Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Being Thankful in All Things

October 15, 2024

"Being Thankful in All Things"

     More than ever, these days, people are seeing just how quickly and easy it is to lose most of or everything for which they might have worked for their whole life. It is also a good time to remember that no matter what, The Lord JESUS CHRIST and I will never leave nor forsake you, even during your darkest times. This is also a good thing to remember when it seems that everything is seemingly going against you in life, We are still right there with you. It is also good to live each day as if it just might be your last day here on this earth. People who have learned to live life this way, have also learned to just let the little things in life that used to bother, irritate, and/or annoy them to just let them go and be bothered no more by such things. All too often in this world as well, people allow themselves to become all upset over things that do not really matter that much in the grand scheme of things. Some people have learned, that by being thankful in everything, is the best way to live life.
     So then My children in CHRIST, if you are one who has not yet learned to be thankful in all things, then maybe you had better stop and reconsider the way you are living life. First, stop and give thanks for yet another day, even if it is turning out not to be the best of days, there is still the opportunity to make what is left of the day better. Do not be a person who just whines and complains about every little thing, not realizing that everything you think you own could be gone in the twinkling of an eye. Too many people tend to take things for granted when they should be giving thanks for life itself. There is always a chance for things to get better if you will only keep the faith. Be the type of person who can appreciate being in CHRIST JESUS and having JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and Savior. Learn to appreciate the fact that you have been blessed no matter how little you might think it is because someone somewhere has less than you do. Now may good things be to you who have learned the act of appreciation, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.