December 20, 2024
"How Do You Compare?
Very few people in this world have ever had to face the losses that My servant Job did, who proved to be an example of the power of trust and faith. Abraham was yet another example of one who had faith that was demonstrated by his desire to obey Me and who was therefore ready to sacrifice his son Issac. Now Job's faith was different in the fact that he had lost so much in his life, yet he still chose to trust and believe in Me. Satan was so sure that all he had to do was to take away that with which I had blessed Job, and it would cause Job to curse Me, but Job never did. Job was indeed one of the most faithful servants I ever had and I demonstrated My love for him by restoring back to him everything that I had allowed satan to take away from him. If there was anyone who could have had a reason to whine, grumble, gripe, and complain about something, it would have been Job, but in the end, all he did was trust Me and keep on believing that I would not let him down.
Therefore, I am asking each of you today if you would be willing to be like either Abraham or Job as far as trusting Me is concerned. Are any of you willing to trust and have faith in Me as they did? Could any of you lose everything such as Job did and still continue to love and trust Me? If I were to ask you to sacrifice your only child, do you think that you could do it without grumbling, whining, or complaining? Tell Me, how many of you are willing to trust Me even when times might seem to be their darkest? As most of you know by now, very few things in this life rarely ever go according to your best-laid plans, so are you going to be one who gets upset and anxious over everything that does not go your way, or can you be added to the category with Abraham and Job? Blessed are those of you who are determined to stick with JESUS CHRIST and Myself no matter what, in and through His Holy and Most Precious Name.