Friday, August 02, 2024

Let Us All Learn to Be Fair

August 02, 2024

"Let Us All Learn to Be Fair"

     Have you ever noticed how if two different individuals say something that might be considered to be rude or even unacceptable, he or she who is liked will be excused, while the other will be chastised or severely reprimanded? I have mentioned this today because of what I have seen occurring between people, especially when it comes to those in the media and other such outlets. I have noticed that if certain individuals will say something that is maybe considered to be mean and/or offensive, and if that person is liked by other people, they will usually get a pass. As a matter of fact, there will even be excuses made for them just because they are liked and the other one is not. Oh, and just let someone say something, that others do not like, even the least little thing that is said will be blown all out of proportion, and oftentimes even misquoted. It is indeed bad to be on the so-called wrong side, because there will be no way to win, and that is sad indeed.
     Now please listen to Me My beloved, as a child of The Living GOD in CHRIST, you should always try to at least be fair, whether or not you like someone. I can say that you should love everyone, even your enemies, but I am your Creator, therefore I know what is and what is not possible for you. The only way that such a love is even possible, is if you humble yourselves and allow The Lord JESUS CHRIST to do the loving through you in the power of The Holy Spirit, which is something not everyone will or can do. Just think about how it would be if I was that way with some of you. I realize there are people who will say and/or do some of the most horrible, mean, and insensitive things, but these things occur with the people you like as well as those you do not like. All I am asking of you is this, as a child of Mine in CHRIST, you learn to be fair about such things. Now may fairness be your mantra, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.