Wednesday, October 09, 2024

To Forgive Like JESUS

October 09, 2024

"To Forgive Like JESUS"

     How many of you have ever thought about the fact that even with all of your imperfections and shortcomings, The Lord JESUS CHRIST still decided to lay down His life as a ransom for many. JESUS CHRIST did not wait for any of you to clean up or to become perfect, He just laid down His life before any of you could do anything to be accepted by Him, which of course none of you could have done anyway. He also laid down His life knowing that many of you would reject Him, deny Him, insult Him, and/or even treat Him in ways other than how He should be treated, which is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is The Alpha and The Omega, the beginning and the end. JESUS CHRIST was and is The Holy Lamb of GOD Who takes away the sins of the world. He is The Word Who is and Who was with GOD in the beginning. And yes He is so much more of course, but even so, He laid down His life for a people who could not care less about Him.
     Now I have said these things to ask all of you, can you just extend a little courtesy to those around you who are not as wonderful and as perfect as you might be? Oh, I realize that most of you have never, and will never do anything for which you might need to ask forgiveness, but for the sake of those who do need to ask forgiveness for something, will you try to forgive them? I also realize that The Lord JESUS did not have to lay down His life for some of you, but for others of you, let freedom ring as far as setting you free from that sinful nature of yours. Many among you need to learn to forgive others just as CHRIST JESUS has forgiven so many of you. Some people do make mistakes sometimes, and they should not always be punished for life for making those mistakes. Learn therefore to be a learner and a follower of JESUS CHRIST in every way possible, and blessed you will be for so doing, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.