Thursday, October 10, 2024

Being Serious About Salvation

October 10, 2024

"Being Serious About Salvation"

     Many people just do not realize the seriousness of what The Lord JESUS did when He allowed Himself to be crucified. Some people tend to think that it was some sort of joke, which is the most ignorant thing anyone could think. He did not suffer for the sins of mankind, only so that people could keep sinning without even trying to change the way they live. Just think, how does someone say that they repent of their sins one minute, only to keep on sinning the next minute with no remorse at all. Much too often I hear people say a few words of asking The Lord JESUS to forgive of them of their sins, but their hearts are not in it at all. Many are just caught up in the moment so to speak, without any real intention of taking things any further with their relationship to JESUS CHRIST. Some people will just repeat the sinner's prayer trying to impress someone else without any intention of ever changing from what they have been doing. And of course, some people tend to believe that a loving GOD such as I will never send anyone to hell even if they do not change, but that is not the way it works.
     Oh My children My children, the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of The Lord JESUS CHRIST was not a joke, and so sad for those who seem to think that it was. Remember, I know the hearts of each and every individual, which means that I cannot and will not be deceived. Those who are truly serious about their repentance will at least try to put an end to whatever their sin was as they draw their strength from The Lord JESUS in order to overcome it. You just have to question the sincerity of those who do not even try to give their sin to The Lord JESUS and allow Him to help them overcome whatever it is. I want each of you to realize that it is not My will that any human being should have to go to hell, but mankind will manage to send themselves to hell by rejecting The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Now may you be one who does take what CHRIST JESUS did seriously, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.