Hebrews 4:12 states, My Word is living and active, and is sharper than any two-edged sword piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Many people are being and have been enticed by the lures of the world, and I do not like it one bit. One problem tends to be, that there is too much of the world and not enough of My Word inside of those who claim to be Mine. Now may you be an exception to the rule as a child of Mine, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

When Desiring to Help Others

February 12, 2025

"When Desiring to Help Others"

     No matter how much you might try to help some people, there will be times when there will be nothing that you can do to help them. Some people just do not want to hear anything that goes against their preconceived ideas or their way of thinking. Even if you could show all the proof possible that might contradict what the other person wants to believe, it will not matter to them. Even though JESUS CHRIST taught using parables, what He taught was true, and those who had ears to hear and eyes to see, got what He meant. Some of you today try to help people by exposing them to the truth, but for one reason or another, they just do not seem to get it. Sometimes it is because a person does not want to be proven wrong, and sometimes it is as simple as they do not want you to be right. There are even times in fact, that it can be a matter of not liking the messenger, which unfortunately might sometimes be you.
     In either case oh child of Mine, all you can ever do is to try and help others, and then it is up to them to either accept or reject the help you have tried to give. Now remember, all you can do is try, because not everyone will be willing to accept your help. There are some people who just love to wallow around in the mud, so to speak, and who do not want to get clean. Just like some people tend to enjoy not seeing the truth and having the wool pulled over their eyes as they continue to be blind. Some people also want to remain ignorant of what is true, thinking that it will give them some kind of excuse, but there is no excuse for ignorance when someone is trying to keep you from being that way. Be a person who is eager to learn therefore and to know the truth, and blessed you will be for so being, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Disturbance and Confusion

February 11, 2025

"Disturbance and Confusion"

     Some people in this world just love to cause as much confusion and as many disruptions as possible, and most of them have become very good at doing that very thing. Now since I tend to hate disturbance, disruptions, and confusion, it is somewhat easy to deduce just who is the one who loves such things, and that is the devil of course. Things would have been so much different if not for sin and what happened with the fall of mankind. Too many people are walking around making satan so very happy, all because of their actions and the way they cause so much confusion on an almost constant basis. These are usually the type of people who love to pretend that they are doing what they do to help others, when the reality of it all is that their motives are strictly self-serving. The Lord JESUS CHRIST tried to avoid causing such confusion and disturbances wherever He went, and when it was started, it was because of the outside agitators who started it, similar to the way it is in today's time.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, do not be among those who work on the side of those who seek to cause confusion, disruptions, and disturbances. There are those who do seek to cause change for the good of everyone, and then those who seek to cause change for the few instigators. Always remember that there are two main kingdoms at work in this world, and they are The Kingdom of Light which is My Kingdom, and the kingdom of darkness which belongs to satan and his cohorts of course. Even when satan is not directly involved in something, you can still feel his influence by those who love to disrupt and cause confusion everywhere they turn. It is My desire to see people try to get along with one another as much as possible, whereas it is satan's desire to cause as much destruction, disruption, and confusion as much as possible. May each of you seek to rise above such antics, in JESUS' Most Holy and Precious Name.


Monday, February 10, 2025

Be Lovers of the Truth

February 10, 2025

"Be Lovers of the Truth"

     You might sometimes wonder to yourself, how is it that some people are able to just lie so easily, and to do it with a straight face. Lying is just one of those things that people are born knowing how to do because of their sinful nature. You would think that somewhere along the way, some of the bigger liars would decide that nothing good comes through lying, but seldom is that ever the case. When you hear news reporters lying and/or covering up the truth, is it any wonder why and how so many people are being misled and deceived? Yes, I also know that many of you are troubled by the lies being told by many of your political representatives, but the truth can always be found with a little effort put forth in finding it. The truth can sometimes be boring to some of you, but boring is much better than being misled and/or deceived.
     From this day forth My children, be children of truth and not children of lies as so many seem to be. Who does My Word say is the father of lies? Satan of course, and with that knowledge, whose children do you think does the most lying? Even those who tend to lie occasionally do more to resemble satan more so than they do Me when they lie. Another sad thing when it comes to those who find it so easy to lie, is the fact that someone is not sure what to believe when it comes from such a person. Some people have started wars because of lies, or at least have kept them going when they could have ended sooner. There are also those who have lied to get ahead in life, not realizing that what is done in the dark will eventually be exposed in the light, thus says The Lord. Learn therefore to be a lover of truth and not of lies, and blessed you will be for so being, in JESUS' Most Precious and Loving Name.


Sunday, February 09, 2025

Leave the Hatred Behind

February 09, 2025

"Leave the Hatred Behind"

     Have you ever thought about the fact of how hateful some people tend to be, and yet they want to call themselves Christians? Some people just naturally tend to hate and/or dislike others for no reason other than the differences between them. Even though it seems that it is getting better, there are still those who dislike or hate one another for such petty reasons as skin color, race, creed, or religion. Some might dislike or hate others based on someone else's size, smell, or something as trivial as hair or the color of their eyes. In other words, people will find a reason to dislike or hate someone for the silliest of reasons, and it is so sad and disgusting to see it happening in the life of a so-called Christian. I use the term "so-called" because a Christian is supposed to be a learner and a follower of JESUS CHRIST, but JESUS CHRIST would never have behaved in such a manner as to hate others. And guess what? No one race, creed, color, or religion holds the reins in such a thing.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, learn to be the representative of JESUS CHRIST that you should be. Do not be so quick to anger, and when you do get angry, try to do so without sinning. Do not sin by speaking or thinking evil or ill of or about others either. Try to understand that no man or woman of any race, creed, color, or religion is perfect, and that includes any of you who are reading this message. Some of you have become so filled with bitterness and hatred, that it is not good for you to be around other people until you get yourself together. It is difficult sometimes to know how to love some people, but The Holy Spirit is there to help you succeed. Now may each of you learn how to truly become a learner and a follower of The Lord JESUS CHRIST, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Saturday, February 08, 2025

Beware of the Wolves

February 08, 2025

"Beware of the Wolves"

     It is wise to be suspicious or somewhat leery of some people who claim to only want to help you or other people at times. All some people really want is to know as much about you as possible, to interfere with something that you might have planned or that you might want to do. There are those as well who pretend to be like sheepdogs guarding the sheep, when in reality, they are just wolves lying in wait, so to speak, to attack the sheep when least expected. There are those among you who are so trusting that you want to believe that certain people have your best interest at heart when they really do not care very much about anyone at all. As many of you have seen, there are those who have tried to do the right thing by others, only to be lied on and about, in order to sway other's opinions about them. It is a blessing to be able to put people in charge who have a clear mind and conscience, and who can truly help others in every way possible.
     Therefore My children, be very careful as to whom you allow to enter your home and into your hearts, because the devil is always lurking around seeking who he might devour. Such people could not care less about truth or righteousness, all they want to do is to cause confusion and disrupt things. Oh sure, some people can pretend to care just enough to keep someone off-balance, but that ruse can only last for so long. There are people today who have been hurt by those who only wanted to do them harm, which they have succeeded in doing. Always be mindful of the wolves who will disguise themselves as sheep, just so they can get in and disrupt or destroy everything. Life is indeed precious, but not to those who only want to do other people harm. Blessed are you who have learned to walk in peace and love as The Lord JESUS did, and may power and understanding be to you in His Name. May good and righteousness be your forte, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Friday, February 07, 2025

The Power to Love Others

February 07, 2025

"The Power to Love Others"

     When it comes to loving your neighbor as yourself, or when it comes to just plain old loving others, it takes more than most people are able to do or be on their own. You see, ever since sin entered the world, it has been almost next to impossible for any man or woman to love with a pure and righteous heart as The Lord JESUS did, or for that matter, as I did and still do. We look for those who are wise enough to try and figure out the fact that they need Us in order to be able to love others as We love you. It is and has been, a constant battle between the flesh and the Spirit of men and women ever since the fall of man. It is much like the battle to be righteous and pure and to follow The Spirit, or to be in love with the world and worldly things and follow the flesh. The Spirit is always willing to do what is right, whereas the flesh is always weak and a slave to doing that which is wrong.
     So from this day forth My beloveds, just reconcile yourselves to the fact that you are able to do only so much apart from leaning on The Lord JESUS CHRIST through the power of The Holy Spirit. Any of you can love with a GODLY love if you would learn to just lean on The Lord JESUS. Just get down and admit that you cannot love as you are supposed to love without JESUS and the power of The Holy Spirit. What some people think of as love is just lust, or being attracted to someone's physical appearance. That is usually why some people who thought that they were so in love, will end up getting divorced or estranged from one another sometimes. Some, in fact, will even end up hating one another, when they used to think that they were so in love. Love your neighbor and others therefore as yourself, with the love of JESUS CHRIST through the power of The Holy Spirit, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Thursday, February 06, 2025

Blessed Be the USA

February 06, 2025

"Blessed Be the USA"

     Yesterday I talked about the individuals who were always whining, griping, and complaining so much, that they became blind to the blessings that were in their lives. Well, today I am going to talk about those who are in a Country that has been blessed, and so many of this particular Country's citizens tend to do little more than whine, gripe, and complain if their specific political party is not in control. It is basically a given that if "my party" is not in control, then I am going to whine, gripe, and complain about every little thing like a big baby, no matter how well things might seem to be going. It is the most foolish, idiotic, pitiful, and most ignorant attitude that one can have and that I have ever seen. In many cases, in fact, people will begin their protesting and rebellion before anything even takes place. If more people could just learn to stop bickering and fighting about everything that gets proposed, the United States of America could be more blessed than It already is.
     Therefore, if indeed you are one who claims to be a child of Mine, then why not try to at least respect those who are in authority, because more likely than not, I have had something to do with placing them in a certain position. So many tend to fight against what I have chosen to do, that things tend to be made more difficult than they have to be at times. When it comes to certain leaders of a political party, you will surely find some good and some bad on either side, but it will be difficult to really know which is which when all anyone wants to do is to resist and rebel. It would be good if more of the rebellious type could learn a lesson from My Word, whether they claim to be a Christian or not. One of the reasons why The Lord JESUS was rejected was because He did not come as a rebellious revolutionary as so many people wanted at the time. Take your cue from Him therefore and not from the world, and blessed you will be for so doing, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Seeing Beyond the Temporary

February 05, 2025

"Seeing Beyond the Temporary"

     As many of you are aware, some people tend to spend way too much time whining and complaining about every little thing in their life, until they have become totally blind to the blessings they have in their life. Now before you get bent all out of shape, I do realize that I have mentioned this topic before on other occasions. Knowing this to be the case, My friends, what did I say about when it comes to Me repeating something? When I choose to repeat something over and over again, it is obviously something that I have considered to be very important. I see and hear people daily whining and complaining, not realizing the Spiritual damage that they are doing to themselves with their negative attitudes and disposition, which are not very pleasant to behold. It is such a sad thing to see blessed individuals whining and complaining just being negative in life, which is something that I have certainly come to despise.
     So from this day forth My beloveds, just take a little time to look around, count your blessings, and be thankful for your life. Sure, you might not have everything you desire in life, but being blessed is more than just possessions and having everything go your way. Wise is the person who realizes that things here are only temporary anyway. To be one who is able to appreciate the Spiritual side of life is to be one who is well on their way to eternal rewards. There is entirely too much of this negativity that is contained in all of the whining and complaining that takes place in this world. If not for the few who have learned to see beyond this world, I would have ended it all a long time ago. So from this day forth, may you be counted among the few who are able to see further than just this world, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Learning to Represent JESUS CHRIST

February 04, 2025

"Learning to Represent JESUS CHRIST"

     As many of you have come to realize, there are some truly mean, irresponsible, and despicable people in this world, regardless of race, creed, color, religion, or political persuasion. I see people daily who are being mean, impatient, and/or intolerant of others, when they are supposed to be Christians who are leading people towards CHRIST JESUS and not away from Him as so many tend to do. There are people who seemingly love to try and belittle other people even when other people are trying to be nice to them. I do not expect people to run around greeting each other with a kiss for sure, but there really is no real reason to be as mean and as evil towards one another as so many seem to be. Some people do try to treat others as they would want to be treated, but many who they try to treat that way, just end up not making it easy for them to do so.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, try to behave as true learners and followers of CHRIST JESUS. Now look My darlings, anyone can be nice to people when they are nice to them, but the real test is being nice to those who are not nice back to you. Leading people to The Lord JESUS is not always an easy thing to do, because there has to be proof that following JESUS CHRIST really does work. It takes a certain kind of strength to be able to love your enemies as Matthew 5:43 says, as well as verse 44 says, But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Allow yourself to be empowered by The Lord JESUS through the power of The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is after all your helper as far as walking in The Spirit is concerned, and I want each of you to remember that. Be the learners and followers of CHRIST JESUS that you are meant to be, and a wonderful example of love you will be, in JESUS More Precious Holy Name.


Monday, February 03, 2025

How Do You Feel About JESUS?

February 03, 2025

"How Do You Feel About JESUS?

     In these last days My children, people really need to learn about the great sacrifice that JESUS CHRIST made on behalf of mankind. JESUS CHRIST accomplished on behalf of mankind what no man or woman could have done on their own. Mankind was in a hopeless state and deserved to go to hell, but then JESUS CHRIST decided to sacrifice His life for those of you who were sinful and undeserving of grace, mercy, and let alone the eternal life that He offered. So many people tend to show so little respect for what JESUS CHRIST did for them, and they tend to behave as if He owed it to them. Except for during certain times of the year, most people do not even think about or give much thought to what JESUS CHRIST had to endure as far as the punishment and torture He did on behalf of mankind. He was beaten so badly that He was hard to recognize and was laughed at, punched, kicked, and ridiculed, yet He endured it all for the sake of mankind.
     So now listen to Me, My children, learn to appreciate what The Lord JESUS has done for each of you. And do not forget that it is because of JESUS CHRIST  that you have been grafted into the family of faith and salvation. Also, remember to be mindful of the fact like John 3:16 says, I so loved the world that I gave My Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but will have eternal life. Those who do learn to appreciate what JESUS CHRIST has done for them, will begin to show more love and respect for Him. Is there anyone among you who would want to give up everything so that you could be scorned, criticized, scoffed at, belittled, mocked, rejected, and then be tortured, beaten, and crucified, and all of that for a people who would not love or appreciate what you have done for them? Now may you at least be one who will love JESUS with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Sunday, February 02, 2025

Not Everyone Is Looking Down

February 02, 2025

"Not Everyone Is Looking Down"

     Have you ever thought about the fact that when someone you or someone that others might love pass away, those who are left behind will almost always refer to the one who has passed away as looking down on them, as if they have all ended up in Heaven? Of course, no one wants to believe that a loved one has not gone to Heaven, but the reality of it is, that not everyone will make it here. Some believe that only the real mean, sadistic, and evil types will go to hell, but that is not necessarily true. There are going to be some forgiven, reformed, and repentant murderers, thieves, and anyone else who came to JESUS CHRIST before they took their last breath, who will end up being in Heaven. On the other hand, there will be some people who probably never hurt anyone, who may have never really spoken an unkind word to anyone, and/or who may have always tried to be as helpful as they could be to others, who will end up looking up and not down, which just might come as a shock to many people.
     Okay now, listen to Me, My children, the way I choose who goes to Heaven or hell is certainly different from the way that any of you would do it.  The only way to even have a chance to see Heaven is by way of The Lord Jesus Christ and through His shed blood. A person must repent of their sins, receive JESUS CHRIST as their Lord and Savior, and be born again before they can even think about seeing Heaven. The only exception I can see around that is if one has never heard about JESUS CHRIST, which they will be judged by a different criteria. JESUS has said that He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life and that no one comes to The Father except by Him. I know there are now and will be some very disappointed and sad individuals because of this message, but not everyone receives The Lord JESUS CHRIST when they have the chance. I know it is a harsh reality of life, which is why a person needs to make the decision to choose JESUS CHRIST as Lord and Savior when they have the chance, and blessed they will be for so doing, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Saturday, February 01, 2025

GOD's Blessings

February 01,2025

"GOD's Blessings"

     Have you ever noticed that some people just tend to be blessed whether they acknowledge Me or not as The One Who has blessed them? Yes, even though all good things come from Me, the people who I am talking about will hardly ever, if ever, talk about the fact that it is I Who have blessed them. As a matter of fact, some will even talk about not having any help from anyone else along the way except for themselves. Some of these people will even claim that no one has cared anything about them at all, and maybe because many of them believe that they have always been on their own. Many such people will often think that they are the masters of their own life, and that I have had very little to nothing at all to do with their blessings. Many of these people are also the type of people who believe in luck, believing that luck is the reason for all of their good fortune, and oh how foolish this type of thinking truly is. 
     Therefore My children, be wise enough to realize that nothing good ever happens to or for anyone without My okay. Just because I allow the sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and I send rain on the just and the unjust alike, do not discount the way that I manage to bless people. I do bless those who acknowledge My goodness and My blessings as well as those who do not, which it is definitely My right to do so. I will very often do such things because I know that they will eventually come to The Lord JESUS. I will also bless others so that they will not have any excuses when they stand before Us to be judged. I will also bless people because it is My nature and My good pleasure to bless and not curse, and blessed are those of you who have come to realize that fact. I truly do love blessing people, even those who others might believe do not deserve it. Now may you be one who does recognize that your blessings come from Me, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Friday, January 31, 2025

Helping Others

January 31, 2025

"Helping Others"

     Some people that I know would be perfectly fine if other people would just learn to leave them alone and not ever seek to bother them at all. Some do not want to be bothered unless they feel like being bothered and on their own terms. It is considered to be an imposition to some people when they are asked for help, and seldom do they ever think about the fact that they just might need someone's help themselves one day. This type of mindset is not the mindset of The Lord JESUS, because He was all ready to serve, even though He had no obligation to do so. This is the same type of mindset the child of Mine should have as well. I realize that it can be difficult for those who just want to be left alone, but just think about if The Lord JESUS would have thought that way, what kind of shape would all of you be in if He had? Being able to help is a blessing when and/or if you can because not everyone is able to do such a thing.
     Therefore child of Mine, if indeed it is your desire to be a learner and a follower of JESUS CHRIST, then not wanting to be bothered or disturbed cannot be your typical mindset. I realize that such a thing does not come naturally to many of you, but you can fight through it if you can learn how to allow JESUS CHRIST to be your guide. Some people just tend to have the gift of service within them, and such are those who simply do not mind serving and helping out other people. Blessed is the person who does not have to be forced to help others, for they shall find help when they need it as well. Once such a person who does not like helping others, or who just wants to be left alone begins to see things differently, they will discover that joy can be found in the helping of others. Now may you be or become one who learns to be a help to others, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Thursday, January 30, 2025

Walk in the Spirit and Not in the Flesh

January 30, 2025

"Walk in the Spirit and 
Not in the Flesh"

     There is practically nothing worse in this world than those who lie, cheat, steal, murder, commit adultery, are sexually perverted, or even a hypocrite. Someone I consider to be along in the same vein as the hypocrite is someone who tends to think more highly of themselves than they ought. I am saying these things because those who live a perpetual life of sin had better learn to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh before it is too late if they claim to be a child of Mine. There are always those who believe that they have all of the time in the world to change and get right with Me, until all of a sudden, there is no more time left, and many have felt that sting of reality. Only a foolish person will try to tempt fate, and you would be shocked to see just how many foolish people there are in the world. 
     Therefore child of Mine, if indeed you are sincere about being a child of Mine, then learn to be meek and humble in this life. I know there are those who think that being meek and humble is a bad thing, but those are two of the attributes of The Lord JESUS, and Who better is there to emulate? Being a liar, a cheat, a thief, a murderer, an adulterer, sexually perverted, a hypocrite, and/or one who thinks more highly of themselves than they ought, will surely find themselves traveling on that highway to hell. Oh, I am sure there are many who will think it is all fun and games now, but it is a terrible and frightening thing to end up on My bad side. Just saying that you are a Christian does not make it so, you have to learn how to walk the walk before it is too late. Now may you be or become one who is serious about who you are in CHRIST, in His Mighty and Majestic Name.


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Place Your Trust in GOD

January 29, 2025

"Place Your Trust in GOD"

     Mankind will often find it difficult to understand everything that I do or not do, leaving some people with a sense of awe, confusion, and/or bewilderment at times. Try as some people might, it is impossible for finite minds to understand an Infinite GOD such as Myself. I realize that I have asked most of you to get to know JESUS CHRIST, The Holy Spirit, and Myself better, but there will still be a whole lot about Us that you will not be able to understand. As I have had to say time and again, and as it says in Isaiah 55:8For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As a matter of fact people, it says in Isaiah 55:9For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Also as I have reiterated from time to time, this is the main reason why faith is so darn important. It is also why without faith, it is impossible to please Me, and everyone should keep that fact in mind.
     So from this day forth My beloveds, try not to be so mystified or bewildered by the things that I do in yours as well as in other's lives. Always keep in mind that no matter what I might do in your life, it will always be in your best interest to let Me lead. If you really and truly want to go through life with very few worries, fears, and/or confusion, just learn to rest and have faith in Me in JESUS' Name. The nature of mankind is to try to know any and everything they can about every little thing in life, but they are often at a loss when it comes to them knowing My ways of doing things. One should also know that I never consider doing anything without considering the consequences as some people make a habit of not doing. Now may you learn to relax and have faith in Me no matter what, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Doing that Which Is Right

January 28, 2025

"Doing that Which Is Right"

     There are many people who love to live by the tenet of do as I say and not as I do, which is not the way The Lord JESUS taught. The Lord JESUS taught by example so that if you were to practice living as He lived, you would truly be living as a learner and a follower of JESUS CHRIST. Most people will admit to the fact that they cannot and do not even try to be like JESUS, which of course would be a losing battle for most people anyway, but there is no harm in trying to have His mindset. Even though it may not be possible to live exactly like JESUS, one can live to try and follow Him as closely as possible. Do as I say and not as I do is just a pitiful copout of an excuse for the lazy believer who does not even want to try to live as an example for others to follow. Those who live by the tenet or philosophy of doing as I say and not as I do are just plain old hypocrites as well, just as the Pharisees were in JESUS' day.
     If, therefore, you have found yourself to be such a person as this, wake up and try to be better than you have been doing as a believer. That old do as I say and not as I do mentality is really not such a smart thing to be saying anyway. In saying such a thing, you are admitting to the fact that you realize you know what you should be doing, but you are choosing to do the opposite anyway. It is akin to bragging about the fact that you are a sinner and proud of it, instead of trying to be an example for which others would be able to follow. Part of the problem with a lot of people today is the fact that there are not enough good examples around for people to follow. There is way too much of doing as I say and not as I do taking place, which means there are not very many good leaders around when and where they are needed. Now I am not here to say that those of you who know better and do not do it are going to hell, but if you know what you should be doing, then do it for goodness' sake. Now may you become a person who can say do as I do and mean it, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Monday, January 27, 2025

The Law vs Compassion

January 27, 2025

"The Law vs Compassion"

     No matter what My friends, you will always tend to have people who think that breaking the law is okay depending upon the reason a person has for doing so. Some would say that it is okay if someone breaks the law because they or a loved one are hungry or in need of clothing. Some will also say that breaking the law is fine if someone is homeless and needs shelter. You also have those who believe that is okay to break the law if a person is seeking a better life for themselves and/or for their family members, even though there are legitimate ways to attain the same results. In cases such as these, some people always want to point to the need for there to be compassion, which is indeed a good thing to remember, but also remember, that the law has still been broken. What good is a society that has no laws for by which to live? There would be anarchy and unrest in the streets, and a mentality of the strong running roughshod over the weak if there were no laws, which would not be very compassionate at all. Even I saw the need for laws for a society to be able to survive, which is why I gave the law to Moses for the Israelites.
     So therefore My children, learn to realize the fact that laws are not necessarily bad unless they tend to be unjust, oppressive, and/or unreasonable. In most cases, what is bad is the breaking of laws, and no amount of compassion can make that right. There is indeed a purpose and a need for laws, and those who break them do not deserve to be rewarded for them. People who desire compassion for the lawbreakers, often forget the fact that there are legal ways to do anything without having to resort to breaking the law. If a person's compassion for those who break the law is sincere, then they should do something to help them out legally without compounding the problem. Some will say that laws are made to be broken, but such is the mindset of a person who does not know The Lord JESUS CHRIST. He or she who seeks to be a learner and a follower of JESUS CHRIST will respect the law as long as it is not a law against Me or holiness or righteousness. The only people who hate laws are those who tend to be lawbreakers at heart. May you therefore be a respecter of the law, even though certain laws may seem to lack compassion, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Language You Use

January 26, 2025

"The Language You Use"

     Today's subject is one that has become so natural to so many people, that it has become as natural as being able to talk. For some of you, it almost never happens, for others of you, it is a once in a while slip up, and then for others of you, it is as common and as natural as can be. It is also something that you never read about The Lord JESUS ever doing, no matter how angry or upset He got. This thing about which I am speaking today is the use of vulgar, disgusting, profane, indecent, and obscene language you hear coming from so many people these days. Many people tend to use this type of language when trying to make some type of dramatic point, or so they say. Others will use it as a way of trying to emphasize something in specific as if the bad language is going to help put an emphasis on something. Some will use it to bring attention to something that is seen, heard, or smelled. Some few people will also use it if they hurt themselves in some way. For people such as these, they have become so desensitized to hearing these types of words being spoken, that it does not seem to bother them at all.
     Therefore My darling children, pray that The Holy Spirit will help you put a watch over the words that proceed from your mouth. Pray too that The Holy Spirit will place a conviction in your heart when or if you do ever utter any vulgar, disgusting, profane, indecent, and obscene words again in your life. Even though I realize the fact that none of you are JESUS, you should at least be trying not to use the language that He would not use. Could you imagine The Lord JESUS talking and using some of the language that many of you use? The same mouth you use to praise JESUS and Me is the same mouth that speaks some of those nasty filthy words I hear coming from it. Try to be or become intelligent enough to where you can get your point across without having to resort to such nasty language. Too many people in this world have become so comfortable speaking and hearing such language that it does not even shock their Spirits anymore. They have become so desensitized to it all that such language is just another way of communicating with people. Just think, it is so common in fact, that it is used in different forms of media as well as in some songs, and oh how sad that is. May you be one of the few who can rise above such language and use some self-control, in JESUS' Most Holy and Precious Name.


Saturday, January 25, 2025

Always Choose JESUS

January 25, 2025

"Always Choose JESUS"

     Have you ever known people who seemed to be some of the sweetest, nicest, honest, most respectful, and loving people ever, yet they had no relationship at all with The Lord JESUS? And then there are those who did claim to be Christians, yet they were some of the meanest, nastiest, intolerant, and most unloving individuals around. Now of these two groups, which do you think would have the better chance of going to Heaven? Of course, one would naturally think that the ones in the first group would be the ones to go, but you would be wrong. Why? Because they did not know The Lord JESUS CHRIST as their Lord and Savior. Listen, My friends, the truth is, without knowing The Lord JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and Savior, there will be no chance of Heaven ever being your Home. One of the few exceptions would be if you have never heard of JESUS CHRIST and did not have a chance to make a choice. And actually, there is no absolute guarantee that everyone in the second group will be saved either because not everyone who says Lord Lord is truly a learner and a follower of JESUS CHRIST.
     Be mindful of the fact therefore that The Lord JESUS CHRIST Himself said that He is The Way and that no one comes to Me except for through Him. Now sure, there are a whole lot of decent, kind, loyal, loving, and wonderful people who will not know Heaven as Home because they did not choose to receive The Lord JESUS as their Lord and Savior. And I certainly cannot be blamed if they chose to not receive JESUS CHRIST on their own. It would be like if everyone found themselves on a sinking ship for example, and The Lord JESUS was The Life Boat for everyone who wanted to live and get on His boat. But now you cannot help, or be blamed, for those who just absolutely refused to get on and refused to leave the sinking ship. As I said before, many who think that they have chosen CHRIST JESUS but yet produce no fruit that shows that they have, will also be left out in the cold, so to speak. JESUS will have to say to many of them, depart from Me for I never knew you, and that will be because of the way they lived their life. Now may you be one who does produce good fruit, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Friday, January 24, 2025

You Cannot Please Everyone

January 24, 2025

"You Cannot Please Everyone"

     The quote about how you can please some of the people all of the time, and you can please all of the people some of the time, but you cannot please all the people all of the time, is very appropriate in this day and age. I begin with this today simply because I am seeing, and have seen people trying to please everyone at certain times, depending upon who they are,  and depending upon who they are trying to impress or persuade. There are those who have some good things to share with others, but not everyone will want to receive it. Such is the way it was in JESUS' day as well. There were those who received what He was saying to and teaching them, but also those who did not receive what He was trying to say at all. Now both groups had the chance to hear the very same message, yet each came away with different ideas of what He had said. That is one way how truth can be misinterpreted or misrepresented, which tends to occur often in this world. Sometimes it is by accident and other times it is on purpose, but in either case, damage can still be done.
     So what is the take away My children? Do not work so hard trying to please everyone because you never will be able to do so. Some people will reject what you have to say or try to do, for no other reason than the fact that it is you who are doing it. There will always be someone who will not accept you or what you have to say, and you will just have to see it as being their right to be and to remain ignorant. Why would I say it like that you ask? Because it is an ignorant and foolish individual who will not even take the time to listen before they decide if what someone is saying or doing is even worth it. Always remember that even after hearing The Lord JESUS speak, and seeing the miraculous things He did, there were still those who wanted to see Him be crucified. Do not be shocked therefore if certain people want to reject anything that you might have to say and/or do, and view you in the same way they did The Lord JESUS. May what you have to say be accepted and received by at least some of the people, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Learning to Use The Word of GOD

January 23, 2025

"Learning to Use The Word of GOD"

     With all of the evil forces that are at work in this world, it is a good thing to be able to quote My Word when needed, which is a Mighty Weapon against the evil forces. If one allows it to do so, evil and the forces behind it, which are usually satan or his demons, will turn a person's life upside down and inside out. In many instances, evil and its effects can bring a person to their knees and have them begging for mercy. The thing about evil is the fact that it can come disguised in many different forms. It can come disguised as a family member, pretending to want what is best for you, or as a close friend who claims that they have your best interest at heart. Evil can even come disguised as a stranger who will come right at you head-on, not caring about any harm that might happen to come towards you. In any case, without a weapon to quench the fiery darts of satan, his demons, or even any evil that might come against you, the battle will be almost impossible to win.
     So from this day forth oh child of Mine, prepare yourself by studying and knowing My Word and when and how to use It. Hebrews 4:12 says, (12) For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Also, Ephesians 6:10-12 says, (10) Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. (11) Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. (12) For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. And now finally My children, Ephesians 6:16-17 reads, (16) In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; (17) and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Our Infallible GOD

January 22, 2025

"Our Infallible GOD"

     Have you ever thought about how often some people tend to believe that they are smarter than Me, can do things better than Me, know more than I do, and sometimes even think that they are richer than Me? There are even those who believe that I made a mistake when I assigned them to a certain gender. What some people need to understand, is that oftentimes satan or his demons will know even more about certain people than the person knows about themselves, and it is usually because they are excellent listeners, which is their specialty. There is a power in the words people speak, and many people do not either believe or understand that fact. Many of these people in fact who believe that they are so much smarter, can do things better, who knows more, or who even think that they are richer than Me, have often been influenced by satan or his demons. This is also part of the problem when certain people think that, IAlmighty Jehovah make mistakes.
     So the next time you hear someone make some silly remark about maybe being smarter, knowing more, or even thinking that they are richer than Me, just pray for them because they may have been influenced by satan or his demons to think that way. Remember, satan dared to believe that he was able to take My place, which is why he was cast out of Heaven. Now of course, one who is truly a child of Mine cannot be possessed, but they can definitely be influenced or harassed by satan or his demons which does happen sometimes. Read the verse in 1 Corinthians 1:25 that says, (25) For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. Or as it says in 1 Corinthians 2:14, (14) The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. And then again in 1 Corinthians 3:19, (19) For the wisdom of this world is folly with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their craftiness.So do not be deceived My children because I will not be mocked. Now blessed are you who knows that your GOD is infallible, in JESUS' Most Precious and Blessed Name.


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Beauty of Patience

January 21, 2025

"The Beauty of Patience"

     Most people have heard the saying, good things come to those who wait, and that saying does have some validity. All it really means is that patience can be very helpful when it comes to certain things in life, and wise are those who learn to use it. In this world today, people are always desiring immediate action and wanting instant results no matter what the situation might be. There are those who get so impatient at times that their plans often go astray, and that is what impatience does to a person. An impatient person is also a person who is difficult to trust because it is difficult for them to be patient. Waiting on something also takes a strength that an impatient person just does not seem to have, and that is one of the reasons why the art of patience should not be taken for granted.
     Therefore My child, let Me say that you are very blessed indeed if you have learned how to be patient. It is indeed somewhat true that good things do come to those who are patient because it gives Me more time to plan what I want to do in their life without them getting in My way. And yes, men and women do very often get in My way by trying to do and handle certain things in their own way. It is just a good thing that I already knew they would do this and have made plans accordingly. So very often in life, patience is its own reward of sorts, simply because many mishaps, accidents, disasters, and such have been avoided because someone has learned to be patient. Patience is also akin to longsuffering and self-control which are parts of the fruits of the Spirit. And lest anyone forget, I too am a patient GOD, and I have to so that I will be able to put up with all that I have to, from and with mankind. So then patience in a person's life is a wonderful thing, and blessed are they who possess it, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Monday, January 20, 2025

What Did JESUS Do for You?

January 20, 2025

"What Did JESUS Do for You?

     To truly know The Lord JESUS CHRIST is to love Him unless you are inclined to lean towards evil and/or some form of demon possession. If you have ever read My Word, it is apparent that those who resented The Lord JESUS the most were the so-called religious leaders of His day, and of course, the evil spirits and demons who knew Who JESUS CHRIST really was. The sad thing about it all was the fact that demons recognized JESUS as My Begotten Son, but those who were supposed to be among the chosen ones did not even recognize Him as such. They were too blind and so consumed with jealousy, until they could not receive Him for Who He was and is. JESUS CHRIST came to lay down His life for people who would scorn Him, ridicule Him, spit on and abuse Him, and who would finally scream for His crucifixion. They were so misguided and misled in fact, that the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitudes that they should ask for Barabbas and destroy JESUS. 
     Now listen My children, if not for the sacrifice that The Lord JESUS made, most of you would be headed for hell. JESUS CHRIST gave anyone who would receive Him as Lord and Savior the opportunity to receive eternal life. He allowed those who were Gentiles an opportunity to become children of Mine by being grafted into the Vine, Who is The Lord JESUS. JESUS CHRIST washed away the sins of mankind with His shed blood, allowing all those who repented of their sins and who asked forgiveness to become children of Mine in Him. And when you think about what He had to suffer and endure on your behalf, you would have to be a cold-hearted individual to not appreciate and give thanks for all that He has done. Oh, I realize there are many among you who still do not accept Him and what He did to this day, but such people had better hope that they do not die before they have a chance to receive Him as their Lord and Savior, or else hell's fire will be their destination. So may you have been wise enough to receive Him as Lord and Savior, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Sunday, January 19, 2025

Do You Love JESUS?

January 19, 2025

"Do You Love JESUS?"

     Some people will become highly upset with you for questioning their love of or for The Lord JESUS CHRIST. But now let Me ask you this about what JESUS said in Matthew 10:37-38, (37) He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. (38) And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He also said in John 14:15, If you love Me, keep My commandments. Or in John 14:21 He said, (21) He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him. On the other hand, He said in John 14:24, He who does not love Me does not keep My Words; and the Word which you hear is not Mine, but The Father's who sent Me. As far as The Lord JESUS is concerned, love is truly the most important thing, especially when it comes to loving Him. He has also made it clear that because you choose to love Him, The Father will love you as well.
     Therefore children of Mine, your love for The Lord JESUS CHRIST should be first and foremost in your life. He did not say that you could not love anyone else, just that you should love no one else more than Him. You should never choose anything or anyone else over JESUS, even if you have been given an ultimatum by someone. And if you are one who tends to never want to listen to or follow The Lord JESUS's instructions, or do not care to obey any of His Words, then how can you seriously claim to love Him? Do not be angry with those who will only see you doing and saying things that The Lord JESUS would never think of doing or saying. Many people tend to feel that they are saved simply because they have recited a few words, but they never really had anything to do with The Lord JESUS past that point. To love JESUS CHRIST is to want to spend time getting to know and obey Him, which is what more people need to do. Now may JESUS CHRIST be first and foremost in your life, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.