December 31, 2024
"Be Thankful"
Okay now My beloveds, if you are able to be reading this message today, try to be thankful that you have been blessed to still be alive. I am saying this because there are so many who did not live to see this day. I would like for each of you to think about this past year and think about those things for which you have reason to be thankful and grateful. Many of you in fact have been blessed beyond your wildest dreams, and if you play your cards right, so to speak, there will be better times yet to come. Now of course there is the other side of the coin where things did not turn out quite as well for some of you this year. Some of you suffered some close personal losses, as far as losing a loved one and/or the loss of personal property that cannot be replaced. As many of you have come to realize this year, life is truly short and sometimes very fragile, so try to make the best of it while you are here in JESUS' Name, and I will be right there with you.
So as you think about this past year My children, give thanks first of all that you are a child of The Living GOD in CHRIST. Next, give thanks and be grateful that you have been blessed to still be alive, even if you are one who does not think that it was a very good year at all. Just realize that as long as you are alive, there is always the chance and the opportunity to make things better for yourself and for others. Some of you will be tempted to think about everything that went wrong this past year, but please try not to dwell on those things. Go ahead and mourn, cry, and/or feel sad if you need to do so, but do not allow yourself to become stuck there in that place. Just remember to think about whatsoever there was to be thankful and grateful for this year as you look forward to next year with faith and anticipation. Know that your Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST is still Lord of Lords and King of Kings and that I am still Almighty Jehovah, and blessed you will be for remembering, in JESUS' Most Precious am Holy Name.