Wednesday, September 11, 2024


September 11, 2024


     As I have mentioned before, the business of politics is a sometimes nasty and disgusting business, simply because so many mean, nasty, unsavory, evil, and wicked people are involved in it. Now do not get Me wrong, of course, those labels should not be applied to everyone in the political arena, but there are a great number of them who do fit the bill. I have also mentioned before that the reason politics even concerns Me at all is because of the fact that My children are involved in it, and their decisions will tend to affect the lives of countless others. Know this, My children, no matter what side of the political aisle you might find yourselves, if politics are involved, then lying and cheating will also be involved. The few who do enter politics trying to remain honest, fair, upright, righteous, and moral, will usually end up being tried and tested along the way, and most will end up losing the fight to maintain their integrity, and oh how sad that is.
     Now listen to Me, My children, as your Heavenly Father, I will interject this observation, as a general rule, there is one political party that tends to be more closely aligned with My views than the other. And look, it is not all that difficult to distinguish which one it is unless you have been sleeping under a rock for quite some time somewhere. Since the liars exist in both parties involved in this election, you have to decide which party tends to be more closely aligned with Christian morals, holiness, and righteousness. I realize that most people seem to love sitting on the fence in these situations, but when being led by The Spirit, certain beliefs just cannot be denied. Just consider what My Word thinks about the taking of innocent lives, the institution of marriage being between a woman and a man, or even the mutilation of the body that is being done by so many these days. Just because mankind says it is right, it does not make it right in My sight.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, if indeed you are going to vote in this election, cast your vote according to what is righteous and holy according to My Word, and not according to the thoughts and beliefs of mankind or your personal thoughts and beliefs. Are you going to live to please Me, Almighty GOD, or are you going to live to please man? Proverbs 14:12 says, There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death, and more people need to remember that. If any of you are going to wait for total truth in politics, then you will be waiting until The Lord JESUS returns. Do not be misled by any man or woman therefore My children, because that is what will send a lot of people to hell one day. The world's ways are not My ways My children, so make your decision as to which side you are going to be. As I said before, politics can be a nasty and sometimes disgusting business in which to be involved, but someone does have to do it. As voters, more of you need to open your eyes and ears more and be more discerning, and blessed you will be for so being, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Seeking GOD First

September 10, 2024

"Seeking GOD First"

     Every day I can see or hear people trying to take care of and handle their difficulties independently and without seeking any help. So very often I see or listen to people struggling to do and/or maintain certain things, not being willing to realize that everything could could have gone better by coming to Me first. If and when someone is truly ready to put Me first in whatever they are endeavoring to do, they are sure to come out on top because I will be with them. But too often in this world, it seems that I am the last resort, and that is if I am thought of at all. Much too often My beloved, people will see and/or hear certain things that tend to be deliberately aggravating and/or unconscionable as far as certain people are concerned, as well as many of their actions, which is sad indeed.
     Listen, My children, whenever it comes to almost anything serious and/or worthwhile in your life, try to involve Me and The Lord JESUS first. If need be, I will direct you in the direction of someone who will be able to help you on the ground so to speak. When I am the first One you come to for help, it will be easy for you to be at peace, because you will know that I will have your back. Too often in this world, evil will try its best to take hold of you and the life you are living, trying to interfere in any way possible. But when I am your first call, I can take care of things before it ever has a chance to begin. I truly do dislike and despise those who try to hurt My children, even if the perpetrator is supposed to be a child of Mine as well, I will just have a different way of dealing with them. Now may you learn to seek Me first from this day forth, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Monday, September 09, 2024

The Sinful Life

September 09, 2024

"The Sinful Life"

     As long as this present world exists, there will continue to be both good and bad elements within it, and that is something that many of you have seen for yourselves. It is really not all that strange of course, because, after all, this is a sinful world that is filled with a lot of sinful people. With some people, in fact, sin manages to take them to a place from which there is no return. They find themselves caught up in all kinds of evilness, and end up just accepting everything as is, even though it is evil. There are just too many people who are easily bowing down to the influences of evil, all because they are allowing sin to rule in their lives. One of the problems tends to be that people become so busy with this and that, they do not even take the time to think about good or bad or evil or even sin.
     Listen therefore My children, learn to become more spiritual-minded rather than worldly and secular-minded, which is what the child of Mine should be doing anyway. Do not allow yourselves to become too immersed in the things of this world as so many people tend to do, because it is only temporary anyway. Many seem to find themselves so pleased with sinning, until they become blind to the dangers of it and to what they might normally be able to see. Life can truly indeed be somewhat of a rollercoaster ride with all of the ups and downs involved in this life. Those who live life walking in The Spirit will experience a life that only certain people will ever experience, because of their closeness to The Lord JESUS and Myself. Too many people allow themselves to succumb to lying, cheating, murder, sexual immorality, and any type of sin in general, which makes it difficult for them to see the error of their ways. Now may you be one who will walk in The Spirit, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Sunday, September 08, 2024

GOD Is Always Faithful

September 08, 2024

"GOD Is Always Faithful"

     I realize how difficult it can be for some of you to maintain hope sometimes, especially based on everything you might be seeing and hearing going on these days. It is sometimes difficult for those of you who are believing in something specific to trust and have faith in Us when nothing seems to be happening around you that you can see. There are those among you who have been seeking and waiting on your healing, with many of you thinking that We have forgotten all about you. Some of you find yourselves in need of some type of special miracle or need, and you are under the impression that We no longer care about your plight. Some have even begun to wonder if life is even worth living any longer because of everything that you have to face, and you wonder what is the use? There is one guarantee that is for sure My children, and that is the fact that We will never leave nor forsake My own.
     Therefore My precious little ones, do not be too concerned about what you might be seeing and/or hearing these days, because JESUS CHRIST and I are greater than it all. We need you to know that nothing is impossible for Us no matter what it is. Remember, that which is impossible with and for man, is always possible with Us. Whether it be for healing, some kind of physical or material need, or something special and specific you might need, just realize that you can surely keep your faith in Us, because We will not let any of you down. You just need to remember that your timetable is different from Ours, so there might certainly be some patience needed on your part. Patience only means not now, but it does not mean never, and blessed are you who realize that. Now may you just keep on trusting and believing no matter what, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Saturday, September 07, 2024

Keeping the Faith

September 07, 2024

"Keeping the Faith"

     I will often times hear some people complaining about the fact that do not or have not done something in particular for them. Those who usually think or feel this way are those who are short on faith and/or patience in the first place. All too often in this world, there are those who claim to have faith in The Lord JESUS CHRIST and/or Me, but yet their so-called faith is not very strong at all when it comes right down to it. It is a faith that is quickly plucked away or a faith that is weakened by whatever pressures are in their life at the time. Peter, for instance, was just fine when he stepped out of the boat to walk on the water to The Lord JESUS at first, but he began to sink when he looked around and actually saw the storm and the waves crashing around him, and so it is with many of the people today. Too much looking around at the circumstances and the problems one is facing tends to overcome whatever faith they have with fear. There is also a matter of a lack of patience being the culprit because seldom am I ever in a rush to do anything, because I am The One Who controls time.
     So therefore child of Mine in CHRIST, take a little time to think about where, or rather in Whom your faith really stands or lies. Are you one who is always complaining about what I will not or have not done for you? Now, before placing all of the blame on Me, I would like for you to take a real good look at what your part has been in this whole ordeal. Have you been one to look around at the storm that is raging around you and allowing your faith to waver because of the storms you see? Or have you been one who was expecting things to occur on your time schedule instead of just trusting Me to do things in My time and in My own way? Know this, My children, I have indeed promised to never leave nor forsake you, so I will never let those of you who are of faith down. Trust Me even in the darkest and the roughest of times, and blessed you will be if you do, in and through JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Friday, September 06, 2024

How Do You See Others?

September 06, 2024

"How Do You See Others?"

     When you become serious about trying to see others as JESUS CHRIST and I see them, you have to begin to try and put away all of your prejudices and all of your preconceived ideas about certain people. You are going to have to resign yourself to try to love the most unlovable there are among you, because that is exactly what We did and still do. You will have to learn that a person's physical attributes are not what is important, but rather what is in the heart that truly matters. As many of you know, there are some of the most attractive people around who are just as mean, evil, disgusting, and ugly as can be inside. On the other hand, there are those who might not be considered to be as attractive, but yet are some of the sweetest, kindest, most wonderful, and loveliest people inside. As the old saying goes, you cannot judge a book by its cover, or else you might miss some of the best parts of the person. No, my children, sometimes life is not quite as simple as it might seem.
     So from this day forth My children, try not to be so critical of people, because you never really know their story until you get to know the person for yourself. Some people might seem like some of the sweetest people ever outside, but then are totally different on the inside. Some people can stab you in the back before you can turn around, and in many cases, it will be someone you might have trusted and even loved. To see people the way We see people is to not be too harsh or too quick to judge because you, especially, cannot always know what is in a person's heart. It can be difficult as far as trying to love some people is concerned, especially when it seems that they do not seem to think very much of you. You should always be cautious around people you do not really know My friends, but always be ready to accept those who do want to be accepted, and blessed you will be for so doing, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Thursday, September 05, 2024

Putting CHRIST JESUS First

September 05, 2024

"Putting CHRIST JESUS First"

     As many of you know, there are people who do not want to hear or know anything about The Lord JESUS CHRIST except for in their own time. Oh, they will claim to love Him, but only when they feel like allowing Him into their lives. Also as you know, they do not want to think about anything to do with The Lord JESUS while they are out there having their so-called fun, no matter what My Word might have to say about their so-called fun they think that they are having. Or what if they are doing certain things that their conscience is condemning them for doing at the time? And yes, many of them are supposedly serious and devout so-called Christians every Sunday while they are in Church, but where is The Lord JESUS once they exit through the Church doors? In many cases, He is placed in a box or under a rock so to speak, until the next time the Church doors open.
     Know this, children of Mine in CHRIST, if and/or when any of you ever get here in Heaven, there will be praising such as you have never heard before. Those of you who barely want anything to do with The Lord JESUS now, are going to have a tough time here in Heaven if in fact you are allowed in here at all. Sad to say My beloveds, just like many people do not have time for Him now, He will not have time for them later. Remember when JESUS said in Matthew 7:23 (23)And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ Well, that will be many of the people who do not have time for Him right now. The Lord JESUS said in Revelation 3:20, (20)Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. Choose therefore to have your fun and ignore JESUS CHRIST right now and He might choose to ignore you later, and blessed are you who choose wisely, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Someone Is Always Watching

September 04, 2024

"Someone Is Always Watching"

     One should always be mindful of the fact that no matter where you are or what you are doing, good or bad, there is always someone watching you. Now of course there are people who will say that they do not care who might be watching them, they are going to do, say, and/or be whatever they want anyway. I have heard this more times than I would like to remember, but somewhere down the road, it seems to always come back to bite someone on the behind, so to speak. People who seem to not care about who is watching them, will also usually end up being seen doing or saying something that they would not want anyone else to see or hear. I have seen and heard some of these people doing and/or saying some of the most horrible things, thinking all the time that no one else sees or knows what is happening, but We have seen and/or heard, and it is something that We would rather not have had to witness.
     So as you live your life today My beloveds, be always aware of the fact that someone somewhere is forever watching you. And yes, I know that to many of you it will not matter at all, whereas to still some others, it will matter and make a lot of difference. Many of you who think about the fact that someone is always watching will affect the way you behave, think, and/or do things, and that can be a good thing after all. I am also well aware of the fact that many of you see a lot of grays in your life, and maybe if you know that someone is always watching you, more of you will begin to see more in black and white. So once again I am asking you to be aware of the fact that you are being watched even if it is just by Us here in Heaven. Now may you be one who does care about being watched, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Do Not Be Troubled

 September 03, 2024

"Do Not Be Troubled"

     In a world such as exists today, you cannot afford to allow yourself to concern yourself too much about what someone might be thinking or saying about you. As long as you are not trying to do harm to others, not trying to talk about others in a derogatory fashion, or even lying on or about someone, then it does not matter what they might be thinking of you. Those who find themselves being concerned about what others might say or think of them put themselves at the mercy of those people. People often forget about the names and how they talked about The Lord JESUS, as well as what they thought about Him. Here He was, The Savior of all mankind, yet they were always seeking to try and murder Him, or just lie about what He was saying and doing. It is such a powerful thing to be able to ignore what others might be saying or thinking about you as you rest in Me. People really have to learn that there is a life beyond this one, so how would you like to be remembered in this one?
     Therefore My beloveds, try not to feel too bad about what others might be saying or thinking about you right now, just as long as you know that you have not said or done anything to harm someone. Consider yourself to be in very good company, because so many people who have tried to do the good and right thing in life have been criticized, ostracized, and/or even murdered at times. Some people will do everything that they can to silence someone else, and it is especially sad when it comes from someone you trust and respect. I am well aware that some of you cannot quite communicate what you would like to say at times, but that is just fine with Me because I know your hearts. Some people just enjoy being mean and nasty and being able to look down upon and make fun of others at times, but such people will have to deal with Me one day, and oh how sad that day will be for them when they do. Forgive such people as those, therefore, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Monday, September 02, 2024

The Perfection of JESUS CHRIST

September 02, 2024

"The Perfection of JESUS CHRIST"

     Now know this My children, no one who has or was ever born has been as perfect as The Lord JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth Himself. Sure, most people will acknowledge that fact to be true of course, but yet most people still behave as if there should be others who are just as perfect as The Lord JESUS, but such a search would prove to be futile indeed. The reason why I say that some people are searching is because they do not want to forgive anyone for making some type of mistake or some type of trespass against them. It is as if the person who is seeking perfection in others has never done anything wrong to others themselves, and anyone knows that is certainly not true. Whether it be knowingly or unknowingly, every human being born into this world was born into sin except for The Lord JESUS CHRIST, and it would do so many people good to remember that fact. It is so sad to think just how unforgiving some people can be, as they become blind to their own faults and shortcomings.
     From this day forth oh child of Mine in CHRIST, learn to behave as if you do realize that fact that The Lord JESUS CHRIST was and is the Only Truly Perfect Human Being. There are and have been billions of people born in this world before and after The Lord JESUS CHRIST, with none of them being worthy enough to die for the sins of mankind but Him. The Lord JESUS is and was My Holy and Spotless Lamb Who was sacrificed in place of all of you. This is the reason why the only way to be saved is in and through The Lord JESUS CHRIST. So many people are forgetting the fact that no one else is as perfect as Him and can never be as perfect as CHRIST JESUS, so stop expecting anyone else in this world to be as perfect as He is. Blessed therefore are you who have learned to forgive, for you too shall indeed be forgiven as well, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Mighty Lord and Savior.


Sunday, September 01, 2024

How Do You See and Hear Things?

September 01, 2024

"How Do You See and Hear Things?"

     In much the same way that the Disciples noticed something different when they walked with and learned from The Lord JESUS, people will often view things differently in life as well. As you who have read My Word knows, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John all saw and wrote about what JESUS CHRIST taught and did when they were with Him, with them seeing and writing things somewhat differently from one another. Peter and James, (JESUS' brother), were also with CHRIST JESUS, and they saw even more of a different side of Him than the others did. Some of you will in fact see and/or hear The Lord JESUS in a different light as well, but that does not mean that what you see and/or hear is wrong, it is just different from someone else. Some of you also see life, people, and even politics in a different light from someone else as well, and it is somewhat sad when the differences between people cannot seem to help them agree to disagree without the violence that often erupts, which does tend to occur quite often these days.
     Therefore My lovely ones, learn to try to be more understanding as far as how other people might see and/or hear certain things. Sure, one side just might be more right or wrong than the other, but that will usually come out in the wash, so to speak. As most of you know, even though the Gospels were written by different individuals, they all ended up coming to the same conclusion of Who exactly The Lord JESUS CHRIST truly was. They all agreed that He was indeed The Son of GOD, The Messiah, The Savior, and The CHRIST Who would be crucified for the sins of the world. Some of you are dealing with certain people in your life today who are seeing and/or hearing things differently from the way you have seen and/or have heard them, and with a little patience, eventually the truth will be exposed for everyone to see. That is one reason why there really is no need for anyone to get all bent out of shape over the temporal things of this life. Now may you learn to be patient through it all, as you trust and have faith in JESUS CHRIST your Precious Lord and Savior.


Saturday, August 31, 2024

Is JESUS CHRIST Lord in and of Your Life?

August 31, 2024

in and of Your Life?"

     In this life My beloved, you are going to have both good and bad times, as well as times of joy and times of sadness. Now of course there will be people who will have more of one than the other in this life, but that too is just the way life tends to be on this side. There is one thing that I will say of course, and that is when times are bad, sad, and/or unpleasant in some way, one can always decide to whine, gripe, complain, and just feel as if the world hates you and is against you, or you can learn to make the best of it and take it all in stride. You can also realize that certain things are just a part of life and that much of it is out of your control anyway. Even when it seems that other people might have it better than you do right now, not everything has to remain that way. There are so many people living with hate, anger, disappointment, jealousy, and such, all because someone else seems to be living a better life than they are, and oh how petty and sad for those who are living with such emotions.
     Okay now, from this moment on, you can decide to truly make JESUS CHRIST Lord of your life or keep on going the way you have been. When JESUS CHRIST is Lord of your life, you place everything in His hands and trust Him to do whatever He will with your life. There is no more concern about good, bad, happiness, or sadness because you will have placed your trust in JESUS to do what He sees best in and for your life. You cannot imagine how great it will feel to relax and just let go, allowing The Lord JESUS to take over the reins of your life so to speak. Remember these words in Matthew 11:29-30, (29) Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (30) For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Oh, I realize that it will be a difficult thing for so many of you to do, because you have been so used to trying to handle and mess up everything yourself, even though you say that JESUS CHRIST is your Lord and Savior already. Sure, one of those might be true but not the other so far. Put away any hate, anger, disappointment, jealousy, or any other unhealthy emotion, and just get yourself on that JESUS train. Now may the good times roll with JESUS CHRIST as Lord of your life, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Friday, August 30, 2024

What Is the Most Important Thing to You?

August 30, 2024

"What Is the Most Important Thing
to You"

     I realize that it can be difficult to know and/or understand exactly what I am doing in your life each and every single day, which is the main reason for faith. Some people who claim to trust and believe in The Lord JESUS and I, tend to allow fear to interfere with their trust and belief whenever it seems that things are not going their way. One of the problems that I see with a lot of people is, that their desire for the material or worldly things in life is stronger than the desire for the spiritual. It will usually come down to what one cannot have in this life, therefore causing them to be overtaken with anger and/or disappointment or even fear. This tends to be a serious problem with those who tend to spend more time desiring the material or worldly things in life rather than the spiritual. Tell Me, do these following words sound familiar to you from Matthew 6:33, But seek first the kingdom of GOD and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you
     Therefore child of Mine in CHRIST, learn to put the desires of this world behind the desires to know The Lord JESUS and His righteousness, along with The Holy Spirit and Me. Understand that all of these material and worldly things are only temporal and will one day pass away, whereas what is done for Us will be stored here in Heaven with Us. And do not allow yourself to become so afraid when encountering the unknown, because The Lord JESUS and I will be with you every step of the way, just as long as you continue to trust and believe in Us. Remember beloved, as it says in 2nd Timothy 1:7, For GOD has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. My first and main concern is to help conform you to the image of CHRIST JESUS by helping you learn to become a learner and a follower of JESUS CHRIST. Much too often in this world, people see material and worldly things as being the most important, but no, it is the spiritual things that matter most. Now may you learn to see the spiritual as being the most important in your life, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Awaiting the Return of JESUS CHRIST

August 29, 2024

"Awaiting the Return of

     Listen, My people, one of the main reasons why I am stalling as far as allowing The Lord JESUS to return, is because there are people still coming to Him for forgiveness and salvation. There is someone every day still being wooed by The Holy Spirit and is being saved because of what The Spirit is doing. As long as there are great numbers of people still seeking CHRIST JESUS, thus eternal life, I will resist the urge to allow The Lord JESUS to return. You see, what none of you know that I do is, that there will come a day when Preachers will give the Altar call and no one will respond. There are going to be Missionaries, tent revivals, and even television Ministries where no one will be coming to be saved anymore. It will not be for a lack of trying either, it will just be that this world has finally gotten a hold of so many people that no one will be interested in CHRIST's salvation anymore, which will not come as a surprise to Me.
     I realize that many of you have been wishing for the return of The Lord JESUS CHRIST for some time now, but I will tell you this, it is closer today than it was yesterday for His time to return. I want to give everyone who has a desire to receive The Lord JESUS as their Lord and Savior an opportunity to do so. As of this very moment, there are a lot of people who want the chance to come to The Lord JESUS CHRIST and be saved. Remember, I am after all The GOD Who is full of grace and mercy. Also, be mindful of what John 3:16 says,  For GOD so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. So be patient therefore those of you who are anxious to come Home and see your loved ones who are here, because you will be able to do just that in due time. Even though some of you might be having a difficult time right now, remember that prayer still works wonders, and blessed you will be if you use it, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Putting JESUS CHRIST First

August 28, 2024

"Putting JESUS CHRIST First"

     It can be either easy or difficult to receive salvation through CHRIST JESUS because it involves being able to put The Lord JESUS before yourself or anyone else. As JESUS said in John 14:15, "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments", but just how many people actually do as He asked? Most people are often more concerned with their own self-interests, and if that is not the case, then they are more concerned with someone else's interests, but seldom are they seeking to put The Lord JESUS first. It is difficult to put The Lord JESUS first when pleasing one's self and/or others is one's main goal. Many people will claim that they do think of The Lord JESUS first, but it is definitely not in the way that He would like. To these types of people, He is first just as long as He is doing what they want Him to do for them, and as long as He is not interfering in what they want. Some people might even think that it is unfair to have to put JESUS CHRIST first, but remember, He put everyone else first when He went to the cross for your sins.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, just be mindful of the fact of the power that comes from putting The Lord JESUS first in your life. When you learn to put CHRIST JESUS first in all you do, then you will learn to see things that might have been hidden from you before. When you learn to put JESUS CHRIST first, you will also begin to know a peace that passes understanding and a joy that is unspeakable in your heart. When you put The Lord JESUS first in your life, you will also experience the power to be able to love like you have never loved before in your life. Those who do put The Lord JESUS first will learn to be seekers of truth and not become vulnerable to the newest thing that comes down the track which is often used to deceive many. And most important of all, is putting The Lord JESUS first is the same as putting Me first because He and I are One, and you can never go wrong doing that. Now may you be one who learns to put Us first in your life, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Taking GOD's Word Seriously

August 27, 2024

"Taking GOD's Word Seriously"

     One of the things that I would find to be amusing about mankind if I did not know them as I do, is just how often they can hear My Word being preached, and it rarely ever makes a dent in the way they choose to live. There are those who tend to never miss a Sunday service going to Church, and who seem to be involved in every extra curriculum activity involving Church, yet tend to be as mean and as ornery as hell. So many people will even look down on those who hardly ever go to Church when many of those who barely do ever go, tend to treat people better than many of them who seem to spend their lives in Church. The main problem that I see with those who go to Church often with little to no change in their demeanor, is the fact that they tend to be hearers and not doers of My Word, which is one thing more people really need to learn to do.
     Therefore people, in as much as it depends on you, learn to not only be a hearer of The Word but be a doer of The Word as well. There are far too many pretend Christians in this world, who never seem to change from the way they were before they came to CHRIST JESUS. I realize that it is not always an overnight transformation, but one would have to wonder what the problem is if it has been years without any changes. Much too often in this world, people will try to deceive each other into believing one thing, when in reality, they are something else. Some people also love to pick and choose what they will follow or not follow as far as My Word is concerned, but listen, My friends, that is not how that is supposed to work. A person should either take My Whole Word seriously or take none of It seriously. Now may you who have read this message be one of those who do take My Word seriously, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Monday, August 26, 2024

The Hurt that Is Caused By Others

August 26, 2024

"The Hurt that Is Caused
By Others"

     When dealing with people, it is never an exact science, because none of you are aware of what truly is in the heart of an individual and how they might really feel about you. Oh sure, you can make your guesses and/or have your speculations, but you can never be quite sure why someone might treat you as they do, unless they are bold and honest enough to come right out and say why they do or have treated you a certain way. I realize that many of you do not have any mean or bad intentions towards anyone else, and all you tend to have ever done is, to try and be a help to someone. As a child of Mine in CHRIST, there are those who will lie on and about you without any provocation at all, and I know that is not right and neither is it fair. Cases such as this cannot help but produce hurt feelings in the one to whom it has happened, especially when you do not know why someone has decided to treat you that way. But always know this, when you are a child of Mine and are hurt, well then, I hurt as well, and something will indeed be done about it.
     There is a saying that some people will say sometimes, and that saying is, GOD does not like ugly which is very true indeed. It simply means that as your Heavenly Father, I do not like seeing a child of Mine being hurt, and I do have My ways of correcting the situation. Now if all of the parties involved happen to be My children, then I will surely address the one who is in the wrong. For one thing, how can anyone say that they love Me but yet mistreat their brother or sister who they see every day? Another thing to remember is what JESUS said in Matthew 7:12  Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. And if you happen to be on the receiving end of the mistreatment, then do your best to pray for those who have hurt you or wronged you, and I, Almighty Jehovah, will definitely have your back. Remember that if you are hurting then I am hurting also, and I will not rest until there is justice done one way or another. Now may you be at peace, knowing that I am in your corner every step of the way, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Sunday, August 25, 2024

King of Kings and Lord of Lords

August 25, 2024

"King of Kings and Lord of Lords"

     Blessed are you who remember that The Lord JESUS is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and that there is no Name under or in Heaven Greater than His. Blessed also are those of you who treat The Lord JESUS as The King and The Lord that He is because there are many people who do not treat Him as such. Too many people live their lives day to day as if they are the kings and queens and lords of their own lives, not realizing that their lives are not their own at all. They oftentimes fail to realize that at any moment of the day or night their life here on earth could be over. Many of them also fail to recognize the fact that without The Lord JESUS CHRIST in their lives, they do not have anything worthwhile of their own. There are also those who fail to recognize that as The Lord JESUS CHRIST said in John 14:6, He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and no one comes to The Father except through Him, and blessed is he or she who realizes that fact.
     So as you live your life this and every day, do be mindful of the fact that the life you are living is only partially yours. I guess you can look at it as if the life you have here on earth is on loan to you for the moment, and one day you are going to have to return it. You will either return it to then live for eternity with The Lord JESUS, The Holy Spirit, and Me, or you will live an eternity being separated from Us. It all depends upon how you honor and respect The Lord JESUS CHRIST Who is indeed King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Know this, there is a day coming people, when every knee will bow and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST is Lord to the glory of GOD The Father. With each passing day My beloved, it is getting closer to the time of His return to gather His children and bring them Home. It is My hope that you who are reading this message will be in that number, in JESUS' Mighty and Magnificent Name.


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Being A Forgiver

August 24, 2024

"Being A Forgiver"

     The following words are more powerful than most people might think: "Forgive me my debts as I forgive my debtors." There are some translations that will say it like, "Forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me." Yes, My children, people often walk around holding all kinds of unforgiveness in their hearts, and many times they will do so over some of the smallest things. In many cases, in fact, the thing that tends to make everything bigger than they were in the beginning, is the fact of the unforgiving spirit helping to blow things out of proportion. It is absolutely amazing just how often little things will become big things just because of an unforgiving spirit. The funny thing always tends to be the fact that people will come to Me to be forgiven for something that they have done, as they walk around with unforgiveness in their hearts towards someone else. I try to get people to stop and think about the words, "Forgive me my debts as I forgive my debtors", but so many of them just ignore Me nevertheless.
     Now remember when Peter asked The Lord JESUS how many times does a person have to forgive another, and he mightily proposed seven times as if that was something great? But no, JESUS came back with the number seventy-seven times seven, which put Peter's thought of seven times to shame. All JESUS was trying to say with that answer was that forgiveness is unlimited, no matter how much or how often you might believe that you have been hurt or trespassed against. It is indeed a difficult thing to do for sure, but that is why you were given The Holy Spirit to help and comfort you. Now if the trespasser breaks the law while doing what he or she did, then they will still have charges to face. As for the one who was trespassed against, the forgiveness of the person will still be in order. Why should you forgive, some might ask? Well, it is because that is what I have instructed the child of Mine to do, and that should be enough. Forgiveness frees you and the one who needs forgiveness to live again and be spiritually free, now and forevermore, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Friday, August 23, 2024

When All You Want to Do Is Help

August 23, 2024

"When All You Want to Do 
Is Help"

     There will indeed be times in this life when there are certain individuals you will not be able to help, no matter how badly you might want to do so. People do tend to have their reasons for not wanting or rejecting help, no matter how unreasonable the reason might seem to you for them rejecting your help. Much too often these days, there are even those for whom you cannot even pray, because they are just not ready to receive prayer at the time. There are times when some people just want to be left alone, and that is their right to be alone if that is what they want. The same tends to apply to those who do not want prayer at the time for whatever reason, even though prayer can only help and not hurt someone. And speaking of rights, some people believe that they have the right to do, be, or say anything whatsoever without any limits, but that is just not the case. You see, some people believe that their life is their own, but even that is only true to a certain point.
     So from this day forth My children, try to stop worrying about those who have not asked for your help. Remember, you cannot force people into receiving help if they are not ready to receive it. Some of you have your heart in the right place for sure, but everything depends on the person you have the desire to help. Because you might love and care about someone, there will be times when it will hurt you to see them hurting or needing help, but still, the ball remains in their court until there is a change in them. Your hope is that those who need help will realize that you are indeed willing and able to do so anytime they need you. Take The Lord JESUS for instance, He is right there ready and willing to forgive sins, but He has to wait until someone realizes that they need help and come to Him, even though He has been right there all the time. Just pray that those who need help will come to the realization that you are ready and willing to be of service, and a blessing you will surely be, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Dealing with Politics Once Again

August 22, 2024

"Dealing with Politics Once Again"

     Oh My goodness My children, just how dirty can politics become? Well, I will tell you, there are no limits as to how messy and deceiving things can become when talking about politics. As many of you have seen and/or have heard, deception and lies tend to be the name of the game the majority of the time where politics are concerned. Those who tend to be running for a particular office will do and/or say almost anything just to get elected. And if you notice, the higher the office that one is running for, the more the lies and the deception tend to be. In most cases, in fact, they do not even care about the fact that I am aware of their lies and the deception, because they just want to win whatever race they are running. As I mentioned before, politics is one of the worst things in which a person can become involved, and oh what a shame that is, because it involves so many people. And what really makes being involved in politics so sad sometimes is the fact that the person who is running for a particular office, will not care what they have to do or say to win, along with those who stand with them.
     Therefore My children, if you do ever, on the rare occasion, run across a truly honest politician, make sure that you cast your vote for that particular person. I do grow weary of those who have to lie, cheat, and/or deceive the people when they run for office. Many of you have elections coming up very soon in The United States, and lies are being told by both parties and in every corner of the aisle, so what is a person to do you say? Well since most of you have a duty to vote as a Christian, vote for the one who has lied to you the least. Also as a Christian, some of the candidates deserve your vote because of their political stance, and not because of race, color, creed, sex, or religion, or else you will not be doing your part to choose the best person for the job. That is why it is important to be an informed voter, or else you could blindly and ignorantly end up voting for satan. That is also why some of you should not even be voting at all, because you are voting for the wrong reason. Be wise therefore and examine your choices wisely, and blessed your Country will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself

August 21, 2024

"Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself"

     Some people tend to get the wrong idea or impression when I talk about loving others as if I am asking them to do the impossible. In more cases than not, all I am asking someone to do when it comes to loving their neighbor as themselves is to just treat others as they would like to be treated. It can also mean doing unto others as they would like others to do unto them. I am not saying that anyone has to get all mushy and kissy-faced with an individual as if they are in love with the person. Not even I would want anything such as that to be taking place. So very often in this world, there are people treating one another as if they have never heard of The Ten Commandments or at the very least, how they should be treating one another. People need to begin to realize that even if they cannot seem to get along, they can at least find a way to be civil towards one another as human beings.
     So from this day forth oh child of Mine in CHRIST, try treating your neighbor with dignity and respect or as you would like to be treated. People love to say certain things these days like I will respect you when you learn to respect me. Or, you have to give respect in order to get respect. Well I say, respect others even if they do not respect you, because your Heavenly Father, Me, sees everything that transpires. Also, one of the most difficult things you will ever have to do is to love your enemy or to love someone who obviously hates you. Once again, all I ask anyone to do is to treat even the worst of people the way that you would want to be treated. It is so easy to be mean to those who are mean to you, but then what credit is that to you. Can you humble yourself enough to pray for such a person and ask that they be forgiven like The Lord JESUS did for those who had Him crucified? Oh, I can hear it now, people saying that they are not CHRIST JESUS, but do they desire to be a learner and a follower of JESUS CHRIST or not? Live to JESUS therefore and die to self, and blessed you will be for so doing, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Learn to Pay Attention

August 20, 2024

"Learn to Pay Attention"

     There are certain people in this world who are living a rather nice life, but yet they tend to be constantly complaining about one thing or another. Some of these people in fact have to try and create problems and drama in their lives just to be able to have something about which to complain. Some of these people tend to have everything they need and more, yet they are lacking joy and happiness in their lives. There are of course those who do legitimately need certain things in their lives, but because they are considered to be the least in this society, their needs are often ignored or overlooked by those who can help. Many people look down upon and/or just ignore those who they see as being beneath them. One of the saddest things in this world is the fact, that in a Nation that is as blessed as this one, there are many people who are ignored and in need.
     So the next time you pass someone who seems to be in need and you turn your head and/or act as if you do not see them, think about the parable of the good Samaritan JESUS told in My Word. And know this, not everyone you see who might be down at the time are bums or hobos as some of you might like to think. There are certain things that tend to occur in certain people's lives that tend to really break them down and cause them to just give up on life, thinking that no one really cares. I have tried sometimes to get some of your attention so that I could work through many of you, but many of you have really gotten good at ignoring Me. I am aware there are many crooks and deceivers in this world, and it is difficult to decide whom you can trust. But listen, just let Me worry about that part. Remember these words of The Lord JESUS in the parable in the Book of  Matthew Chapter 5,  inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me. All I am asking, therefore, is to do what you can when you can to help someone, and I in turn will do the same for you when you are in need. Now may you who have had ears to hear, be forever blessed, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Monday, August 19, 2024


August 18, 2024


     Every day that I wake each of you up, is a new day that is given unto you to crucify that old nature within and to put on CHRIST JESUS. It is a choice that one makes daily to choose to do or not do as far as living in CHRIST is concerned. Some might ask how do you go about crucifying yourself and putting on The Lord JESUS CHRIST? Well friends, first and foremost it begins with repentance and asking The Lord JESUS to cleanse and forgive you of your sins. Also, whenever possible, it should also include being baptized in the Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. After all of that, it takes a desire to want to know this JESUS CHRIST Who has cleansed and saved you from your sins. Now if you are truly sincere about your repentance, you will have been born again, not of the flesh, but rather of The Spirit. And if indeed you are serious, you will want to give up that old sinful life you were living and begin to desire to live for The Lord JESUS CHRIST.
     So there you have it, My friends, it is not all that complicated, but The Lord JESUS truly does need to become The Most Important Person in your life. Every time that old sinful nature of yours tries to rear its ugly head, and it will, you have to put it to death through the power of The Lord JESUS CHRIST and The Holy Spirit. You are indeed at a disadvantage because you are a sinful creature by birth, but JESUS CHRIST and The Holy Spirit are working in you to help change and take away that sinful nature. No My beloved, your struggle will not be an easy one of course, especially since you have to live in a sinful world such as this. For you to live is Christ, and to die to self is gain, and powerful is the person who learns to listen to and obey the words of The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Be in CHRIST therefore and allow CHRIST to be in you, and blessed you will be for so doing, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Sunday, August 18, 2024

Do Not Be Deceived

August 18, 2024

"Do Not Be Deceived"

     Ever since I created this world and cast satan and his followers out of Heaven down to earth, he has tried his best to do what he could to cause mankind to stumble and fail. It all began with Adam and Eve of course, by the misrepresentation of My Word as far as what I had told them that they could or could not do or eat. This has been his ploy all through the ages, and it continues to be so even to this day. Know this, My children, the devil is always busy trying to deceive and mislead people as far as My Word is concerned. The main problem that I see tends to be that the devil knows My Word better than many Christians do, and he will often try to use his knowledge to try and confuse and mislead people. He will also often try to take something that is good from My Word and try to put a different slant or spin on It, or even try to make people think that something that is in It is irrelevant for today's times, and very often he tends to succeed when he does.
     Therefore My beloved, be careful when it comes to certain temptations in your life because satan is usually the one behind every unholy temptation that comes your way. There is quite an uproar these days over the Ten Commandments and how they should be restricted as far as their use is concerned. And why do you think that is? It is mainly because it is from My Word, and that alone is reason enough for satan to hate what It says. The Ten Commandments tend to go against everything the devil is in favor of, so he will naturally not care for what It says. Tell Me, how could anyone in their right mind argue with, you shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image - any likeness of anything that is in Heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; and you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your GOD, am a jealous GOD, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments, and all the other commandments that follow. Do not be deceived or misled My children by satan and/or his minions, and blessed you will be if you just stand firm, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Loving Others

August 17, 2024

"Loving Others"

     Some people in this world tend to spend a lot of time and energy on being mean and nasty towards others, and often for no other reason than just to make them miserable. It seems that just being nice and civil towards others is somehow an unpleasant concept for some people. It sometimes seems that the nastier and the meaner someone can be towards another the better it is for them. One of the saddest things about many who tend to behave in such a way is the fact that they claim to be Christians. One of the last things that JESUS told His Disciples before He was arrested, is that they should love one another, for in so doing the world would know that they were His followers. The Apostle Paul even wrote in The Book of 1 Corinthians 13:1-3, (1)Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. (2)And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. (3)And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.
     Now listen My children, there is nothing special about being mean and nasty and sometimes even evil towards others, because it is love that truly counts for something. Now is it really that difficult to love your neighbor as yourself as JESUS said in The Book of Matthew. As a matter of fact My children, love was used many many times throughout My Word, proving just how important it is to Me. I would like for each of you who are supposed to be Mine to think about how you treat your fellow human beings. That also goes for those who many of you see as your enemies, for did JESUS not say to love your enemies also? I realize what a difficult thing I am asking of you, but the power to be more than what you think is in you through The Holy Spirit. Love is a concept that is hated by satan, so why not make the devil angry by learning to love your fellow man or woman. It would be such a pleasure to see the power of love take root all over the place, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS'  Most Precious and Holy Name.