December 19, 2024
"The Love of GOD"
Even though I am a merciful, forgiving, long-suffering, and patient GOD, I am not a GOD Who likes being ignored or put on the back burner, so to speak. I have also noticed that many times in this life people will tend to take The Lord JESUS and Me for granted. I try to do what I can for people, as do The Lord JESUS and The Holy Spirit, and often times what We do goes either unrecognized or unappreciated. I gave My Only Begotten Son as a sacrificial Lamb to be led to the slaughter for the sin of all mankind, only to see Him and many of His followers be ridiculed, attacked, and humiliated. I have seen people suffer at the hands of the ignorant for His Name's sake, leaving a nasty taste in My mouth, humanly speaking, that is. Now of course, not everyone is like that, but there are more than I would like to see because life has so much more to offer to those who allow themselves to be led by The Lord JESUS CHRIST and The Holy Spirit.
Therefore My friends, do not be nor become one who is lost in a world of ignorance, ingratitude, and a lack of appreciation of what has been done on your behalf. Sure you have been given free will to make the choices that will lead to eternal life through The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Yes, it is one thing to ignore Me and all that I want to do for you as a beloved child of Mine, and another whole thing entirely to ignore what has been offered in and through The Lord JESUS CHRIST which is the forgiveness of your sins and eternal life. Many people just live out their daily lives never once thinking of the free Gift that has been offered them in and through The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Blessed are all of you who do appreciate it and who have received JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and Savior, and forever blessed you shall be, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.