Thursday, September 26, 2024

Do You Really Care?

September 26, 2024

"Do You Really Care?"

     Some people walk around claiming just how much they love The Lord JESUS and Me, yet they refuse to obey what We have asked them to do. And yes, some people claim that The Lord JESUS CHRIST is their Lord and Savior, but seldom if ever do they behave as if He is their Lord. Time and time again I have tried to speak to some people's hearts, only to be ignored in favor of them doing their own thing. There is a lot of trouble that some people could have avoided if only they would have taken the time to listen to what I was trying to say to them. Yes, I know that many people claim that they cannot hear Me when I am speaking to them, but could it be that either I am being drowned out by the noise of the world that surrounds them, or is it that they just have not taken the time to really listen to Me? There are in fact some people who do not even try to hear from Me, for fear of thinking that they will hear what they would rather not hear coming from Me.
     Okay now children of Mine in CHRIST, get this, I only want what is best for each of you and nothing else. Whatever I might ask of you will be to help you and not to hurt you. If I ask you to do something, be something, or go somewhere, it will only be because I love you. One of the things that people need to learn to do is to trust Me and The Lord JESUS in and through all things and at all times. If JESUS CHRIST is truly your Lord and Savior, then let Him be first in your life, and determine in your heart that you are going to listen to Him and obey what He has said. The same goes for Me as well. And for those of you who want to pretend that He has not said anything, just take the time to read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John along with most of the New Testament for a start. Loving Us is more than just occupying a seat in Church on Sundays, it also includes spending time with Us during other times through the week as well. Remember, I loved each of you so much that I gave My Only Begotten Son,  that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life, and may none of you forget it.