Monday, August 05, 2024

Blessed to Be in Need

August 05, 2024

"Blessed to Be in Need"

     One of the reasons why in Matthew 19:24 it says that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, is because they tend to have almost everything they want or need. And then if it is something they do not have, they can usually afford to purchase whatever they need. It is therefore difficult for them to enter the Kingdom of GOD because they seldom, if ever, have any need to use any real faith. That which they do not have or cannot purchase is usually something which they can do without. That is also one reason why those who tend to be lacking something in life, either materially or spiritually, are blessed without ever realizing how blessed they are. Those who do lack, are usually the ones who are constantly before Me in JESUS' Name, even when what they might want or desire is some material thing because they will have to use their faith in the process.
     Most who tend to have a lot, have a desire to hold on to what they have, even if they have more than they could ever use or need. Now I do not want to just lump all rich and/or wealthy people into the same boat, but many of them do not see a need to give their lives to The Lord JESUS CHRIST, as if it is the money that will keep them out of hell. For whatever reason, many of the rich tend to think that they are too good to need a Savior, and that is where they are surely wrong. Those who do find themselves in need and who turn to JESUS CHRIST because of it, are some of the most blessed individuals there are. There have indeed been some very decent rich and/or wealthy people in life, but they are few when compared to those who came to CHRIST JESUS and were not rich or wealthy. The rich or wealthy person who realizes their need for JESUS CHRIST as their Lord and Savior is well on their way to a life that leads to more than just financial freedom, but to spiritual freedom as well. He or she who learns to love The Lord JESUS  just because of Who He is and not because of what He can give or do for them will be blessed indeed. Now may you be counted as one such person, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.