September 03, 2024
"Do Not Be Troubled"
In a world such as exists today, you cannot afford to allow yourself to concern yourself too much about what someone might be thinking or saying about you. As long as you are not trying to do harm to others, not trying to talk about others in a derogatory fashion, or even lying on or about someone, then it does not matter what they might be thinking of you. Those who find themselves being concerned about what others might say or think of them put themselves at the mercy of those people. People often forget about the names and how they talked about The Lord JESUS, as well as what they thought about Him. Here He was, The Savior of all mankind, yet they were always seeking to try and murder Him, or just lie about what He was saying and doing. It is such a powerful thing to be able to ignore what others might be saying or thinking about you as you rest in Me. People really have to learn that there is a life beyond this one, so how would you like to be remembered in this one?
Therefore My beloveds, try not to feel too bad about what others might be saying or thinking about you right now, just as long as you know that you have not said or done anything to harm someone. Consider yourself to be in very good company, because so many people who have tried to do the good and right thing in life have been criticized, ostracized, and/or even murdered at times. Some people will do everything that they can to silence someone else, and it is especially sad when it comes from someone you trust and respect. I am well aware that some of you cannot quite communicate what you would like to say at times, but that is just fine with Me because I know your hearts. Some people just enjoy being mean and nasty and being able to look down upon and make fun of others at times, but such people will have to deal with Me one day, and oh how sad that day will be for them when they do. Forgive such people as those, therefore, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.