Thursday, August 01, 2024

Do Not Covet or Envy Others

August 01, 2024

"Do Not Covet or Envy Others"

     Some people tend to be so miserable in their own lives, because of thinking that someone else's life is better than their own. There are in fact times when you will see someone coveting and/or envying what someone else has and how they live their life. It is indeed sad to think that one person can sit around being miserable in their life just because of what they are imagining what someone else's life is like. Know this, My children, sometimes the greenest grass is indeed the grass that is on your own side of the fence, and a lot of people do not want to believe this to be true. Many people have found out that what they had believed to be better on the other side of the fence, turned out to be just an illusion. Sometimes it is easy to think that someone else has a better life than yours, until and unless you get the chance to walk a mile in the other person's shoes, so to speak.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, learn how to appreciate and to be content with and in your own lives as the Apostle Paul learned to do. Know this as well, there is good and bad in every life, even in some of the lives some of you might be coveting and/or envying. When one does not know all of the particulars of someone else's life, then everything just might appear to be better than it really is, when that is not always the truth of the situation. Now of course there are those who have more than you do, whether it be money, cars, homes, jewelry, children, or whatever, but it does not necessarily mean that their life is better than yours. This can be especially true if you have love in your life, because there is almost nothing quite as precious and as special as love. And when you really stop to think about it, everything that is seen right now is only temporary and will pass away. Only what you learn to store up in Heaven will last, so one should really think about that. Now may you be one who can be content in your own life, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.