Sunday, October 06, 2024

Give Thanks Always

October 06, 2024

"Give Thanks Always"

     Being that one of the easiest things a person can do in this life is to complain, it stands to reason that one the most difficult things there is to do is to give or be thankful. When one wants to complain, it can be for any reason whatsoever, and at any time things do not go according to plans. Being mature enough to accept when things do not work out as planned, is difficult for someone who does not realize or understand the fact that the world does not revolve around them and their wants and desires. It would be shocking to most people if they were able to see just how much they have been protected from in their life by something not going their way, and all they did was to complain about whatever it was that did not go their way. To know that We are here protecting, or at least trying to protect those of you who are Mine, should be seen as a blessed thing when most of the time it is not.
     Now try to remember these words of Paul My children from 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Give thanks My children for being able to see another day this morning, because many did not do so. If you happen to be mostly healthy, then give thanks for your health, because many people are not. Did you happen to go to sleep with a roof over your head, then give thanks for that as well. Are you blessed enough to have had food to eat, clean water to drink, and clothes to wear, then try to give thanks for that? If you have a job and do not have to beg for sustenance, then in the Name of JESUS My child, give thanks. Instead of looking for things about which to complain, begin to look for things for which you can be thankful. Just take a little time to look outside of yourself and your little world, and you will see people who really could have a lot about which to complain, but they are busy being thankful. Yes, My children, I realize that many people tend to face all kinds of tragedies in life, but with Us on their side, these things shall indeed pass. Even when it might be the hardest thing to do sometimes My beloveds, give thanks, and not because of what has gone wrong, but because JESUS CHRIST and I are on your side every step of the way, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.