December 24, 2024
"Christmas Eve 2024"
Well My children, here it is, the day before Christmas and the excitement keeps building throughout the day in anticipation of tomorrow. Of course, this is only the day that mankind has deemed to be the day before the birth of The Lord JESUS CHRIST, and there is excitement almost everywhere you look. Now of course Christmas Day is only the traditional Holiday that has been set aside, and you know how mankind can be about their traditions. I have not minded so much because mankind does at least celebrate the birth of My Only Begotten Son. My only wish during this time of year would be if His birth did not have to be associated with Santa Claus, of course. I realize that I have already voiced My opinions as far as the Santa Claus controversy is concerned, and I will have no more to say about it for a while. I will just let mankind have their enjoyment, and be thankful for those who do remember the birth of My Only Begotten Son.
So from this day forth My friends, be of good cheer for unto you tomorrow is born in the city of David, a Savior, Who is CHRIST the Lord and who will be the Savior of all mankind. He will save those who will come to Him, trust in Him, and believe in Him to do what He said that He came to do. Blessed are all of you who will receive Him as your Lord and Savior instead of running back and forth and playing games with your salvation. So many people refuse to be serious about something as serious as their salvation. Even though it might not be The Lord JESUS' exact birthday tomorrow, it is still a joyous and rewarding occasion and such a wonderful thing to behold. There are many who will see this as your last Christmas, so may you enjoy and be grateful for this one, and blessed you will be for so doing, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.