Friday, October 11, 2024

Live Free My Children

October 11, 2024

"Live Free My Children"

     If you take note of some people today, a lot of them just love to hang on to certain emotions that tend to cause them hurt and pain, and it oftentimes lasts longer than it should be. Time and again I have seen and heard people just brimming over with anger, hate, and bitterness, and usually over something that those who they are angry with have long forgotten. The thing that many of those who are tied up with this anger, hate, bitterness, and such do not realize is that they are only binding themselves up more times than not. I have indeed seen so many cases of people becoming slaves to those emotions, that they have a difficult time moving on in life. Also, many times, if they do happen to move on, whatever has gotten them upset is always in the back of their minds, so they are still not completely free or satisfied. As many of you are aware as well, there are people who do not need much of a reason to go down the road to anger, hate, bitterness, and such, and all it does is tend to poison the person who does not forgive inside and out.
     Therefore, what is the remedy or solution one might ask? Well, the answer, as in many cases, is the act of forgiveness. Have any of you ever noticed just how much energy goes into being upset, angry, hateful, and being bitter? That can and often is very exhausting. Have you ever noticed how someone you might be angry with might not even realize that you are so angry with them, and frankly they do not seem to care? Such people will many times just continue doing what they were doing without even giving the person angry with them a second thought. There is a freedom that comes with forgiveness which can be difficult for a lot of people to understand. Just think of it as, since my GOD is a forgiving GOD in CHRIST JESUS, then that places me who forgives close to them. It also keeps the forgiver from becoming all tied up in those unhealthy emotions. I love to see people live their lives free from bondages such as anger, hate, bitterness, and such. Now may you be free from such bondages, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.