Monday, September 02, 2024

The Perfection of JESUS CHRIST

September 02, 2024

"The Perfection of JESUS CHRIST"

     Now know this My children, no one who has or was ever born has been as perfect as The Lord JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth Himself. Sure, most people will acknowledge that fact to be true of course, but yet most people still behave as if there should be others who are just as perfect as The Lord JESUS, but such a search would prove to be futile indeed. The reason why I say that some people are searching is because they do not want to forgive anyone for making some type of mistake or some type of trespass against them. It is as if the person who is seeking perfection in others has never done anything wrong to others themselves, and anyone knows that is certainly not true. Whether it be knowingly or unknowingly, every human being born into this world was born into sin except for The Lord JESUS CHRIST, and it would do so many people good to remember that fact. It is so sad to think just how unforgiving some people can be, as they become blind to their own faults and shortcomings.
     From this day forth oh child of Mine in CHRIST, learn to behave as if you do realize that fact that The Lord JESUS CHRIST was and is the Only Truly Perfect Human Being. There are and have been billions of people born in this world before and after The Lord JESUS CHRIST, with none of them being worthy enough to die for the sins of mankind but Him. The Lord JESUS is and was My Holy and Spotless Lamb Who was sacrificed in place of all of you. This is the reason why the only way to be saved is in and through The Lord JESUS CHRIST. So many people are forgetting the fact that no one else is as perfect as Him and can never be as perfect as CHRIST JESUS, so stop expecting anyone else in this world to be as perfect as He is. Blessed therefore are you who have learned to forgive, for you too shall indeed be forgiven as well, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Mighty Lord and Savior.