Sunday, August 25, 2024

King of Kings and Lord of Lords

August 25, 2024

"King of Kings and Lord of Lords"

     Blessed are you who remember that The Lord JESUS is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and that there is no Name under or in Heaven Greater than His. Blessed also are those of you who treat The Lord JESUS as The King and The Lord that He is because there are many people who do not treat Him as such. Too many people live their lives day to day as if they are the kings and queens and lords of their own lives, not realizing that their lives are not their own at all. They oftentimes fail to realize that at any moment of the day or night their life here on earth could be over. Many of them also fail to recognize the fact that without The Lord JESUS CHRIST in their lives, they do not have anything worthwhile of their own. There are also those who fail to recognize that as The Lord JESUS CHRIST said in John 14:6, He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and no one comes to The Father except through Him, and blessed is he or she who realizes that fact.
     So as you live your life this and every day, do be mindful of the fact that the life you are living is only partially yours. I guess you can look at it as if the life you have here on earth is on loan to you for the moment, and one day you are going to have to return it. You will either return it to then live for eternity with The Lord JESUS, The Holy Spirit, and Me, or you will live an eternity being separated from Us. It all depends upon how you honor and respect The Lord JESUS CHRIST Who is indeed King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Know this, there is a day coming people, when every knee will bow and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST is Lord to the glory of GOD The Father. With each passing day My beloved, it is getting closer to the time of His return to gather His children and bring them Home. It is My hope that you who are reading this message will be in that number, in JESUS' Mighty and Magnificent Name.


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Being A Forgiver

August 24, 2024

"Being A Forgiver"

     The following words are more powerful than most people might think: "Forgive me my debts as I forgive my debtors." There are some translations that will say it like, "Forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me." Yes, My children, people often walk around holding all kinds of unforgiveness in their hearts, and many times they will do so over some of the smallest things. In many cases, in fact, the thing that tends to make everything bigger than they were in the beginning, is the fact of the unforgiving spirit helping to blow things out of proportion. It is absolutely amazing just how often little things will become big things just because of an unforgiving spirit. The funny thing always tends to be the fact that people will come to Me to be forgiven for something that they have done, as they walk around with unforgiveness in their hearts towards someone else. I try to get people to stop and think about the words, "Forgive me my debts as I forgive my debtors", but so many of them just ignore Me nevertheless.
     Now remember when Peter asked The Lord JESUS how many times does a person have to forgive another, and he mightily proposed seven times as if that was something great? But no, JESUS came back with the number seventy-seven times seven, which put Peter's thought of seven times to shame. All JESUS was trying to say with that answer was that forgiveness is unlimited, no matter how much or how often you might believe that you have been hurt or trespassed against. It is indeed a difficult thing to do for sure, but that is why you were given The Holy Spirit to help and comfort you. Now if the trespasser breaks the law while doing what he or she did, then they will still have charges to face. As for the one who was trespassed against, the forgiveness of the person will still be in order. Why should you forgive, some might ask? Well, it is because that is what I have instructed the child of Mine to do, and that should be enough. Forgiveness frees you and the one who needs forgiveness to live again and be spiritually free, now and forevermore, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Friday, August 23, 2024

When All You Want to Do Is Help

August 23, 2024

"When All You Want to Do 
Is Help"

     There will indeed be times in this life when there are certain individuals you will not be able to help, no matter how badly you might want to do so. People do tend to have their reasons for not wanting or rejecting help, no matter how unreasonable the reason might seem to you for them rejecting your help. Much too often these days, there are even those for whom you cannot even pray, because they are just not ready to receive prayer at the time. There are times when some people just want to be left alone, and that is their right to be alone if that is what they want. The same tends to apply to those who do not want prayer at the time for whatever reason, even though prayer can only help and not hurt someone. And speaking of rights, some people believe that they have the right to do, be, or say anything whatsoever without any limits, but that is just not the case. You see, some people believe that their life is their own, but even that is only true to a certain point.
     So from this day forth My children, try to stop worrying about those who have not asked for your help. Remember, you cannot force people into receiving help if they are not ready to receive it. Some of you have your heart in the right place for sure, but everything depends on the person you have the desire to help. Because you might love and care about someone, there will be times when it will hurt you to see them hurting or needing help, but still, the ball remains in their court until there is a change in them. Your hope is that those who need help will realize that you are indeed willing and able to do so anytime they need you. Take The Lord JESUS for instance, He is right there ready and willing to forgive sins, but He has to wait until someone realizes that they need help and come to Him, even though He has been right there all the time. Just pray that those who need help will come to the realization that you are ready and willing to be of service, and a blessing you will surely be, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Dealing with Politics Once Again

August 22, 2024

"Dealing with Politics Once Again"

     Oh My goodness My children, just how dirty can politics become? Well, I will tell you, there are no limits as to how messy and deceiving things can become when talking about politics. As many of you have seen and/or have heard, deception and lies tend to be the name of the game the majority of the time where politics are concerned. Those who tend to be running for a particular office will do and/or say almost anything just to get elected. And if you notice, the higher the office that one is running for, the more the lies and the deception tend to be. In most cases, in fact, they do not even care about the fact that I am aware of their lies and the deception, because they just want to win whatever race they are running. As I mentioned before, politics is one of the worst things in which a person can become involved, and oh what a shame that is, because it involves so many people. And what really makes being involved in politics so sad sometimes is the fact that the person who is running for a particular office, will not care what they have to do or say to win, along with those who stand with them.
     Therefore My children, if you do ever, on the rare occasion, run across a truly honest politician, make sure that you cast your vote for that particular person. I do grow weary of those who have to lie, cheat, and/or deceive the people when they run for office. Many of you have elections coming up very soon in The United States, and lies are being told by both parties and in every corner of the aisle, so what is a person to do you say? Well since most of you have a duty to vote as a Christian, vote for the one who has lied to you the least. Also as a Christian, some of the candidates deserve your vote because of their political stance, and not because of race, color, creed, sex, or religion, or else you will not be doing your part to choose the best person for the job. That is why it is important to be an informed voter, or else you could blindly and ignorantly end up voting for satan. That is also why some of you should not even be voting at all, because you are voting for the wrong reason. Be wise therefore and examine your choices wisely, and blessed your Country will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself

August 21, 2024

"Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself"

     Some people tend to get the wrong idea or impression when I talk about loving others as if I am asking them to do the impossible. In more cases than not, all I am asking someone to do when it comes to loving their neighbor as themselves is to just treat others as they would like to be treated. It can also mean doing unto others as they would like others to do unto them. I am not saying that anyone has to get all mushy and kissy-faced with an individual as if they are in love with the person. Not even I would want anything such as that to be taking place. So very often in this world, there are people treating one another as if they have never heard of The Ten Commandments or at the very least, how they should be treating one another. People need to begin to realize that even if they cannot seem to get along, they can at least find a way to be civil towards one another as human beings.
     So from this day forth oh child of Mine in CHRIST, try treating your neighbor with dignity and respect or as you would like to be treated. People love to say certain things these days like I will respect you when you learn to respect me. Or, you have to give respect in order to get respect. Well I say, respect others even if they do not respect you, because your Heavenly Father, Me, sees everything that transpires. Also, one of the most difficult things you will ever have to do is to love your enemy or to love someone who obviously hates you. Once again, all I ask anyone to do is to treat even the worst of people the way that you would want to be treated. It is so easy to be mean to those who are mean to you, but then what credit is that to you. Can you humble yourself enough to pray for such a person and ask that they be forgiven like The Lord JESUS did for those who had Him crucified? Oh, I can hear it now, people saying that they are not CHRIST JESUS, but do they desire to be a learner and a follower of JESUS CHRIST or not? Live to JESUS therefore and die to self, and blessed you will be for so doing, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Learn to Pay Attention

August 20, 2024

"Learn to Pay Attention"

     There are certain people in this world who are living a rather nice life, but yet they tend to be constantly complaining about one thing or another. Some of these people in fact have to try and create problems and drama in their lives just to be able to have something about which to complain. Some of these people tend to have everything they need and more, yet they are lacking joy and happiness in their lives. There are of course those who do legitimately need certain things in their lives, but because they are considered to be the least in this society, their needs are often ignored or overlooked by those who can help. Many people look down upon and/or just ignore those who they see as being beneath them. One of the saddest things in this world is the fact, that in a Nation that is as blessed as this one, there are many people who are ignored and in need.
     So the next time you pass someone who seems to be in need and you turn your head and/or act as if you do not see them, think about the parable of the good Samaritan JESUS told in My Word. And know this, not everyone you see who might be down at the time are bums or hobos as some of you might like to think. There are certain things that tend to occur in certain people's lives that tend to really break them down and cause them to just give up on life, thinking that no one really cares. I have tried sometimes to get some of your attention so that I could work through many of you, but many of you have really gotten good at ignoring Me. I am aware there are many crooks and deceivers in this world, and it is difficult to decide whom you can trust. But listen, just let Me worry about that part. Remember these words of The Lord JESUS in the parable in the Book of  Matthew Chapter 5,  inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me. All I am asking, therefore, is to do what you can when you can to help someone, and I in turn will do the same for you when you are in need. Now may you who have had ears to hear, be forever blessed, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Monday, August 19, 2024


August 18, 2024


     Every day that I wake each of you up, is a new day that is given unto you to crucify that old nature within and to put on CHRIST JESUS. It is a choice that one makes daily to choose to do or not do as far as living in CHRIST is concerned. Some might ask how do you go about crucifying yourself and putting on The Lord JESUS CHRIST? Well friends, first and foremost it begins with repentance and asking The Lord JESUS to cleanse and forgive you of your sins. Also, whenever possible, it should also include being baptized in the Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. After all of that, it takes a desire to want to know this JESUS CHRIST Who has cleansed and saved you from your sins. Now if you are truly sincere about your repentance, you will have been born again, not of the flesh, but rather of The Spirit. And if indeed you are serious, you will want to give up that old sinful life you were living and begin to desire to live for The Lord JESUS CHRIST.
     So there you have it, My friends, it is not all that complicated, but The Lord JESUS truly does need to become The Most Important Person in your life. Every time that old sinful nature of yours tries to rear its ugly head, and it will, you have to put it to death through the power of The Lord JESUS CHRIST and The Holy Spirit. You are indeed at a disadvantage because you are a sinful creature by birth, but JESUS CHRIST and The Holy Spirit are working in you to help change and take away that sinful nature. No My beloved, your struggle will not be an easy one of course, especially since you have to live in a sinful world such as this. For you to live is Christ, and to die to self is gain, and powerful is the person who learns to listen to and obey the words of The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Be in CHRIST therefore and allow CHRIST to be in you, and blessed you will be for so doing, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Sunday, August 18, 2024

Do Not Be Deceived

August 18, 2024

"Do Not Be Deceived"

     Ever since I created this world and cast satan and his followers out of Heaven down to earth, he has tried his best to do what he could to cause mankind to stumble and fail. It all began with Adam and Eve of course, by the misrepresentation of My Word as far as what I had told them that they could or could not do or eat. This has been his ploy all through the ages, and it continues to be so even to this day. Know this, My children, the devil is always busy trying to deceive and mislead people as far as My Word is concerned. The main problem that I see tends to be that the devil knows My Word better than many Christians do, and he will often try to use his knowledge to try and confuse and mislead people. He will also often try to take something that is good from My Word and try to put a different slant or spin on It, or even try to make people think that something that is in It is irrelevant for today's times, and very often he tends to succeed when he does.
     Therefore My beloved, be careful when it comes to certain temptations in your life because satan is usually the one behind every unholy temptation that comes your way. There is quite an uproar these days over the Ten Commandments and how they should be restricted as far as their use is concerned. And why do you think that is? It is mainly because it is from My Word, and that alone is reason enough for satan to hate what It says. The Ten Commandments tend to go against everything the devil is in favor of, so he will naturally not care for what It says. Tell Me, how could anyone in their right mind argue with, you shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image - any likeness of anything that is in Heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; and you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your GOD, am a jealous GOD, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments, and all the other commandments that follow. Do not be deceived or misled My children by satan and/or his minions, and blessed you will be if you just stand firm, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Loving Others

August 17, 2024

"Loving Others"

     Some people in this world tend to spend a lot of time and energy on being mean and nasty towards others, and often for no other reason than just to make them miserable. It seems that just being nice and civil towards others is somehow an unpleasant concept for some people. It sometimes seems that the nastier and the meaner someone can be towards another the better it is for them. One of the saddest things about many who tend to behave in such a way is the fact that they claim to be Christians. One of the last things that JESUS told His Disciples before He was arrested, is that they should love one another, for in so doing the world would know that they were His followers. The Apostle Paul even wrote in The Book of 1 Corinthians 13:1-3, (1)Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. (2)And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. (3)And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.
     Now listen My children, there is nothing special about being mean and nasty and sometimes even evil towards others, because it is love that truly counts for something. Now is it really that difficult to love your neighbor as yourself as JESUS said in The Book of Matthew. As a matter of fact My children, love was used many many times throughout My Word, proving just how important it is to Me. I would like for each of you who are supposed to be Mine to think about how you treat your fellow human beings. That also goes for those who many of you see as your enemies, for did JESUS not say to love your enemies also? I realize what a difficult thing I am asking of you, but the power to be more than what you think is in you through The Holy Spirit. Love is a concept that is hated by satan, so why not make the devil angry by learning to love your fellow man or woman. It would be such a pleasure to see the power of love take root all over the place, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS'  Most Precious and Holy Name.


Friday, August 16, 2024

Realizing the Importance of Material Things

August 16, 2024

"Realizing the Importance of 
Material Things"

     One of the more difficult things that I have to deal with in this society, is getting people to realize and understand that everything that is seen and/or known today is only temporary. I have tried to make it clear to most people time and time again, but they still want to make the material things in life out to be the most important things. If you do not believe Me, just let most people catch someone stealing from them and see just how understanding the one who was being stolen from can be. There are in fact times when someone's life has been taken over material things, when The Lord JESUS CHRIST suffered and was crucified over each of your lives and not over some material thing. Yes, I realize just how despicable a thief is, and yes I realize that most of them should indeed be punished, but is someone's life really and truly less important than a watch, car, truck, money, or any other such thing? Those of you who place more value on material things rather than on life itself, truly need to have a talk with The Lord JESUS, because He obviously got it all wrong.
     So from this day forth My beloved, try to understand that everything you now possess and hope to possess in the future is only temporary, which means that you cannot take any of it with you when you go. Blessed are you who can see the reasoning behind that statement, because it can be so difficult for others to see, especially those who think that material or physical things are more important than someone's life. Those who end up having something stolen from them need to realize that there is nothing quite so important that it cannot be replaced. That which cannot be replaced by any means, is just a loss, but still not as important as a life. Sure there are times when lives are lost in the commission of a crime, which can occur on either side, but now that is when faith in The Lord JESUS CHRIST comes into play because if the one who is taken and the one who is left behind are in CHRIST JESUS, they will certainly meet again on the other side. Now may you be one who is in CHRIST, in and through His Mighty and Holy Name.


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Be Careful What You Ask For

August 15, 2024

"Be Careful What You Ask For"

     Some of you need to be aware of what you ask Me for at times, because things may not always go according to how you might have planned them. For instance, if you were to ask Me for patience, there will usually be some situation presented where patience will be needed, and as some of you have discovered, patience will not be easy to achieve at times. When you ask to be able to learn how to see others as I might see them, this too will not be easy to do. That is because when I look at people, I am also able to see their hearts which none of you can see. Some people reveal their hearts by the way they manage to live their lives, which is often a beautiful thing to see. Some people have even asked for clean hearts, which means that in doing this, the person will have to be willing to give up their hidden sins in their life, being willing to be more like The Lord JESUS CHRIST, and there is no one better to emulate than The Lord JESUS CHRIST.
     Therefore My darling children, remember to be mindful of what you ask Me for as a child of Mine in CHRIST. There are some prayers that are wonderful when it comes to what a person is asking for, just be sure that what you ask Me for is really what you want. Remember as well, there are some things for which you might ask that take some sacrifices or changes to be made in your life. Many people claim that they want to be or do something in particular, but then do not want to put in the work to achieve whatever it is. When one asks to be able to be patient, one should be prepared to have your patience tested and to have it tested more than once. And in order to see people as I see them, one should be willing to stop judging others and learn to accept them just as they are. And if being like The Lord JESUS is your goal, be ready to be ridiculed and maybe even go through the fire, for such is what builds perseverance. Now may each of you become better individuals from this day forth, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Not All Confusion Is Bad

August 14, 2024

"Not All Confusion Is Bad"

     Confusion and/or being confused is not always necessarily a bad thing, except for when it arises from some external source, such as in arguments and disagreements and such. When there is confusion that might arise because of one having to make a choice or a decision, then the act of being confused might be trying to tell you something. You will sometimes hear people say that they are confused as far as having to make a decision or where a choice is concerned. When it comes to such instances as this, one could say that the confusion might come as a warning from Me. It just might be Me at the time saying stop, open your eyes and ears, and pay close attention to what is happening around you. I could be asking you to slow down and be careful about what you are thinking and about what your next move might be. People will sometimes just ignore this type of confusion, and go ahead and make bad decisions without considering the consequences.
     From this day forth oh children of Mine, stop thinking that all confusion is a bad thing because you never know when I might be trying to get your attention. Such are the times when you need to just take a little break and consider what you might be going through at the time. Get yourself somewhere quiet where you might be able to be at peace and be able to hear Me through The Holy Spirit. There have indeed been times when confusion has saved lives, simply because the people involved took the time to consider what the confusion might have meant. Much too often these days, confusion tends to get a bad rap, so to speak, but one needs to be wise enough to consider from where the confusion might have risen. Therefore My beloved, remember to keep your cool through any and all things, even in the face of confusion, and blessed you will surely be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Know How Blessed You Are

August 13, 2024

"Know How Blessed You Are"

     Yes My children, The Lord JESUS CHRIST died for each of you who would believe so that you could have eternal life. The main problem with that statement is, that only some of you truly believe. As a matter of fact people, there are those who say that they believe, but do not, just to try to keep certain people off of their backs. Some people will say that they believe so they can curry a little favor for one reason or another from someone. Some poor souls will even claim to believe thinking that just by saying the words, "I believe", will be enough to deceive Me, but people such as that forget the fact that I do know the hearts of mankind, which means that they will only be deceiving themselves. Mankind also tends to forget these words from John 3:16,  (16)For GOD so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, always try to be mindful of the fact that The Lord JESUS CHRIST is The Hero of heroes because He accomplished what none of you could have done for yourselves. As it says in Isaiah 53:5, But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes, we are healed. Every now and then, it would do people good to remember just how blessed they are and have been, especially while having to live in a world filled with so much evil. It would also do some people good to remember that part of 1 John 4:4 says, He Who is in you is Greater than he who is in the world. Never get the idea that you can deceive your Heavenly Father or The Lord JESUS CHRIST My children, and nor could you ever hide anything from Us. Now may you who are Mine realize just how blessed you are, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Monday, August 12, 2024

People Get Yourselves Ready

August 12, 2024

"People Get Yourselves Ready"

     In these last days My children, there will be a move of The Holy Spirit such as never been seen before, and guess what, that move of The Spirit is happening now. Also in these last days, the separation of the chaff from the wheat is going to become very clear, and that is another thing that is also happening today. There will be more people seeking out the evil in the world, with people being more willing to mislead and deceive those who are not careful and who are not aware. There will be an increase in murders and people who are willing to believe lies rather than truth. People will place the value of material things and money as being more than the value of a life, which is so pitiful indeed. Also, as in the days of Noah, people will be partying and having what they believe to be a good time, but their good times will be filled with sin, sinful acts, and debauchery, right up until The Lord JESUS arrives.
     Now listen to Me My children, I know that people have been talking about the last days for many years now, but I say, just notice the things that are taking place today and the signs therein. It is sad to see, but there is only so much of this that I will tolerate before I allow The Lord JESUS to come back and rescue His bride. There is entirely too much evil being celebrated these days, and righteousness and holiness are being put on the back burner. Oh sure, there is a great move of The Spirit afoot, but there is also evil at work as well. True, I am a forgiving and merciful GOD Who is full of grace, but as I said earlier, even I have My limits. I reached My limits in Noah's time as well as when I destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and it is coming close once again today. There needs to be a great Revival My children and I do mean soon, or else JESUS will be returning soon indeed. Blessed are you who will be ready when the time comes, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Believing in JESUS

August 11, 2024

"Believing in JESUS"

     I realize there are all kinds of beliefs in this world, spiritually speaking, but no One but The Lord JESUS CHRIST has walked this Earth, was tortured and beaten, was crucified, and then resurrected from the grave after three days. No One but JESUS CHRIST has ever walked this Earth claiming to be GOD, and as such, did such things as raise the dead, heal the sick, enable the lame to walk, enable the deaf to hear and the mute to talk or give sight to the blind. There has never been a Man such as The Lord JESUS CHRIST Who could walk on water, or One Who could speak to the wind and have the wind obey. No, My friends, there has never been Anyone like The Lord JESUS Who could transport Himself from one place to another and just never miss a beat. Most of all, there has never been anyone Who spoke like The Lord JESUS, and Who had such an understanding of My Word
     The reason why I have said these things today is to try and wake up those who are yet still spiritually dead and/or asleep. I realize that many people have hardened their hearts as far as the truth of My Word is concerned, and with many of them not even believing that It was inspired by Me, but that is on them and no one else. Some people are just destined to be spiritually blind, spiritually deaf, and spiritually ignorant. Some people are also very easily deceived into believing in false gods who have been made with human hands, and such gods cannot speak, see, or hear. They are false gods who could never do any of the things that The Lord JESUS did in a million years, but yet they have their followers. Some people just choose to believe in a god that they can control, instead of One Who they should obey. It is My hope that more people will come to their senses before the return of The Lord JESUS CHRIST, which is what He might do very soon. Blessed are you who will be ready when He does return, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Do You Love JESUS?

August 10, 2024

"Do You Love JESUS?

     There is no One as important, as Special, and as Wonderful as The Lord JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth. He, of course, has been given The Name that is above all names, as it says in Philippians 2:9-11, (9)Therefore GOD also has highly exalted Him and given Him the Name which is above every name, (10) that at the Name of JESUS, every knee should bow, of those in Heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, (11)and that every tongue should confess that JESUS CHRIST is Lord, to the glory of GOD the Father. Too many people these days behave as if The Lord JESUS is just a joke and not to be taken too seriously, but let Me assure anyone who believes that, He is not. As a matter of fact, JESUS CHRIST is going to be The One Who does the judging in the end. The Lord JESUS now sits at My right hand, having been given all power into His hands, and everyone needs to remember that fact.
     So from this day forth My children, make sure that you are one who gives The Lord JESUS His proper respect. There are people every day who tend to take His and My Name in vain, without ever missing a beat. Oh, they can claim that they have respect and love for Us, but in this case, actions speak louder than words. There are many people who just live their lives day to day without ever once thinking about The One Who gave His life as a sacrifice for theirs. Many in fact do not even want to be bothered with hearing The Name of JESUS CHRIST if it is not a Sunday. For many in fact, it even needs to be a special kind of Sunday, or else they are not interested at all. It is indeed a sad situation when you have Someone Who was willing to die for you, but yet you cannot find the time to spend just a little of it with Him. Just remember this, there is coming a day when He just might say to you, depart from Me, I never knew you, and oh how sad that day would be. Now may you be one who is "not" found in that number, in His Most Precious and Holy Name.


Friday, August 09, 2024

Being Thankful

August 09, 2024

"Being Thankful"

     When you give some thought to what took place when The Lord JESUS was on earth, you will notice how people were always coming to Him for healing. Now the Pharisees of course were a different story, because their hearts were being ruled by jealousy and the devil. Remember that at one time, in fact, The Lord JESUS told them in John 8:43-45, (43)Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. (44)You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. (45)But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me. These people were so corrupt in fact, that they could not see the truth of Who The Lord JESUS CHRIST truly was.
     Now listen My children, many of those very same people who had been coming to The Lord JESUS CHRIST for healing, turned around and called for His crucifixion. They allowed a bunch of people who were being led by satan to influence them, which shows you how the power of evil can be when dealing with ignorance. Instead of people being thankful for what The Lord JESUS had done for them, they cried out for Him to be crucified. There are many such people who exist today, who instead of giving thanks to The Lord JESUS and Me for what We have done for them, they just go on their merry way never even looking back. It would really be nice if more people would learn to appreciate what We do and have done for them. Do not allow the evil one to pull the wool over your eyes, so to speak, nor keep you from hearing things as satan will often do. Now may good things be to you who remember to be thankful, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Thursday, August 08, 2024

Being Truthful with People

August 08, 2024

"Being Truthful with People"

     For those who try to please everyone and/or who do not want to hurt anyone's feelings, it will become increasingly more difficult than ever to be one who will tell others the truth. As many of you are aware, the truth can indeed hurt sometimes, especially when there is no easy way to sugar-coat it. These are days when people do not really want to hear the truth of My Word especially, because as It says in Hebrews 4:12-13, (12)For the word of GOD is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (13)And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to Whom we must give account. Now unless one's conscience has already been seared, one cannot help but to be convicted of one's sins and wrongdoings and have a desire to repent.
     So as you live your life today, think more about what is true rather than about hurting someone's feelings or trying to please everyone. You never know when you might be someone's last chance to hear the truth, especially when it comes to the truth of My Word. There are so many people who are afraid to be honest when it comes to what My Word has to say about a particular matter, for fear of there being hurt feelings or some type of reprisal. My Word is life My friends, and it is too bad for anyone who does not want to live an abundant spiritual life. Oh, I am well aware of the fact that not everyone wants to accept as truth what My Word has to say, but there is nowhere else where the road to eternal life can be found. He or she who cares to live forever, will not mind the truth of My Word, for it is in My Word the way to JESUS CHRIST and faith in Him is where eternal life is found, and blessed is everyone who receives Him, and you can take that to the bank.


Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Expecting GOD to Answer

 August 07, 2024

"Expecting GOD to Answer"

     Is it not amazing how a person can pray and pray on a daily basis, and never give any thought to the fact that I, Almighty JEHOVAH, might want to say something in return? So many people are always asking for any number of things but never hang around to listen for an answer. Sad to say, many who do expect Me to answer when they pray, or even maybe give them some advice, will often be called crazy, loopy, deceived, or just plain old stupid, all because they expect The Almighty Living GOD to answer them in one way or another. Even if I do not respond audibly, which I rarely do these days, I will speak either through The Holy Spirit, through some type of event, or through some type of manifestation. What I often find sad is the fact that people will do all of this whining, griping, and complaining to Me, but never expect any type of answer or advice from Me in return.
     Now listen My children, these messages that have been given to this particular writer as well as to others, are the different ways I have of talking to each of you when you read them. Some of them might apply to your situation and some will not, but you will never know unless you listen to your spirit. It is My good pleasure to be able to converse with those of you who expect Me to do so or answer you in some way. I hear this person and that person praying, and some of them more than once a day, but these same people never stop to just listen for any answer at all. All some of them want to do is to talk, talk, talk, and talk some more, never thinking about the fact that I might also have something to say. So what if someone thinks that you are a little crazy, loopy, or whatever because I am The Living GOD and not some god who cannot hear nor speak nor answer in any way. What if those who wrote The Bible believed that way, My Word would not exist today. Learn therefore to listen more and talk less, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Tuesday, August 06, 2024


August 06, 2024

"The Power of JESUS CHRIST"

     Ever since sin entered this world, that which was good took a turn for the worse. The devil deceived Eve into doing that which was wrong and the man Adam went right along with her, and similar deceptions are still taking place today. As many of you are aware, there are times when sins are shared by a couple, even though one of the two might have been reluctant to participate in whatever the event might have been. Every evil under the sun is because of sin, and many people just tend to roll with it all, so to speak. When you think about how sin and evil tend to work together, you are able to see that many people have become slaves to it all. It becomes more and more difficult all of the time to resist sin the longer that one tends to ignore it. Some people even live day to day not even realizing the toll that sin takes on the human body, soul, and mind, and that is a dangerous state in which to find one's self.
     Listen therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, remember that sin came into this world through the defeat of the first Adam, and victory came through the success of the Second Adam, Who is The Lord JESUS CHRIST. All any of you have to do is wake up and realize that you do not have to remain a slave to sin because there is the power to overcome through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior. As you tend to take a look around, there is entirely too much hate floating around this world, along with bitterness, sexual immorality, and other sins being seen in the lives of people everywhere. It is My hope to see more people begin to wake up and realize that they do not have to be slaves to sin any longer because The Lord JESUS CHRIST has set them free if they would only learn to lean on Him and His righteousness. Sin is indeed somewhat powerful or else so many people would not be enslaved to it. Know this, there is even more power available through JESUS CHRIST, and blessed are those of you who will rest in Him, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Monday, August 05, 2024

Blessed to Be in Need

August 05, 2024

"Blessed to Be in Need"

     One of the reasons why in Matthew 19:24 it says that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, is because they tend to have almost everything they want or need. And then if it is something they do not have, they can usually afford to purchase whatever they need. It is therefore difficult for them to enter the Kingdom of GOD because they seldom, if ever, have any need to use any real faith. That which they do not have or cannot purchase is usually something which they can do without. That is also one reason why those who tend to be lacking something in life, either materially or spiritually, are blessed without ever realizing how blessed they are. Those who do lack, are usually the ones who are constantly before Me in JESUS' Name, even when what they might want or desire is some material thing because they will have to use their faith in the process.
     Most who tend to have a lot, have a desire to hold on to what they have, even if they have more than they could ever use or need. Now I do not want to just lump all rich and/or wealthy people into the same boat, but many of them do not see a need to give their lives to The Lord JESUS CHRIST, as if it is the money that will keep them out of hell. For whatever reason, many of the rich tend to think that they are too good to need a Savior, and that is where they are surely wrong. Those who do find themselves in need and who turn to JESUS CHRIST because of it, are some of the most blessed individuals there are. There have indeed been some very decent rich and/or wealthy people in life, but they are few when compared to those who came to CHRIST JESUS and were not rich or wealthy. The rich or wealthy person who realizes their need for JESUS CHRIST as their Lord and Savior is well on their way to a life that leads to more than just financial freedom, but to spiritual freedom as well. He or she who learns to love The Lord JESUS  just because of Who He is and not because of what He can give or do for them will be blessed indeed. Now may you be counted as one such person, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Sunday, August 04, 2024

How Close Is the End?

August 04, 2024

"How Close Is the End?"

     As many of you have been hearing lately, there are more and more Ministers preaching about the end of days lately, because they are the ones who are reading the signs of the times. Remember that The Lord JESUS said to His Disciples in Matthew 24:-4-8, (4)And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. (5) For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. (6) And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. (7) For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. (8) All these are the beginning of sorrows. He then went on to describe how they will be hated and killed for His Name's sake and many will be offended and will betray one another. Many false prophets will rise up and deceive even some of the elect, but the end will not come until the Gospel is preached throughout the whole world, and that is actually occurring as We speak. 
     Just be mindful of the fact, therefore, that your Heavenly Father, Me, is The Only One Who truly knows when the end will come. But listen, just as in the days of Jonah, I can change My mind if there is a national repentance of sorts, otherwise the end just might be closer than many of you believe. That is one of the reasons why it is so important for a person to know The Lord JESUS CHRIST because, without Him, nothing at all will matter anyway. I am aware of the fact that many parents and grandparents are concerned about their children and/or grandchildren if the world were to end, but just know that I already have a plan in place for such an eventuality. Yes, My children, many of the Ministers of today are only reading the signs as JESUS told the Pharisees of His day to do. Blessed are you who have had ears to hear, therefore, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Saturday, August 03, 2024

Taking A Stand for the Truth

August 03, 2024

"Taking A Stand for the Truth"

     It is definitely becoming more and more difficult for a lot of people to take a stand for the truth these days, and mainly because of the politically correct attitudes of today. The Lord JESUS never shied away from using My Word when necessary, as many people tend to do today. JESUS knew that My Word was, as it says in Hebrews 4:12,  For the Word of GOD is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. You will often hear people telling others what they can and cannot say or do, all in the name of tolerance and political correctness. One really has to learn to ask oneself if one is seeking to please man or seeking to please Me. Much too often these days, those who know the truth of what My Word says about certain things, have become afraid to stand by the truth of My Word for fear of offending or hurting someone's feelings. Now I ask you, do you ever read about The Lord JESUS CHRIST holding back on the truth for fear of offending or hurting someone's feelings? Of course not, because JESUS knew that the truth would set people free, whereas a lie would keep them in bondage.
     So as you go about your merry way My children, stop being intimidated by those who just might be perishing anyway. Remember, it is not My will that anyone should have to perish, hence the reason for the birth of The Lord JESUS CHRIST into the world. John 3:16 says, For GOD so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. It is the choices that are made by men and women that will send them to hell and not Me. I know that in a world such as exists today, it is more difficult than ever to stand for what is righteous, pure, and Holy, but such is the way it is when you care about other people's souls. Blessed are all of you who are willing to face the fire, because as The Lord JESUS said in Luke 9:23-27, (23)“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. (24) For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. (25) For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost? (26) For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in His Father’s, and of the holy angels. It is definitely going to become more difficult to stand strong for the truth as time goes by, but remember Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through CHRIST Who strengthens me, now and forevermore, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Friday, August 02, 2024

Let Us All Learn to Be Fair

August 02, 2024

"Let Us All Learn to Be Fair"

     Have you ever noticed how if two different individuals say something that might be considered to be rude or even unacceptable, he or she who is liked will be excused, while the other will be chastised or severely reprimanded? I have mentioned this today because of what I have seen occurring between people, especially when it comes to those in the media and other such outlets. I have noticed that if certain individuals will say something that is maybe considered to be mean and/or offensive, and if that person is liked by other people, they will usually get a pass. As a matter of fact, there will even be excuses made for them just because they are liked and the other one is not. Oh, and just let someone say something, that others do not like, even the least little thing that is said will be blown all out of proportion, and oftentimes even misquoted. It is indeed bad to be on the so-called wrong side, because there will be no way to win, and that is sad indeed.
     Now please listen to Me My beloved, as a child of The Living GOD in CHRIST, you should always try to at least be fair, whether or not you like someone. I can say that you should love everyone, even your enemies, but I am your Creator, therefore I know what is and what is not possible for you. The only way that such a love is even possible, is if you humble yourselves and allow The Lord JESUS CHRIST to do the loving through you in the power of The Holy Spirit, which is something not everyone will or can do. Just think about how it would be if I was that way with some of you. I realize there are people who will say and/or do some of the most horrible, mean, and insensitive things, but these things occur with the people you like as well as those you do not like. All I am asking of you is this, as a child of Mine in CHRIST, you learn to be fair about such things. Now may fairness be your mantra, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Thursday, August 01, 2024

Do Not Covet or Envy Others

August 01, 2024

"Do Not Covet or Envy Others"

     Some people tend to be so miserable in their own lives, because of thinking that someone else's life is better than their own. There are in fact times when you will see someone coveting and/or envying what someone else has and how they live their life. It is indeed sad to think that one person can sit around being miserable in their life just because of what they are imagining what someone else's life is like. Know this, My children, sometimes the greenest grass is indeed the grass that is on your own side of the fence, and a lot of people do not want to believe this to be true. Many people have found out that what they had believed to be better on the other side of the fence, turned out to be just an illusion. Sometimes it is easy to think that someone else has a better life than yours, until and unless you get the chance to walk a mile in the other person's shoes, so to speak.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, learn how to appreciate and to be content with and in your own lives as the Apostle Paul learned to do. Know this as well, there is good and bad in every life, even in some of the lives some of you might be coveting and/or envying. When one does not know all of the particulars of someone else's life, then everything just might appear to be better than it really is, when that is not always the truth of the situation. Now of course there are those who have more than you do, whether it be money, cars, homes, jewelry, children, or whatever, but it does not necessarily mean that their life is better than yours. This can be especially true if you have love in your life, because there is almost nothing quite as precious and as special as love. And when you really stop to think about it, everything that is seen right now is only temporary and will pass away. Only what you learn to store up in Heaven will last, so one should really think about that. Now may you be one who can be content in your own life, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

In GOD We Will Trust

July 31, 2024

"In GOD We Will Trust"

     Some people are still wondering today why sometimes the good is punished while those who do evil often get rewarded and even allowed to prosper. It even seems sometimes that the good dies young as they say, while the evil tends to live a long life. As many of you have often seen, those who seemingly try to live right, try to do all of the right things, are kind to others, and who even try to help anyone they can, will be the ones who come down with some kind of sickness and/or disease or injury, and will sometimes even end up passing away. You might even hear someone say that a certain person died too soon or maybe died before their time, but how can any of you truly know that to be true? You might look at some other people and wonder why not them because of the type of person they are? All you have ever seen them do is harm or be mean to others, and you never hear them utter a kind word to anyone, except maybe to others who are just like them. As a matter of fact, many of these types of individuals do not even want anything to do with CHRIST JESUS or Me, so why do I allow them to live?
     Now listen to Me My children, you are not going to be able to understand everything that I do and/or allow to occur in this world, because as it says in Isaiah 55:8-9, (8)"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," says The Lord. (9)"For as the Heavens are higher than the Earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts higher than your thoughts". Some of the things I allow into your life are tests for you to see where your faith truly lies and just how strong it is. You are sometimes faced with specific trials in order to strengthen your faith, or even to show you just how much you need JESUS and I in your life. There are also times when someone is gone too soon or before their time, so to speak, it is to spare them a fate that I know would be worse for them later in life. There are even times when because of the person themselves or some other person's evil free will, something bad will occur. And lest any of you forget, I am Omniscient, which many of you still find difficult to understand. There are also times when I might just bring someone Home early so that they will not have to suffer any more than necessary, which I often do with the young.
     Now the question of allowing the evil and the wicked to live and even prosper, even being the evil souls they are, there is an explanation. Remember what The Lord JESUS said in Matthew 5:45, For He makes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends the rain on the just and the unjust. He also said before in Matthew 5:44, But I say to you love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in Heaven. Now how could I expect any of you to do something that would not be willing to do Myself? Also, some of these people I allow to live because I know that they will turn to Us one day later in their lives and have a great testimony when they do. What many of you see in the present will be totally different in the future, which is why you need to just let Me be The GOD that I am, and you be the learner and follower of JESUS CHRIST as you should be. Now may you learn to just trust and keep the faith in Me through all things, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.