Monday, September 30, 2024

Who Are You Worshipping?

September 30, 2024

"Who Are You Worshipping?"

     Let Me say this first of all, I, Almighty Jehovah, am going to say something that is probably going to offend a whole lot of you, but I am beyond caring about your hurt feelings. As anyone who is familiar with Me and Who I am should know, I am more into righteousness, truth, purity, and holiness than I am in someone's hurt feelings. If I would have been so concerned about hurt feelings, I would never have given Moses The Ten Commandments to be given to the people. I also would never have chosen some of the people I did choose to do great and wonderful things in this world. Many of you are worshipping satan and death without really realizing it. So you do not believe Me? Well, who is it that comes to steal, kill, and destroy according to My Word but satan? Now here is the hard reality, those who worship at the altar of abortion, are worshipping satan without realizing it. The Lord JESUS came to give life and not death, but so many of you are determined to worship the killing of babies, and it is a shame that the killing of babies is such a priority in so many of your lives. I am not saying that you cannot or will not be forgiven for the killing of babies, but when you worship at a certain altar time and time again, which altar do you think is more important to you? Such people might as well be holding a sign saying; I want my right to kill babies, and you have nothing to say about it. I bless people with a baby and they kill it, and that is something I am seeing time and time again, and the really sad thing is, some people tend to have little to no conscience about doing it at all.
     So now listen to Me, My beloveds, this is indeed a difficult thing for many of you to hear, but there will be no more glossing over something that is so tragic as taking the life of a baby. Oh I know there are many of you who try to make it less tragic by calling the baby a fetus, but just give that fetus a chance to grow and develop and see what the fetus becomes. Just think, at one time or another, every single one of you was a fetus, and look at you now. Oh, I know that a lot of people just love to try and muddy the waters by coming up with certain exceptions, but now really, how often are those exceptions occurring? Most people in general are just afraid of hurting someone's feelings, but what about the feelings of the one who is being murdered? Or do you not believe that he or she feels anything? Are there any among you really that callous as to believe such a thing? Most people are aware of how life is created between a man and a woman, so the best way to prevent having to murder a baby is to not do what it takes to make one. And this lame excuse about it being "my body", well once a life is created, it is no longer "my body", it then becomes "our body". Oh, I hear it now, GOD would not be so mean as to say these things, but oh, you think that I would be so nice as to say just let another million babies be murdered because of selfishness. Remember again who it is that comes to steal, kill, and destroy, and decide if you love worshipping him or Me. Now may this message open the eyes and touch the heart of at least one person, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.