Sunday, September 29, 2024

Taking A Stand for CHRIST

September 29, 2024

"Taking A Stand for CHRIST"

     It is truly a sad thing when people are afraid to take a stand for righteousness, honesty, and purity, all because of the fear of making some people in the world angry and upset. Those who see truth as truth and lies as lies are able to walk in the footsteps of The One Who gave His life for theirs. Much too often these days, people have become fearful of saying certain things, thinking that they will no longer be liked by others when that really should not matter to them at all. That is the type of thing that little children concern themselves with, and no adult should see themselves as being that childlike. Now those who know without a doubt that they are in the right on certain issues, should be able to stand tall no matter what anyone might think of you. I see way too much knuckling-under happening all because someone has taken the opposite view on an issue, but when you know that you are right, then just stand by your convictions no matter what anyone might think or say.
     Therefore My beloveds, learn to be bold in your walk with The Lord JESUS CHRIST realizing that there will be those who will no longer want to be affiliated with you because of your love for CHRIST JESUS. Know too that there will be those who will say that they love JESUS, but their friendship with the world will always seem to come first. The love for JESUS, for such people, will be a love of convenience, of sorts, because of not wanting to upset those who are of the world. Such are the types of people who will willingly or unknowingly take the mark of the beast in the end times for fear of upsetting those of the world. When you are able to stand on the truth of Who JESUS CHRIST is no matter what the consequences are that you have to face, then you can say that you are indeed a learner and a follower of The Lord JESUS CHRIST. I will see to it that you are blessed because you have not turned your back on CHRIST JESUS, and a sure blessing you will be for standing strong, in His Most Precious and Holy Name.