Monday, October 07, 2024

The Desire to Set People Free

October 07, 2024

The Desire to Set People Free"

     There will be times in this life when you might make all of the sense possible with some people, yet they will look at you as if you are speaking some foreign language. Lest anyone forget, The Lord Jesus also came to earth making sense, but yet people had a difficult time understanding what He was trying to convey to them as well. There will be those who will have ears to hear but not hear, eyes to see but yet not see, and the ability to understand yet not understand, all that is being said and/or taught. There will be times when some people can be so set on seeing things one particular way, that they become blind and deaf to being able to not understand anything any other way. I have seen and have heard some of you trying to enlighten other people about certain things, but your efforts have fallen on deaf ears and blind eyes, with people who do not want to understand at all. Trying to get through to them is like talking to that old proverbial brick wall.
     Now know this, My beloved, there will be those who, for whatever reason, will just not hear nor see nor understand whatever it is that you are trying to convey to them. I realize that it can be very frustrating at times, but never give up praying for these people. Remember that love is patient and kind, which is what is most often needed with individuals such as these. Also, keep in mind that from their perspective, you are the one with the problem of hearing, seeing, and understanding. Sometimes you just have to let certain events unfold before they are able to hear, see, and understand what you have been trying to convey to them all along. This can indeed be a problem if those who have this problem are members of your own family, in which case, do not feel bad, because even JESUS CHRIST had that problem at first with His earthly family. It would be so nice if you could just get through to people right away, but that is not always the case. Remember to add them to your prayers and pray that they be set free from the spirit of ignorance, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.