Saturday, September 28, 2024

You Cannot Put GOD in A Box

September 28, 2024

"You Cannot Put GOD in A Box"

     When I think of how some people think about Me, I have to say that they should stop trying to put Me in their little old manmade box because I will never fit. So many times people will say what I will and will not do, who I will and will not use, who I will and will not save, or even who I will allow to live or will not allow to live. As many of you know, there are people that I have chosen to do and/or be certain things in this life, that if man would have chosen, those whom I have decided to choose would not have even made the cut, so to speak. There are some people that I choose to convey My messages in one way, and certain other people I will choose to convey My messages in a completely different way. Again, some of these people would not have been chosen by anyone who knows them either. Mankind can be so amusing as far as how and what they think of Me, especially those who think that they have Me all figured out, but they really do not.
     Now from this day forth My children, recognize the fact that your Heavenly Father can never and will never fit into any box that any of your minds are capable of conceiving. My ways are definitely not your ways, and My thoughts are seriously higher than any of your thoughts. I can take the weakest, most feeble, most mentally challenged among you and turn you into superstars, and it all can be done in the twinkling of an eye. I often grow weary of people saying what their GOD will and will not do, as if they are by My side 24 hours a day. The Lord JESUS CHRIST is The Only One Who knows Me with such accuracy, but there are even some things that He does not know. I will say this, life is much bigger than some of the little ponds in which some of you swim, and blessed are you who realize that fact. That is why the wisest thing that anyone can do, is to hand the keys of their life over to The Lord JESUS CHRIST, and blessed they will forever be for so doing, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.