Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Expecting GOD to Answer

 August 07, 2024

"Expecting GOD to Answer"

     Is it not amazing how a person can pray and pray on a daily basis, and never give any thought to the fact that I, Almighty JEHOVAH, might want to say something in return? So many people are always asking for any number of things but never hang around to listen for an answer. Sad to say, many who do expect Me to answer when they pray, or even maybe give them some advice, will often be called crazy, loopy, deceived, or just plain old stupid, all because they expect The Almighty Living GOD to answer them in one way or another. Even if I do not respond audibly, which I rarely do these days, I will speak either through The Holy Spirit, through some type of event, or through some type of manifestation. What I often find sad is the fact that people will do all of this whining, griping, and complaining to Me, but never expect any type of answer or advice from Me in return.
     Now listen My children, these messages that have been given to this particular writer as well as to others, are the different ways I have of talking to each of you when you read them. Some of them might apply to your situation and some will not, but you will never know unless you listen to your spirit. It is My good pleasure to be able to converse with those of you who expect Me to do so or answer you in some way. I hear this person and that person praying, and some of them more than once a day, but these same people never stop to just listen for any answer at all. All some of them want to do is to talk, talk, talk, and talk some more, never thinking about the fact that I might also have something to say. So what if someone thinks that you are a little crazy, loopy, or whatever because I am The Living GOD and not some god who cannot hear nor speak nor answer in any way. What if those who wrote The Bible believed that way, My Word would not exist today. Learn therefore to listen more and talk less, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.