Tuesday, October 01, 2024

The Power of Self-Control

October 01, 2024

"The Power of Self-Control"

     Believe it or not My children, I still have a little more to say about the subject of abortion that I began yesterday. I see that I upset many people yesterday because of what I said. Still, I could not care less that your feelings were hurt, because life is more important to Me than any of your hurt feelings, especially when it comes to the little ones who cannot defend themselves. As I mentioned yesterday, only a tiny amount of people are so uninformed and ignorant as to not know how children are created. Therefore, knowing how children are formed, people need only show some self-control if they do not want to be responsible for bringing a life into this world just to murder them. And in those comparatively few cases where a pregnancy is the result of forcible rape and/or incest, it should be noted that the unborn child is not the one responsible for what has occurred. Even when such a life is the result of such a violent act, the fact still remains that I allowed a life to be created, did I not?
     Now think about this My children, do you believe that every one of you were a planned pregnancy at the time you were conceived and born? And do you believe that every one of you was conceived in a loving and unforced pregnancy? Have you ever heard the words,  but as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good? One of My specialties is turning around that which was meant for evil into that which is good, and I will do it every time that I am given the chance to do so. Too often in this world, people tend to behave as if they have no self-control whatsoever, but so many people have also proven that to be untrue. Contrary to popular belief, you are not a bunch of mindless animals being unable to control yourselves. If you were to watch the movies and/or television, you would think that there was no such thing as self-control, but that is a lie from the pit of hell. Give some thought to what has been said in these last two messages, therefore, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.