Wednesday, October 16, 2024

To Be Spiritually Free

October 16, 2024

"To Be Spiritually Free"

     When you are aware that something is Spiritually bad or wrong, and if you just keep on doing whatever it is, there are some questions that you might need to ask yourself. You might need to ask yourself if it is possible that you just do not care what My Word says when it comes to sin? Just ask yourself if you even want to be a learner and a follower of The Lord JESUS CHRIST, or are you just pretending in order to fit in or impress some other people? Ask yourself if the thing you cannot stop doing has become an addiction for you? And if you do decide that you have an addiction, your next question is do you want help getting free from it? Something else to ask yourself would be, are you even serious about your love for The Lord JESUS CHRIST and are you truly willing to let Him be The Lord and Savior of your life? You see, it is one thing to run around proclaiming to be a Christian, and another whole thing to be willing to live as one. Can anyone tell that you are a Christian by the fruit you produce, or do you look no different from those who are in the world?
     Now listen My precious ones, this spiritual life that many of you claim to want is not a game to be played as some people might believe. The Lord JESUS did not suffer and die on the cross so that you could keep right on enjoying sinning without any consequences for doing so. It is My desire to see a whole army of victorious Christians who have been delivered from the penalty of sin and death. I do realize that to most human beings, sin is so sweet and so satisfying, but it cannot compare to the satisfying sweetness of one who has completely given their life to JESUS CHRIST. I know that most of you cannot imagine that to be true, but once the blood of JESUS CHRIST has cleansed you, there is nothing that feels better than that. That is not to say that you will not have any more problems in your life, but it does mean that you will not have to face those problems alone any longer. So bless those of you who will leave the dark side and come on over to the Light side, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.