Tuesday, August 06, 2024


August 06, 2024

"The Power of JESUS CHRIST"

     Ever since sin entered this world, that which was good took a turn for the worse. The devil deceived Eve into doing that which was wrong and the man Adam went right along with her, and similar deceptions are still taking place today. As many of you are aware, there are times when sins are shared by a couple, even though one of the two might have been reluctant to participate in whatever the event might have been. Every evil under the sun is because of sin, and many people just tend to roll with it all, so to speak. When you think about how sin and evil tend to work together, you are able to see that many people have become slaves to it all. It becomes more and more difficult all of the time to resist sin the longer that one tends to ignore it. Some people even live day to day not even realizing the toll that sin takes on the human body, soul, and mind, and that is a dangerous state in which to find one's self.
     Listen therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, remember that sin came into this world through the defeat of the first Adam, and victory came through the success of the Second Adam, Who is The Lord JESUS CHRIST. All any of you have to do is wake up and realize that you do not have to remain a slave to sin because there is the power to overcome through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior. As you tend to take a look around, there is entirely too much hate floating around this world, along with bitterness, sexual immorality, and other sins being seen in the lives of people everywhere. It is My hope to see more people begin to wake up and realize that they do not have to be slaves to sin any longer because The Lord JESUS CHRIST has set them free if they would only learn to lean on Him and His righteousness. Sin is indeed somewhat powerful or else so many people would not be enslaved to it. Know this, there is even more power available through JESUS CHRIST, and blessed are those of you who will rest in Him, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.