Saturday, October 12, 2024

Just Trying to Be Helpful

October 12, 2024

"Just Trying to Be Helpful"

     Does anyone not believe that people had problems in the days when JESUS CHRIST was on earth as compared to now? Well, let Me tell you this one thing: nothing has changed since those days, meaning that people had problems then just as they do today. The lesson that I want you to take away from Me asking this question is The Lord JESUS was never really nosy when it came to a person's personal business. Now of course He already knew what a person's problems were, but even so, He was not One to just butt into other people's business unless they asked. People were always sure to go to Him if needed, and He always took the time to listen to people and to try to do for them what they wanted or desired. When needed, He would either fix the problem directly or else He would reach out to His Father for something to be fixed and/or a prayer to be answered.
     Therefore, My beloveds, even though you might sometimes feel the need to be involved or be nosy, just learn to wait until you are invited into the situation before injecting your two cents. Oftentimes people become nosy and butt into things when they have no reason to do so at all. Or, they become nosy and butt in when they do not have or know the whole story about something. Sometimes people just need a little help and sometimes they might need a lot, but leave that up to them to decide. At any rate, it is better to know what kind of help is needed before you go sticking your nose where it does not belong. There are of course those who are either too afraid or too proud to even ask for help, in which case it is one of those rare times when you have permission to become a little nosy or inquisitive. If you do find yourself in such a situation, try not to embarrass anyone when inquiring about their situation. Remember now, your job as a follower of CHRIST JESUS is to try and be helpful and not nosy, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.