Thursday, January 09, 2025

Learning to Be Thankful

January 09, 2025

"Learning to Be Thankful"

     Some people tend to always be thankful for the bigger blessings in their lives, but seldom do they consider the smaller ones. Just to be able to wake up each morning and begin a new day is a blessing, even though I understand that many of you will often begin and end the day in pain. It is a blessing that more of you have shelter from the weather than not, even though the shelter you have might not be everything you want or desire. You can be thankful for whatever food there might be to sustain you in your times of need. There are more people than you know or realize who are going hungry each and every day, even as I try to feed as many as I can. It would be My desire to see more people getting involved with helping others in this endeavor. One can also learn to be thankful for the clothes they have to wear and the shoes for their feet, of which some people have more than they could ever or would ever need.
     Yes, My children, there are many things for which one should be thankful if only one would learn to have a thankful heart. It can be so easy to take the little blessings in one's life for granted and blessed are those who have learned to give thanks for and be thankful for every single little thing in their lives. It has been said that GOD loves a thankful heart, and yes My childrenI certainly do. Many people can be thankful for the vehicles they get to drive, realizing that countless others do not have anything of their own to drive. A lot of times in life people find it difficult to be thankful because certain things might not be exactly what they want or wanted, which is not how a thankful heart behaves. As you live your life this day, give some thought as to what you might be thankful for, and give thanks. Blessed is everyone who finds themselves being thankful for even the smallest of things, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Doing Unto Others

January 08, 2025

"Doing Unto Others"

     Have you ever seen people who tend to look down their noses at other people because they see other people as being less than them? Many of these types of individuals just love to think more highly of themselves than they ought to, and they often think that they are too high and mighty and so much better than others. They very often do not realize that everything they have and everything they are can be taken away in the twinkling of an eye, any time of the day or night. As some people have come to find out, a person can be on top of the world one day and end up being on the bottom the next day. Life truly does have a way of evening or balancing things out in one way or another, which My Word calls sowing and reaping. Those who often sow evilness, discord, wickedness, and such, will very often reap the same if not more, so one should always be careful about the type of seeds they are sowing.
     So from this day forth My beloveds, if indeed you do profess to be a child of The Living GOD in CHRIST, learn how to treat your fellow man or woman the way that you would like to be treated. Even if you are someone who clearly does have more than other people you know, instead of putting them down and stepping on and/or over them, why not try to help pick them up and giving them a helping hand? Blessed is the man or woman who can look at another person and truly sympathize and/or empathize with them. So very often in this life, people will tend to ignore someone as they are on their way up in life, not realizing that they might see some of those people as they are falling back down, so to speak. As a matter of fact, some of those same people who were so high and mighty might end up needing to receive help if things just happens to get reversed. As I said earlier, life sometimes does have a way of balancing the scales, so be careful how you treat your fellow neighbors. Blessed therefore are those of you who will take this message to heart today, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Waiting on a New World

January 07, 2025

"Waiting on a New World"

     Yes, My children, most of you who are Mine have come to realize that this present earth is not your real home, and as such, it is filled with sickness, disease, sin, and such. The sinfulness of mankind is still prevalent, and many of you have to face certain situations you would not have had to face if the world had remained as it was when I first created it, but it did not remain that way. Many of you are and/or have had to suffer the consequences of this fallen world. Many of you are fighting certain different types of illnesses that can only be healed supernaturally and/or through Spiritual warfare. I realize there are a lot of you who hurting and/or in a great deal of pain of some kind, and I have heard your prayers. Because this world is in the shape that it is, there are spiritual battles taking place daily of which you are not aware. I know some see this as one big joke, but that will change when the truth hits them head-on.
      Therefore, My children, I am asking those of you who do know the truth to just take your stand and continue on in faith. Be aware of the fact that sometimes the pain you have to endure is not because you cannot be healed, but rather because there is a spiritual battle taking place in the unseen realm. True, there are times when such battles actually do take time. Know that one day everything will be new and there will be no more sickness, pain, evil, or sin to deal with, and oh what a beautiful day that will be. But for now My beloveds, just remember to keep on walking by faith and not by sight. Many of you will indeed be put to the test trying to break your faith, but hold on no matter what. Always keep in mind that Greater is He Who is in you than he who is in the world, and the victory will surely be yours, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Monday, January 06, 2025


January 06, 2025


     Have you ever noticed how much easier it is for some people to lie rather than just tell the truth about something? This tends to be the case with people who know and maybe even love one another, as well as people who might be complete strangers. It is sometimes easier to lie to a stranger than to a loved one, but a lie is a lie no matter what. People will often claim that telling the truth about something just complicates things, and sometimes it might. These are obviously people who have not done very much lying, because nothing can complicate things as much as lying does. Also, have you ever noticed how difficult it is to believe someone who is a consummate or perpetual liar? Some people often see this as just being fun, but have they taken the time to consider what might happen if they truly need someone to believe what they are saying, but no one wants to believe that they are telling the truth? And have you ever noticed how a person who is a liar themselves finds it easier to accept the lies that others tend to spew? It is much like the old saying, birds of a feather flock together, and all because they understand one another.
     Therefore child of Mine, be or become the type of person who abhors lying and liars because The Lord JESUS was not a liar, and you want to be a learner and follower of JESUS CHRIST. Lying is indeed something that I detest because of the damage and the recklessness it can cause. Lying has been the cause of wars, broken homes, broken marriages, broken hearts, and other types of confusion. Blessed are those of you who are lovers of truth, even when the truth may be difficult to tell. People tend to make all kinds of excuses for telling lies, and when it really comes down to where the rubber meets the road, so to speak, all they really turn out to be are excuses. How often have you seen truly good things result from lies and lying without eventually causing some type of harm? The truth can often be spoken and then dealt with, whereas a lie tends to have tentacles hanging all over the place, causing a person to either become a good liar or one who will eventually just fall apart and tell the truth anyway. May you therefore be or become a person who can be trusted to tell the truth, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Sunday, January 05, 2025

Does GOD Send People to Hell?

January 05, 2025

"Does GOD Send People to Hell?"

     Remember what I said on the second day of this year about trying to open the doors to the truth? Well, there will be no more hiding or tip-toeing around the truth My children. Those who do not want to hear the truth according to My Word had better just keep on listening to those Ministers, Preachers, and teachers who are behind the pulpits watering down My Word in an attempt to please man and not Me, Almighty Jehovah, and there are plenty of them out there. Some of you are under the impression that I am The One Who sends a person to hell, but that is not true at all. The truth of the matter is, that people actually end up sending themselves to hell by the way they live and the way they choose to ignore My Word. I am the One Who tries to keep people out of hell by giving them a blueprint in My Word, on how to keep people from going to hell. People can avoid hell by 1, receiving The Lord JESUS CHRIST as their Lord and Savior, and 2, reading and obeying what My Word says. Remember that Romans 5:19 says, (19) For just as through the disobedience of the one man (Adam), many were established as sinners, so also through the obedience of one Man (JESUS CHRIST), many will be established as righteous.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, it is surely not of My doing that anyone will have to go to hell, that will be determined by the person themselves. They are the ones who make that choice daily. If My Word says to do one thing and someone makes the choice to do the opposite, then who is making the choice to disobey My Word? There are a lot of people who are under pressure to either go against My Word and be popular or to just obey My Word and be unpopular. When it comes to things like clothing, popular and unpopular is one thing, but as far as one's soul is concerned, it is better to be on the side of the unpopular. Now of course those who have come to The Lord JESUS and who obey Him are the way to keep a person out of hell. Let Me ask this question; can someone truly claim to be Mine but yet seldom obey anything The Lord JESUS has said? It is not Us therefore Who is responsible for sending people to hell, but rather the person themselves through their disobedience. So now may you be one who is obedient to My Word and is blessed for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Saturday, January 04, 2025

Adultery and Fornication

January 04, 2025

"Adultery and Fornication"

     The next truths I will mention are the truth of not committing adultery, and/or not committing the act of fornication. In both cases, both are indeed bad and wrong, and it leaves a bad taste in one's mouth to think that such things could ever be considered to be good. One of the Ten Commandments in fact is, thou shalt not commit adultery, yet it does occur every day in this world. And when it comes to committing fornication, that also goes on daily with some people not even seeing it as being a big deal. Television, movies, books, and such all have a lot to do with the corrupting of the fabric of society. It is so sad to see, as well as the harm that such behaviors can cause to hurt people. Families are often hurt, and/or destroyed, all because no one seems to care about the damage that such behavior can cause in the lives of certain people, especially when children are involved. Sin can be deceiving in so many ways, and the destruction it can cause is often unbelievable.
     So as you think about such things as adultery and fornication, do not allow yourself to fall into sin's trap of television, movies, and such, making you believe that there is nothing wrong with such behaviors. Also, as you think about such things as that, do not be one who follows the crowd as if everyone is doing it, because that is never really true. Always be mindful of the fact that when such things as adultery and/or fornication are involved, someone does eventually get hurt. Too many people just run around believing that these sexual immoralities mean very little to nothing, but again, that is not the truth. Those who allow themselves to be steered off-course, are proven to be weak, and people without a conscience, or else they would not be able to do such devious things to others. In My Word, there is quite a lot to be said about adultery, so that it should not be dismissed without giving it some thought. My Word also has a great deal to say about fornication, so once again, that should not be seen as anything good. So may you be lovers of truth and righteousness, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Friday, January 03, 2025

The First Truth of the Year

January 03, 2025

"The First Truth of the Year"

     Listen, My children, this is the first day of truth that I want each of you to hear this day. First of all, this is a subject that many people used to feel bad about, and that is the subject of homosexuality which My Word says that it is wrong. There are even Churches with ordained Ministers preaching from the pulpit that such a lifestyle is alright. Oh, I am sure that some people will see this type of thinking as being old-fashioned, and those who see it as being okay will think that they are just more enlightened, but they could not be further from the truth. Those who claim that they have not seen anything against homosexuality in  The Bible, have not read The Bible. In Leviticus 20:13 it says: if a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. There are other such examples as this in My Word, but one will have to read It.
     Therefore My darling ones, I am not and will not ever be afraid to tell you the truth. Some people do not care if you go to hell, but I do care. There are those who are preaching lies from the pulpit, and all because they were preaching to please men and not Me. If they wanted to please Me they would be more interested in preaching The Truth. In Corinthians 6:9-10 it says: (9) Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! The sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, passive homosexual partners, practicing homosexuals, (10) thieves, the greedy, drunkards, the verbally abusiveand swindlers will not inherit the Kingdom of GOD. Now of course there are people whose desire is to live telling lies and not truth. Some of you have to try to be people of truth that you were meant to be, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Thursday, January 02, 2025

Being Lovers of Truth

January 02, 2025

"Being Lovers of Truth"

     This, My friends, will be the year of truth, and I will be trying to lead and guide each of you in the right direction toward that truth. I will warn you in advance to prepare you for the truth that you will learn. As many of you have learned, there are certain chickens in the pulpit calling themselves Ministers, Preachers, Priests, teachers, and other members of the Church who have been afraid to open up and teach the truth. My Word is the truth, and anyone who is afraid to preach and/or teach from My Word does everyone who hears them a disservice. Just because man has decided that certain parts of My Word are not relevant today, it does not make My Word less relevant at all. Those who are afraid of the truth, are like people who do not care if others go to hell because of what they teach, which also means that love is nowhere to be found in them, and there are many of them preaching from the pulpits today. Almost anything can be gotten across to people when love is involved, so just please remember that.
     So from this day forth My children, please try to be truthful with those who are around you. If you find it difficult to be truthful with people, then it might be better to not say anything at all. Remember that in Hebrews 4:12-13, the writer says; (12) For the Word of GOD is living and active and sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing even to the point of dividing soul from spirit, and joints from marrow; it is able to judge the desires and thoughts of the heart. (13) And no creature is hidden from God, but everything is naked and exposed to the eyes of Him to Whom we must render an account. This is why when you begin to quote the truth of My Word, It tends to make some people uncomfortable. As the old saying goes, the truth hurts, and no one knows this better than he or she who is doing and/or living wrong. So remember, I so loved the world that I gave My Only Begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but will have everlasting life, and I did not do it to present the world with a bunch of lies. Satan is the father of lies and not Me, and people need to remember that. Blessed are you who love the truth, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Wednesday, January 01, 2025

The New Year of 2025

January 01, 2025

"The New Year of 2025"

     First of all let Me wish all of you who are children of Mine in CHRIST, a very happy beginning to this new year. I would also love to include those of you who are not yet Mine but who soon will be children of Mine in CHRIST. Many of you are embarking on this new year resolving to do better this year than the last, and the way that is done is through CHRIST's help and spiritual determination. The most difficult part comes when you allow the old person you were last year to begin to run your life this year. To be able to change your ways, you have to be willing to put away the old man or woman and begin to walk in the Spirit and not the flesh. Walking in the Spirit means that The Lord JESUS CHRIST will become your main focus and everything He was and is. You are going to endeavor to put away that old way of living and begin to live to CHRIST JESUS. You are going to have to say to yourself every morning that you are going to die to yourself and start to live to CHRIST JESUS to be successful. 
     Therefore My beloved children, once again allow Me to wish you all the beginning to a very happy new year. Let this new year be a faith-filled year as you decide that you are going to walk by faith and not by sight. Some of you have been praying and expecting certain things to happen, well this is your year for that something to happen. Some of you have been praying for a certain breakthrough in your life, and guess what; this is the year of your breakthrough. Some of you have been desiring to do, to go, and/or to be for quite some time before it is too late, and your time is just right around the corner as well. The special word of this year for many of you is "faith", and do not allow anyone to take that word away from you. Be blessed My children and remember that you are to walk by faith and not by sight. Remember also what Paul said to the Ephesians in 6:10-12, (10) Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. (11) Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. (12) For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Be forever mindful of that fact, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Be Thankful

December 31, 2024

"Be Thankful"

     Okay now My beloveds, if you are able to be reading this message today, try to be thankful that you have been blessed to still be alive. I am saying this because there are so many who did not live to see this day. I would like for each of you to think about this past year and think about those things for which you have reason to be thankful and grateful. Many of you in fact have been blessed beyond your wildest dreams, and if you play your cards right, so to speak, there will be better times yet to come. Now of course there is the other side of the coin where things did not turn out quite as well for some of you this year. Some of you suffered some close personal losses, as far as losing a loved one and/or the loss of personal property that cannot be replaced. As many of you have come to realize this year, life is truly short and sometimes very fragile, so try to make the best of it while you are here in JESUS'  Name, and I will be right there with you.
     So as you think about this past year My children, give thanks first of all that you are a child of The Living GOD in CHRIST. Next, give thanks and be grateful that you have been blessed to still be alive, even if you are one who does not think that it was a very good year at all. Just realize that as long as you are alive, there is always the chance and the opportunity to make things better for yourself and for others. Some of you will be tempted to think about everything that went wrong this past year, but please try not to dwell on those things. Go ahead and mourn, cry, and/or feel sad if you need to do so, but do not allow yourself to become stuck there in that place. Just remember to think about whatsoever there was to be thankful and grateful for this year as you look forward to next year with faith and anticipation. Know that your Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST is still Lord of Lords and King of Kings and that I am still Almighty Jehovah, and blessed you will be for remembering, in JESUS' Most Precious am Holy Name.


Monday, December 30, 2024

Having Faith and Trust in GOD

December 30, 2024

"Having Trust and Faith in GOD"

     Blessed are those of you who can see life's beauty and goodness, even though life might seem somewhat difficult for you at times, and that beauty and goodness becomes harder to see. As Paul said in Philippians 4:8Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. I realize that this can be difficult to do sometimes because of all of the confusion there can be in a person's life. One can make the decision to concentrate on the trials and tribulations in life, and those things about which they can do very little to nothing. I say to those of you whose desire is to do otherwise, just learn to let go and let Me handle the big stuff in your life. Now of course it will take trusting and having faith in Me, and some of you tend to have some trouble with that at times.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, stop your fretting and worrying over things about which you can do very little to nothing. I know that I have asked this of you before on other occasions, but good advice is always good to reiterate. Time and again I see My people being stressed over things that they cannot seem to handle, but instead of turning to Me for help, they just tend to fall apart and give up altogether. Faith and trust are the building blocks to help you who turn to Me into one who overcomes. I am not just sitting up here desiring to see any of you fail, because JESUS CHRIST came so that you might experience what it means to have an abundant life. Many of you have not experienced such a life because you do not believe or trust that you can. Trust and believe in Us therefore My beloved, and blessed you will be for so doing, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Sunday, December 29, 2024

The Forgiving GOD

December 29, 2024

"The Forgiving GOD"

     As many of you know, there are times in life when it seems that everything that can go wrong has gone wrong, and the very first Person to be blamed is Me. It would be impossible to count just how many times people have blamed Me for whatever ordeal, health problem, or for someone's death if I was not Who I am. If I were like so many of you, there would be no forgiveness for anyone who has had the nerve to become upset and/or angry with Me. And then again, if I were like some of you, I would give the person something to really be upset and/or angry over. That is like people who become so upset with Me that they call themselves turning their backs on Me, even after everything some of these people have heard and/or seen in their lives. Such are the times when people such as this should be glad and overjoyed that I am a patient, longsuffering, loving, merciful, and full of grace. They should also be thankful that I am also a very understanding GOD and Father.
     So if you ever think about letting Me go because of something bad that has happened in your life, be thankful that The Lord JESUS CHRIST has already paid the price for your insolent, rebellious spirit. Also, as I said before, these people should be grateful that I am not like many of you who would be seeking retribution against those who have turned their backs on Me. You see, I truly do try to be understanding with certain individuals and the disappointment they had in not receiving help at a particular time. This is where one must trust that I know what is best for them and what is going on in their life, and that they are determined to trust Me in and through every phase of their life. I am love, and because I am love, I can put up with a lot of what mankind does and/or says. Now may each of you who are angry and/or upset with Me, know that you are already forgiven, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Saturday, December 28, 2024

Trusting the Creator

December 28, 2024

"Trusting The Creator"

     It is often amusing the way that some people have the nerve to question Me at times being that I am The Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent GOD. Much too often I hear people asking why this or why that as if I, Almighty Jehovah, owe anyone an explanation. I will sometimes answer some questions depending upon who is doing the asking, but it is not something that I will generally do. Some people will even try to have an attitude with Me if I do not want to answer them. Some people are under the impression that just because I allowed them to be born, they have a right to ask and expect certain questions to be answered, but they are highly mistaken. I am The Almighty Who will do as I will without the need to get anyone's permission, especially not any man or woman. My patience is long, and great is My mercy and My grace, and fortunately for most people, that does not change.
     So as you live your life this day, be always mindful of Who I am. Do not be one of those individuals who for some reason or another believe that I owe anyone an explanation for the things that I do or the way that I get them done. As I said in the beginning, I do sometimes find it amusing how the creation can find the nerves to question The Creator, especially when there is no way that the creation's understanding can possibly comprehend the wisdom of The Creator. As My Word says in Isaiah 55:8-9, (8) “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. (9) “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. Blessed therefore are you who will learn to trust that I do know what I am doing in and with your life at any and all times, and blessed you will surely be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Friday, December 27, 2024


December 27, 2024

"Following CHRIST JESUS"

     Many of you have come to appreciate the fact that I talk with you on a daily basis, and then for many others of you, it tends to be somewhat of a chore. For those of you who do appreciate it, you tend to look forward to Our conversation and learning from JESUS CHRIST and Me when We talk with each other. There are others of you who live day to day with the expectation of hearing from Me, but sometimes you do not listen to Me because you work to prevent yourself from hearing Me. I do not want anyone to feel as if they have to listen to Me, because as some of you know, some people do not want to hear Me at all for one reason or another, just as many of the Israelites did not want to hear Me speak. Some people even feel that if they do not listen and hear they will have an excuse for not doing, being, or even seeing things as they should. But as anyone with any sense at all will realize, there are many other ways for Me to communicate whatever I need to say to any of you, whether you want to hear it or not.
     Blessed are you who are eager to hear from Me even if it is a word of correction or discipline at times. Some of you find that there is more to life than just listening to and hearing Me, there is the doing of what you have heard as well if you truly want to walk in obedience to Me which is what The Lord JESUS CHRIST did. Remember that in John 8:28-29 JESUS said; (28) “When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am He, and that I do nothing of Myself; but as My Father taught Me, I speak these things. (29) And He who sent Me is with Me. The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him. JESUS, of course, was here to lead by example, and those who follow His example will indeed be blessed. There are and will always be those who will want to do things their own way, go their own way, and say what they want to say despite what I have to say, and I have allowed them that freedom and that right to do so. Those of you who want to follow the example of CHRIST JESUS will do so with joy and blessed you will be for so doing, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Thursday, December 26, 2024

Greater Is He Who Is in You

December 26, 2024

"Greater Is He Who Is in You"

     There will often be times in your life when you just might feel as if The Lord JESUS and I are no longer with you, which is when The Holy Spirit will be there to comfort and help you. Some people will feel lost and maybe even feel forsaken at times, even though I have said that I will never leave nor forsake you. That is one reason why My Word is so important to know and to keep close to your heart. The devil tries to throw certain believers off track by deceiving them into believing that We are no longer with them nor care about them. That is when Romans 8:37-39 says; (37) Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. (38) For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, (39) nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. This life can sometimes be difficult for some of you to navigate, and it is usually when you forget about who you are in CHRIST. My desire is to see more of you, who claim to be children of Mine in CHRIST, become the warriors of righteousness, holiness, truth, and love that you should be in JESUS' Name
     Remember that JESUS said in John 14:1-3, (1) “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. (2) In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. (3) And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. Well, it is the same for each of you who are His as well, and I do not want any of you to forget that fact. Do not ever allow the devil to mess with your mind, because if you give him an inch he will surely try to take a mile. As My Word says in Ephesians 4:23-24,   (23) and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, (24) and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness, because you never know how and/or when you are going to be attacked. 1 Peter 5:8 says, (8) Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. When you are prepared with My Word, you will be able to resist him and to turn him away in victory. Remember, Greater is He Who is in you than he who is in the world, and what a blessing that is, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas 2024

December 25, 2024

"Merry Christmas 2024"

     Merry Christmas My beloved children, and may you who remember the true reason for this day, be blessed in every way possible. Of course, this is the day that has been set aside and anointed as the birthday of My Only Begotten Son, JESUS CHRIST. He is and was My Gift to a world that was full of sin and was in need of repentance. And oh what a blessing it is to see so many of you celebrating this day for all of the right reasons. Of course, I realize some could not care less about the birth of The Lord JESUS CHRIST and the salvation that He brings, but that is their loss and not Ours. Yes, all some people tend to care about are the gifts, and such, which tend to take place on this day. Some people do at least enjoy the family and/or friends gathering together who they do not get to see very often. Knowing what makes this day so special is the greatest lesson of all, and oh what a blessing that is.
     Therefore My children, remember to give thanks on this day, not for the gifts you may have received and have given, but rather for the Gift of My Only Begotten Son being born, and the birth of The Spotless Lamb of GOD, Who would one day lay down His life for the sins of the world. The Lord JESUS CHRIST, Who was My Gift to those who would believe in Him, and who would receive eternal life for receiving Him as Lord and Savior of their lives. The birth of The Lord JESUS Who is The Light of the world, The Way, The Truth, and The Life. The birth of JESUS CHRIST Who is The Alpha and The Omega, the Beginning and the End. JESUS CHRIST, The One Who stands between mankind and Me, and who man cannot enter except through Him. This is the JESUS Whose birthday is on this 25th day of December, and blessed are all of you who keep that fact in mind. Now may good things be to you who stay mindful of these things, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve 2024

December 24, 2024

"Christmas Eve 2024"

     Well My children, here it is, the day before Christmas and the excitement keeps building throughout the day in anticipation of tomorrow. Of course, this is only the day that mankind has deemed to be the day before the birth of The Lord JESUS CHRIST, and there is excitement almost everywhere you look. Now of course Christmas Day is only the traditional Holiday that has been set aside, and you know how mankind can be about their traditions. I have not minded so much because mankind does at least celebrate the birth of My Only Begotten Son. My only wish during this time of year would be if His birth did not have to be associated with Santa Claus, of course. I realize that I have already voiced My opinions as far as the Santa Claus controversy is concerned, and I will have no more to say about it for a while. I will just let mankind have their enjoyment, and be thankful for those who do remember the birth of My Only Begotten Son.
     So from this day forth My friends, be of good cheer for unto you tomorrow is born in the city of David, a Savior, Who is CHRIST the Lord and who will be the Savior of all mankind. He will save those who will come to Him, trust in Him, and believe in Him to do what He said that He came to do. Blessed are all of you who will receive Him as your Lord and Savior instead of running back and forth and playing games with your salvation. So many people refuse to be serious about something as serious as their salvation. Even though it might not be The Lord JESUS' exact birthday tomorrow, it is still a joyous and rewarding occasion and such a wonderful thing to behold. There are many who will see this as your last Christmas, so may you enjoy and be grateful for this one, and blessed you will be for so doing, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Monday, December 23, 2024

Learning to Love Others

December 23, 2024

"Learning to Love Others"

     Thanksgiving and Christmas time are both two of the saddest and the happiest times of the year, depending on how much a person has or does not have during this time. Many people also find themselves being alone at this time of the year, with some of them being by choice and some of them not, and it is sad when the choice is not of one's own choosing. That is really when this time of the year is filled with sadness and heartache. Those who find themselves financially able can go wherever they want to go, be wherever they want to be, and of course, live the way they desire to live. Also, those who have money can choose to either be alone or not be alone in more cases than not. This time of year is also the time of year when those whom you love and care about are around as well and vice versa, so people need to remember this during this time of the year.
     Blessed therefore are each of you who do try to remember such people do exist during this time of the year. When people are cheerful and happy in and with their lives, try to be that way also with them, but if they are lonely and sad, try to do whatever you can to lift their spirits. Some people cannot and will not be helped no matter what, but it never hurts to at least try to do whatever you can for others. This time of year means so much to so many, and yet it can mean so little to many others, with much of it having to do with a person's financial situation. It is sometimes easy for those with money to forget that there are indeed those who are lacking financially. There is almost nothing quite as special and as wonderful as a person who is willing and able to help others, especially during this time of the year. It is often easy to forget about those who might be lonely, sad, and in need as you find that you are surrounded by people who love and care for and about you. Learn therefore to try and share a little love this time of year and see how much better you will feel. Blessed are all of you who learn to give of yourselves, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Sunday, December 22, 2024

It's Christmas Time

December 22, 2024

"It's Christmas Time"

     It is very often amusing how many people think that the idea of protecting Santa Claus' identity and mysticism is as important as Who The Lord JESUS CHRIST truly is. Some people, in fact, who mistakenly believe that children cannot understand the concept of a Savior being born for the redemption of mankind, are often anxious to extoll the virtues of the mystical figure called Santa Claus. Some parents will, in fact, become highly upset with someone if they say to their children that Santa Claus is not real. Now if those same individuals would say that JESUS CHRIST is not real, there would not be the same amount of fervour involved. There is no more Important Figure in history than The Lord JESUS CHRIST of course, yet in some societies, Santa Claus tends to get top billing over The Lord JESUS. All through this modern age, Santa Claus has often received more attention and accolades than The One for Whom Christmas Day is being celebrated. Oh, there are the cute little manger scenes and cute little Christmas plays that take place each year, but please do not let anyone disrespect Santa Claus they say.
     Therefore My darling children, please decide Who and/or what is more important in your child's life today. Will it be the mystical character Santa Claus, or will it be The Lord JESUS CHRIST, The One for Whom Christmas Day represents? So many people tend to forget the fact that the birth of JESUS CHRIST is the real reason for the season, and not Santa Claus and/or the gifts. Santa Claus is fine, giving gifts is fine, and even enjoying of Christmas dinner is fine, but the Main Reason for these celebrations should not be ignored, and that is The Lord JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth Who was born in a manger in Bethlehem. Never allow Him to play second fiddle to anyone, especially Santa Claus or St. Nick, because Santa cannot hold a candle to The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Blessed are you who can keep your priorities straight, in and through JESUS' Mighty and Precious Name.


Saturday, December 21, 2024

Bring It to JESUS

December 21, 2022

"Bring It to JESUS"

     When you allow JESUS CHRIST to become the center of your life, everything else around you will just naturally seem to fall into place, and blessed are those who learn that lesson. The Lord JESUS came to earth for one thing to set people free from the law of sin and death which eventually came to all men. Another reason for His coming was to set people free from the mundane worries and frets of the world, but one must be willing to learn how to let these things go, which tends to not be so easy for some people to do. It is as if The Lord JESUS is standing there holding out His hands and just waiting for you to fill them with whatever is troubling you, but instead, you just keep clutching them and holding them tighter and tighter to your chest. Or it can be like if you are heavily burdened with a heavy weight that tends to be weighing you down, and JESUS CHRIST is right there waiting for you to give Him that weight but you decide not to do it and just keep holding it. And another example of JESUS wanting to help you would be if you found yourself in total darkness, and The Lord JESUS was at one end shining the brightest light you have ever seen beckoning you to come to Him, and you just refused to move.
     Therefore My beloved children, please learn how to let CHRIST JESUS help you in and with the struggles of your life. First of all, do not forget to repent of your sins and leave them outside of the door, so to speak. Sure, there are times when He will help because of your ignorance to and of certain things, but the more you know, the less He will excuse you because you are ignorant. There is so much that The Lord JESUS would really want to do for more of you than what he already does, but you just do not want to let go and let Him have the wheel, the reins,  the stern, or whatever other analogy you want to make. All that any of you have to do is to picture The Lord JESUS with His hands extended just asking you to give Him all that is burdening you. Remember that in Matthew 11:28-30 JESUS said; (28) Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (29) Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (30) For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Blessed are all of you who have ears to hear, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Friday, December 20, 2024

How Do You Compare?

December 20, 2024

"How Do You Compare?

     Very few people in this world have ever had to face the losses that My servant Job did, who proved to be an example of the power of trust and faith. Abraham was yet another example of one who had faith that was demonstrated by his desire to obey Me and who was therefore ready to sacrifice his son Issac. Now Job's faith was different in the fact that he had lost so much in his life, yet he still chose to trust and believe in Me. Satan was so sure that all he had to do was to take away that with which I had blessed Job, and it would cause Job to curse Me, but Job never did. Job was indeed one of the most faithful servants I ever had and I demonstrated My love for him by restoring back to him everything that I had allowed satan to take away from him. If there was anyone who could have had a reason to whine, grumble, gripe, and complain about something, it would have been Job, but in the end, all he did was trust Me and keep on believing that I would not let him down.
     Therefore, I am asking each of you today if you would be willing to be like either Abraham or Job as far as trusting Me is concerned. Are any of you willing to trust and have faith in Me as they did? Could any of you lose everything such as Job did and still continue to love and trust Me? If I were to ask you to sacrifice your only child, do you think that you could do it without grumbling, whining, or complaining? Tell Me, how many of you are willing to trust Me even when times might seem to be their darkest? As most of you know by now, very few things in this life rarely ever go according to your best-laid plans, so are you going to be one who gets upset and anxious over everything that does not go your way, or can you be added to the category with Abraham and Job? Blessed are those of you who are determined to stick with JESUS CHRIST and Myself no matter what, in and through His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Love of GOD

December 19, 2024

"The Love of GOD"

     Even though I am a merciful, forgiving, long-suffering, and patient GOD, I am not a GOD Who likes being ignored or put on the back burner, so to speak. I have also noticed that many times in this life people will tend to take The Lord JESUS and Me for granted. I try to do what I can for people, as do The Lord JESUS and The Holy Spirit, and often times what We do goes either unrecognized or unappreciated. I gave My Only Begotten Son as a sacrificial Lamb to be led to the slaughter for the sin of all mankind, only to see Him and many of His followers be ridiculed, attacked, and humiliated. I have seen people suffer at the hands of the ignorant for His Name's sake, leaving a nasty taste in My mouth, humanly speaking, that is. Now of course, not everyone is like that, but there are more than I would like to see because life has so much more to offer to those who allow themselves to be led by The Lord JESUS CHRIST and The Holy Spirit.
     Therefore My friends, do not be nor become one who is lost in a world of ignorance, ingratitude, and a lack of appreciation of what has been done on your behalf. Sure you have been given free will to make the choices that will lead to eternal life through The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Yes, it is one thing to ignore Me and all that I want to do for you as a beloved child of Mine, and another whole thing entirely to ignore what has been offered in and through The Lord JESUS CHRIST which is the forgiveness of your sins and eternal life. Many people just live out their daily lives never once thinking of the free Gift that has been offered them in and through The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Blessed are all of you who do appreciate it and who have received JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and Savior, and forever blessed you shall be, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Wednesday, December 18, 2024

You Are Not All the Same

December 18, 2024

"You Are Not All the Same"

     There is a misconception that many people tend to have as it pertains to Me, and that is the fact that I should somehow be treating everyone exactly alike. The main flaw in that thinking is, that not all of you are the same, so how I treat each of you has to be different. Even though I sincerely love each and every one of you, I must admit that I do have to treat each of you differently. Take, for instance, each of you who are earthly parents and who have more than one child; do you treat all of them the same? Sure, you love each of them, or at least you should, but each of your children has their own special personalities and abilities, and there needs to be a difference in the way each of them is treated. One child might be more or less sensitive than another, one just might be more obedient than another, one might be physically or mentally stronger than another, one could absolutely be more trustworthy than another, and still, one could be more loving and caring than the other. In either case, there is almost no way that you can treat them all the same.
     Therefore My lovely children, do not think it so strange that I just might treat some of you differently from one another. There are certain things that I can trust some of you to do and with that, I cannot with others of you. Some of you I am able to talk to and know that you will listen and hear Me, whereas others of you are not likely to do the same. Now do not get Me wrong, I will still love each of you the same, it is just the fact that I will not be able to to treat you all the same. Also, be mindful of the fact that you all are different ages and are at different stages in your Spiritual development, and that will enter into the equation as well. There are those among you who are extremely wise as far as your finances are concerned, while some others of you are very foolish so I can only trust you with so much. So from this day forth, do not think it strange if I say that I have to treat each of you differently, and blessed you will be for understanding, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Realizing the Importance of CHRIST JESUS

December 17, 2024

"Realizing the Importance of 

     There are people who tend to believe that they have no need for The Lord JESUS CHRIST and what He has to offer, and it all stems from an ignorance of Who He is. The Lord JESUS CHRIST is The Way, The Truth, and The Life; apart from Him, there is nothing worth anything. Yes, it is true that He is My Only Begotten Son, but He is also the complete essence of Who I am, for as He once said, My Father and I are One, and blessed are those of you who realize that fact. Some people, of course, believe that they have everything they need apart from needing CHRIST JESUS or Me, but they could not be more wrong about that. Just because certain people have money and maybe all of the material possessions they want, these cannot do anything at all for them as far as their eternal souls are concerned. I see people every day rejecting The Lord JESUS simply because they think that salvation is found in the secular and material world. 
     So as you make your journey My beloved, do not be deceived by the things that are seen, because life is much more than just material things. The really important things in life are Spiritual and not physical, and blessed are you who realize that truth. The Lord JESUS is and will continue to be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and blessed are you who remember that at all times. Oh yes, there are people every day who tend to just go about their daily business, never really stopping to think about where they will end up when they leave this world. Money will not be able to save them, and neither will gold, silver, diamonds, pearls, or any other type of worldly treasure. Salvation can only be had in the Person of The Lord JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth. Now may you learn to keep The Lord JESUS first and foremost in your life always, and blessed you will be for so doing, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Monday, December 16, 2024

Mind Your Own Business

December 16, 2024

"Mind Your Own Business"

     Have you ever noticed how some of the nicest, sweetest, and most loveliest people in the world are often ridiculed and/or criticized for not being what other people think that they should be? Such people are very frequently criticized because they tend to be able to take more garbage or rubbish than some people think they should. Oh yes, there are those individuals who are willing and ready to get confrontational at the drop of a hat, so to speak, and be prepared to meet force with force if the need so arises. Those who do not think that such tactics are always warranted will frequently be called such names as chicken, lily-livered, scared, or whatever such names people can come up with just to denigrate an individual. Part of the reason The Lord JESUS was not received as He should have been, was because many of the Pharisees had the wrong idea of Who He was supposed to have been. The people were looking for and expecting a different kind of Savior other than what they got in JESUS because The Lord JESUS was not the revolutionist that they expected.
     Most of you have heard the saying that you cannot judge a book by its cover, and that is definitely the way that it should be in the case of certain people, especially those of whom you know very little. Just because someone might not behave the way that you might expect them to or desire them to behave, there is no need to resort to name-calling. Some people are just able to withstand more than someone else can, which means that they are probably stronger and more resilient than one might think. Oh, it can be so easy to look down on others when you have no idea of how or what they might be thinking. One also cannot know what is in a person's heart at any particular time. Learn therefore to give a person a little room to be who they need to be and not be who you think that they should be. Bless you, who just learn to let them be, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.