Friday, October 04, 2024

When Deciding for Whom to Vote

October 04, 2024

"When Deciding for Whom
to Vote"

     Well hello there My children, I am sure that most of you are truly happy that this present political season is almost over, and so am I. The thing that JESUS and I can see that none of you can see, is just how evil, wicked, scheming, and lying some of the hearts in these politicians truly are. Also, what many of you also cannot see is the fact that many of these politicians have no conscience, and that is sad indeed, all they want is to win. Now of course these are not the attributes of every politician, but it is in enough of them to keep them from making any measurable progress for the people in general. As I have often mentioned before, politics is one of the nastiest professions there is around, and it is only because it is filled with so many selfish individuals who are only out to enrich themselves, and that is the deal on either side of the aisle. I have also mentioned that those who get into politics for the right reasons and with pure intentions are often deterred by the love of money and other unscrupulous individuals, even as they seek to do good for the people.
     Be happy, therefore, that this political season is almost over, at least until the next election rolls around. I realize that it can be difficult sometimes to separate fact from fiction, especially when it is coming from the mouth of a politician. It seems that all you can do anymore is to cast your vote for the lesser of two evils, but there is one more thing that can help you in your decision. One of the ways is to decide which political party and/or leaders are standing closest to the way that My Word reads, for there is no higher authority on anything than My Word. And sure, neither side might line up exactly with My Word, but one side is usually closer than the other side. Sure, most politicians will try to say what people want to hear in order to get elected, but if a person already has a record and has kept their promise while in there, and if it lines up with My Word, then that might be the one for whom you should vote. Be wise in making your decision therefore as to whom you should vote for, because satan will also have his people involved in the voting box as well. Now may there be good results in this voting season for all of you who are Mine, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.