Monday, October 14, 2024

Putting JESUS CHRIST First in Your Life

October 14, 2024

"Putting JESUS CHRIST First
in Your Life"

     This can be a difficult thing to hear for most people, but there is nothing or no one who should ever be as important to you as The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Some people do tend to find this a difficult thing to digest, because they love, are in love with, and/or deeply care for or about other people, places, and/or things. What people need to understand is this: when CHRIST JESUS is put first in your life, then everyone and everything else will just naturally seem to fall into place. The love you have for everyone and/or everything else will just be enhanced even more. How is that possible someone might ask? Well, it is because when JESUS CHRIST is put first as He should be, then I am The One Who will work to set everything else in order. Much too often in this world and in many lives, The Lord JESUS is often treated as a second-class citizen, if He is noticed at all. As most of you know, those who often come first are mother, father, brother, sister, grandparents, cousins, or even some pets, and this indeed is out of order and is not right. 
     Now listen to Me, My children, I realize that this has been a somewhat difficult thing to hear, but there is no better time than the present to hear it before it is too late. What needs to be understood is that I am not saying that all those people mentioned before should not be loved, just that JESUS CHRIST should be first and foremost in a person's life. JESUS CHRIST Himself tried to tell people that unless they were willing to let everything else go they could not follow Him. That can be difficult to imagine for many of you I know, but until you do it, you will never know how great and how liberating it all can be. There is a spiritual freedom that comes from putting JESUS CHRIST first in your life. Let Me ask you; is it too much to ask any of you who have not put JESUS CHRIST first yet, to do so considering all that He has done for you? Also, remember that He first loved each of you enough to suffer and die for your sins so that you could have eternal life through Him. Now may you be one who puts JESUS CHRIST first in your life, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.