Monday, October 21, 2024


October 21, 2024

"We Owe It All to JESUS CHRIST"

     If I or The Lord JESUS CHRIST never did anything else for any of you, would you still want to worship and serve Us? If We never said another thing to any of you, would you still want to seek Us and be with Us for eternity? As many of you know, there are those among you who do not want anything to do with Us unless We are doing something for them. Every day there is someone who wants something from Us, and it is always up to Us to prove that We care for and about them and that We are willing to answer their prayers, or else they are all set to stop believing in and trusting Us. I see and hear people doing and saying all sorts of things trying to get JESUS CHRIST and/or Myself to respond to them as if We owe them something. People are often thinking that We are the Ones Who have to do all of the proving, when in reality, We have already done as much as We ever have to do.
     Now listen My children, when The Lord JESUS shed His precious blood on Calvery and said, "it is done", there was nothing else that needed to be done after that. Any and everything since that one event is really all icing on the cake, so to speak. I, or rather We, have made every provision for you to receive everything that is needed to receive eternal life, all you have to do is to confess with your mouth The Lord JESUS and believe in your heart that GOD has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. You also need to confess your sins and repent and ask for forgiveness of your sins and accept Him as your Lord and Savior. There is then of course the privilege of receiving The Holy Spirit to help and comfort you and lead you into all truth. You are also given the privilege of knowing The Creator of the Universe as well as The Word Who was made flesh. There is the blessed opportunity to be born again, not of flesh but of the Spirit. You are no longer at the mercy of your sinful nature and the bondage thereof, for JESUS CHRIST has given you the power to overcome. Blessed therefore are you who seek to love and appreciate Us for Who We are, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.