Friday, October 18, 2024

Stop Making Promises

October 18, 2024

"Stop Making Promises"

     As some of you have heard, some people tend to make promises right and left, most of them with good intentions and some of them not. My Word cautions against making promises because no one but Me knows what tomorrow will bring. My Word has also said to let your yes be yes and your no be no. People will very often make promises they really have no intention of keeping, which is unfair to the person expecting the promise to be kept. It is often the time to put an end to trying to keep a promise that one knows they cannot keep. It has become so easy for some people to make a promise and nearly impossible to keep one, which is why your yes should be yes and your no should be no. Promises are easily made and are just as easily broken, even if a person has no intention of doing so. Some people prefer to live a life of uncertainty rather than to go around making promises they might not be able to keep which could be a good thing.
     So from this day forth My children, let your yes be yes and your no be no. Do not be so quick to make promises to people because you never know what the next minute might bring. It is better to say, if The Lord is willing you will do such and such instead of making promises that you cannot keep. Some people have tried to be a promise keeper to others when it was somewhat difficult to do, all because they were unable to see what was coming right at them. The Lord JESUS CHRIST and I are the True Promise Keepers, and blessed are those of you who realize that fact. People will sometimes make promises in order to try and appease someone, but no one should ever be placed in that position, which of course they often bring upon themselves. Now for as long as you live, try not to make any more promises, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.