Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Love and Do Not Hate

October 02, 2024

"Love and Do Not Hate"

     It does seem sometimes that the more people The Holy Spirit tends to draw to The Lord JESUS CHRIST, the busier satan becomes as well. The more love I try to implement into the world the more hate satan tries to instigate. What can be truly sad is when people claim to be Christians, but yet their hearts are filled with so much hatred for others. And even sadder than that, is how after all these many years of progress between the races, there are those on every side who want to hang on to that racial hate as if this type of confusion is going to be allowed in Heaven. I have said time and time again that there is no separation of the races in Heaven, and as a matter of fact, race is not even mentioned here in Heaven. Also, if race is such a big thing for and to any of you, you might want to think again if Heaven is even for you. Race has turned out to be a tool that satan has used to keep people at each other's throats and to cause confusion, and there are many today who are very good at doing his will. Just think, if that is the way I really wanted things to be, The Lord JESUS would have come to save only one certain race, but He chose to save whoever would believe.
     So now listen to Me, My beloveds, do not be a person who is so filled with such things as hate, evilness, racism, and such, because that will only serve to glorify satan and his ilk. Now remember these words, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength, and you shall love your neighbor as yourself, that is what glorifies Me. Much too often in this world, people tend to allow selfishness and what is good for those who are closest to them to rule their hearts,  which is not loving thy neighbor as thyself at all. As many of you are aware, there are those who just love to play the victim even when there is so much evidence to the contrary. There is one thing that I do abhor, and that is the person who loves to stir up trouble for trouble's sake, which again is what satan loves to do. Now may you be one who will learn to be a lover and not a hater, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.