Saturday, October 05, 2024

The Beauty Within

October 05, 2024

"The Beauty Within"

     Some people who the world thinks of as being so striking and beautiful, and also think that they are so intelligent, are seen as being the opposite in the eyes of JESUS CHRIST and Myself. Some of you might wonder why that is the case when no one else really sees them that way. Well listen, it is because We are able to see beyond just the outward physical appearance of a person to what is on the inside of an individual. Where those in the world might see beauty, We see the ugliness because of the evil lurking within the person. There is also the heart that is filled with such nastiness as hatred, bitterness, and unforgiveness, which are all things that subtract from someone being seen as beautiful to Us. And when it comes to someone being considered to be intelligent, an intelligent human being would know better than to allow such filth into their lives. Wise therefore is the person who can see evilness, hatred, bitterness, and such for the evils that they are and put them out of their lives.
     Therefore My children, as a child of The Living GOD, let your true beauty and intelligence be seen first inwardly and then outwardly. We can see the beauty of the inner self and are then able to celebrate it as much as you wish to do so. Remember that as a child of Mine in CHRIST, you should let your light so shine that you glorify your Father Who is in Heaven. Always remember that if it is Us you are desiring to impress, let if begin with the inside first. Some of you might not be seen as beautiful by those who are in the world, but you truly are a beauty in Our eyes. It is so nice to see a heart that is pure, holy, honest, and devoid of hate and bitterness. Now may you who are Mine in CHRIST, be led by wisdom and love, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.