Sunday, October 13, 2024

Putting the Old Self Away

October 13, 2024

"Putting the Old Self Away"

     With all of the violence that many children are seeing these days, no one should really be surprised to see how good some of these children are at being violent themselves. Also, judging by the foul language that comes from the mouths of some people, there should not be much of a surprise about the foul and obscene language that comes out of the mouths of some children. Some people mistakenly celebrate these things as if The Lord JESUS and I should also be proud of them, but oh how wrong they would be. The sad thing is, this stuff tends to be getting worse and not better with each passing generation. Please do not let Me get started with all of the sexual sins that are being committed, and a lot of it is being influenced by television and the movies, and sometimes even certain songs. Is it any wonder that so many young people are so confused these days about what is right or wrong judging by the examples being set by the adults in society? Also, let Me ask you this; I created them, male and female, so why are there so many other genders in this world?
     Yes, I know My children that I have mentioned these things before, but like anything else of importance, it all bears repeating. There are certain things that concern Me simply because I do not like seeing the direction in which the world is headed. Sure, there is a lot that I can do on My part to fix the problem, but I do not want to have to resort to such remedies. The One Person Who is really needed today is a serious relationship to, in, and with The Lord JESUS CHRIST. I am not talking about just knowing Who JESUS is, but rather a true and loving relationship to, in, and with The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Now those who are really serious about their relationship to, in, and with The Lord JESUS, will be bothered by such things as foul and obscene language because it should make CHRIST in them feel uncomfortable. The same goes when it comes to sexual immorality, lying, cheating, stealing, murder, gender confusion, and gender reassignment as well. Remember  these words from 1Peter 1:14-16 14 as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; 15 but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” To be in and with a serious relationship with JESUS CHRIST is to put CHRIST JESUS first in your life. When He is first, there is no room for those things that are not good, and that is what the child of GOD must come to understand. Now may you think differently about your life, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.