Friday, September 27, 2024

GOD's Thoughts About the Upcoming Election

September 27, 2024

"GOD's Thoughts About the 
Upcoming Election"

     As many of you have read and/or heard, if a certain person was to win the upcoming Presidential election, some people have vowed to do all sorts of things. Have you, who still have control of your senses, ever heard of anything so silly? Some people are talking about committing suicide, some are saying that they will leave the Country, and some others have vowed to do something else, and all because a certain person might win an election. Well now, My question to such people is, what if it is My will for that certain individual to win the election? Oh yes, some of you are saying that I would never allow such a thing to happen, but how do you know? Do those of you who think that I would not allow it to happen believe that you know better than I do who would be the best choice to run this Country? Some of you are wondering why I would even be concerned about such things, and it is because it involves My children and who I might want to be in leadership over them.
     Therefore, all I have to say to those of you who are so shallow as to make threats to leave, kill yourselves, or do whatever else you have vowed to do, is that you should pray that I might have mercy on your precious little souls. Now look, if The Lord JESUS does not return before then, you will have a chance to make a different choice in four more years. People tend to get all worked up over the temporal things in life when they should be concentrating on the eternal things of life. And who knows, The Lord JESUS just might come back any day now, and all of this will not have meant a thing. Also, if He does not come back soon, He and I will ultimately be in control of everything anyway, so learn to just relax and not get so wound up about these things. Know this, JESUS CHRIST is still King of Kings and Lord of Lords, no matter what this world's system thinks. I do hear the prayers of My faithful ones, and I will certainly do My best to answer them in the affirmative. So now may the best man or woman win in the upcoming election, in JESUS' Most Holy and Precious Name.