Saturday, October 19, 2024

Learning to Be A Forgiver

October 19, 2024

"Learning to Be A Forgiver"

     As difficult as it is to do sometimes, it is imperative that one learns how to forgive those who have wronged them. It does not matter how badly you might think that you were wronged, forgiveness must be in the picture. There are those who will allow themselves to be consumed by an unforgiving fire, of sorts, never even bothering to think about how much We have forgiven them through the years. Yes, it is so easy to hold something over the heads of those who you do not want to forgive while thinking that you deserve to be forgiven for any and all of your wrongs and transgressions than the one who you are trying to forgive. To hold unforgiveness in a person's heart is like holding something that is nasty, rotten, and dark within your heart, and not being willing to let go of it, no matter how justified it might seem to you.
     Now listen children of Mine in CHRIST, no matter how nice you and others might think that you are, there will be a stain if unforgiveness is trapped within your heart. It is not something that can be seen outwardly with the naked eye, but spiritually speaking, there is a darkness that We are able to see, and the more it is allowed to fester, the more rotten, nasty, and dark it becomes. Oh, it might seem as if you are doing just fine with your unforgiveness festering inside, but you are unable to see what is happening inside of your soul. I am quite aware of how difficult forgiving someone can be because it is something that We deal with on a daily basis. Or do you believe that you are the only one who ever has to deal with forgiving someone? Just try forgiving hundreds or thousands every day and see how easy it is. It is only made somewhat easy because of the price The Lord JESUS CHRIST paid for each of your sins. From this day forth, therefore, practice being a forgiver, and blessed you will be for so doing, in Jesus' Most Precious and Holy Name.