Monday, December 16, 2024

Mind Your Own Business

December 16, 2024

"Mind Your Own Business"

     Have you ever noticed how some of the nicest, sweetest, and most loveliest people in the world are often ridiculed and/or criticized for not being what other people think that they should be? Such people are very frequently criticized because they tend to be able to take more garbage or rubbish than some people think they should. Oh yes, there are those individuals who are willing and ready to get confrontational at the drop of a hat, so to speak, and be prepared to meet force with force if the need so arises. Those who do not think that such tactics are always warranted will frequently be called such names as chicken, lily-livered, scared, or whatever such names people can come up with just to denigrate an individual. Part of the reason The Lord JESUS was not received as He should have been, was because many of the Pharisees had the wrong idea of Who He was supposed to have been. The people were looking for and expecting a different kind of Savior other than what they got in JESUS because The Lord JESUS was not the revolutionist that they expected.
     Most of you have heard the saying that you cannot judge a book by its cover, and that is definitely the way that it should be in the case of certain people, especially those of whom you know very little. Just because someone might not behave the way that you might expect them to or desire them to behave, there is no need to resort to name-calling. Some people are just able to withstand more than someone else can, which means that they are probably stronger and more resilient than one might think. Oh, it can be so easy to look down on others when you have no idea of how or what they might be thinking. One also cannot know what is in a person's heart at any particular time. Learn therefore to give a person a little room to be who they need to be and not be who you think that they should be. Bless you, who just learn to let them be, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Sunday, December 15, 2024

Being A Learner and A Follower of CHRIST

December 15, 2024

"Being A Learner and A Follower

     Learning to be or become a learner and a follower of The Lord JESUS CHRIST, is not and has never been an easy thing for a lot of people to do. To truly be or become a learner and a follower of JESUS CHRIST, one has to be willing to endure certain conditions and hardships that the world, in general, would not. The world is quick to become angry and upset if they feel that they have been wronged in some way, while if you are a learner and a follower of JESUS, you will be more inclined to just let Me handle the situation. When it comes to things like turning the other cheek for instance, which most people would not even think about doing, that too would be difficult for most people to do. Oh, and do not even think about what Matthew 5:44 says about loving your enemies, blessing those who curse you, doing good to those who hate you, and praying for those who spitefully use and persecute you. Much of what JESUS asked people to do was beyond mankind's natural way of thinking about things, which is what makes being a learner and a follower of CHRIST JESUS so difficult.
     Now listen to Me, My children, as I said before, it is not easy to be or become a learner and a follower of JESUS CHRIST. Matthew 7:13-14 says (13) to enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. (14) Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. This, My beloved, is a warning of sorts because mankind's ways of doing and looking at things are so very different from the way The Lord JESUS looks at things, which is why most of you tend to have a difficult time being a learner and a follower of The Lord JESUS. You need to be able to change the way you think about things and the way you see things in order to become a true learner and follower of The Lord JESUS and blessed you will be for so doing, in His Most Holy and Precious Name.


Saturday, December 14, 2024

GOD's Kind of Love

December 14, 2024

"GOD's Kind of Love"

     I, GOD Almighty, am love, which also means that The Lord JESUS CHRIST is love and it is much more than in how mankind thinks of love. Usually, when man thinks of love, it is something that is either lustful or sexual, or carnal in some way that has to do with the pleasing of self in one way or another. When I and The Lord JESUS CHRIST speak of love, it is always concerning what We can do for, give to, and/or be to other people. There are those today who claim that they love someone when all they really want to do is to keep them captive in one way or another. Their love tends to smother and suffocate the person, and every desire tends to be a selfish desire. Our type of love wants a person to be able to be free to make their own choices, even if some of those choices are not great or not even the best choices that could have been made. It is much like when I gave Moses The Ten Commandments, they were given to him out of love and not hate or anger.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, try to be lovers of others first rather than just being lovers of self. Also, try to love in other ways than sexually, lustfully, or carnal. Do not be afraid to put yourself out, so to speak, to become someone who is able to love others as JESUS CHRIST and I have loved each of you. Remember this; For GOD so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever would believe in Him would not perish but would have eternal life. This is something that I did for others and not for Myself lest any of you were wondering. I still allow people to make their own choices even though My desire is for them to choose The Lord JESUS CHRIST and Myself. Learn therefore how to be true lovers of others and not just for selfishness's sake either, and blessed you are sure to be, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Friday, December 13, 2024

When Waiting on Your Prayers to Be Answered

December 13, 2024

"When Waiting on Your Prayers
to Be Answered"

     I know many of you are and have been seeking healing for yourselves or for someone else, and I just want you to know that I am listening and that I have heard your prayers. Some of you find yourselves in a great deal of pain, and I am here to try and rescue some of you. Many among you are wondering if there might be some special chant or prayer that will get My attention, but no there is not. All any of you have to do is to do what My Word says to do, and that is to ask Me anything in The Name of JESUS and it will be done. Oh yes, I can hear some of you now saying that you have been asking and you have yet to see any results from your asking. Many of you are even wondering if you might be missing something because your prayers seem to be going no higher than the room in which you are praying, but believe Me, My children, I have and I do hear you, it is just that not everything is done when you desire, and that could be for any number of reasons.
     Just know this My beloveds, some prayers are answered immediately and some might take time, but your faith in Me in JESUS' Name should always remain the same. There is coming a day when there will be no need to ask Me for anything because every need will be met. But until that day comes, as it says in Matthew 7:7-8, (7) Ask and it will be given to you, seek, and you will find, knock, and it will be opened to you. (8) For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. And also remember that in John 14:13-14 JESUS said, (13) And whatever you ask in My Name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. (14) If you ask anything in My Name, I will do it. Therefore My children, be mindful of these words and write them in your hearts, and keep them close, continue to trust, have faith, and believe, because sooner or later your prayers will indeed be answered, so do not give up praying, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Thursday, December 12, 2024

Walking in the Spirit and not in the Flesh

December 12, 2024

"Walking in the Spirit and 
not in the Flesh"

     As children of Mine in CHRIST, it would be so nice to see more of you being able to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh as so many of you tend to do. I realize it is not so easy for most of you to do, but that is mainly because of allowing so much of the world to be such a big influence in your lives. In today's world, of course, there are more ways to be distracted than when The Lord JESUS was on earth, but even with the distractions, you can still be who you should be in CHRIST if you would just learn to walk in the Spirit rather than walking in the flesh. One of the things that could help would be if people could learn to be more serious if they want to claim to be a child of Mine in CHRIST. Too many of them behave as if it is all just a game of sorts when it is much more than that. Those who are able to see just how serious the spiritual life truly is will see that this battle on earth is indeed a spiritual battle that needs to be fought daily.
     So wake up My children in CHRIST, and begin to let the light of CHRIST JESUS shine brightly in the world around you. Oh, you can still have fun and enjoy life, just realize that the powers of darkness are always trying to cause you to be a poor example as a learner and a follower of CHRIST JESUS. The more that satan can entice you to walk in the flesh, the more he figures he will have succeeded. That is the main reason why I have asked you to practice walking in the Spirit and not in the flesh. The more time you can spend with JESUS CHRIST, The Holy Spirit, and I, the stronger you will be when it comes to operating in the Spirit. Just to remind those of you who might have forgotten, Ephesians 6:12 says, For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Now may you rise up and be victorious, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Stop the Complaining

December 11, 2024

"Stop the Complaining"

     Certain people in this world are constantly complaining about one thing or another no matter how good they have it or how blessed they have been in their lives. I sometimes become upset with these people when I see and hear these individuals complaining as much as they do, because it shows just how unappreciative they can truly be. This is especially true when many have less or next to nothing than those who are doing all of the complaining. You will often see and/or hear many in the media complaining about how bad or awful things are in their life when there are people who would be as pleased as punch to exchange places with them. Once again, here is an example of not being able to appreciate what is right there in front of them, and not being able to see the forest for staring at the trees. What a lot of these people need to do sometimes, is to take a good look around them at the lives they are living as compared to so many others.
     If you are such a complainer, My friend, then you had better stop and take a real good look at your present situation before you continue to complain. As the old people used to say, if you want something to complain about, I am sure that I can find something for you about which to complain. It can be so disgusting to see those who have been given so much in life complaining as if they have so little. How sad and disgraceful that truly is in a time when there are so many people in need. Yes, those who do this type of unnecessary complaining will one day find themselves having to complain for real, because all they have will have been taken away from them. I do not want those who have made a habit of complaining to feel too satisfied with themselves either, because I certainly am not as far as they are concerned. Learn to be thankful for whatever you might have in life, whether it be a lot or a little. Give thanks, give thanks, and give thanks, and blessed you will sure be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name


Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Stand Tall and Stay Strong

December 10, 2024

"Stand Tall and Stay Strong"

     As most of you know, there is a lot of pain, trials, and heartaches on this side of Heaven, and such as it is in a fallen and sinful world. I realize that many of you are dealing with some of these very things today in your own lives, and I want each of you to know that you have not been left alone. JESUS CHRIST, The Holy Spirit, and I are, and will always be continually on your side no matter what might come your way. As most of you who have read My Word should realize, even when The Lord JESUS was here on earth, even though He healed many people, not everyone was healed or was even helped at the time. Some people live for and look for the day when all of this evilness will be long gone. I know that I said in another message that this will all be different one day, but until then, just take one day at a time and know that We are right there with you every step of the way.
     Now know this My beloveds, even though you are living in a fallen and sinful time, there are still many good and wonderful things available to you. Remember as well that no matter what you have to face in this present life, Greater is He Who is in you than he who is in the world. You can be sure that no matter where you go or who you are, The Lord JESUS, The Holy Spirit, and I will be right there with you through thick and thin. And even if you find it difficult to find support elsewhere, We will always be right there with you, just do not lose faith. Now you might not always feel that We are with you, especially when you find yourself going through an exceptionally rough and dark time, but that is when it is important to walk by faith and not by sight or by your feelings. It can sometimes be so easy to just want to give in and say goodbye to this world, but the child of GOD should not be such a quitter because of faith, even if and/or when the going gets tough. Blessings to you who endeavor to stand tall and stay strong, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Monday, December 09, 2024

Be A Reflection of JESUS CHRIST

December 09, 2024

"Be A Reflection of JESUS CHRIST"

     Whenever you tend to find certain people behaving the opposite of what they should be according to My Word, then such people are either operating in the flesh or following their true father's example who is satan. My Word has made it clear that satan was a liar, a cheat, a deceiver, a murderer, and one who just loves to stir up trouble on a regular basis from the beginning. That is why those who do such things are behaving like their father the devil. Oh, I can hear it now, how some of you are protesting because of what I have said, but if it was not true you would not be behaving other than who you should be in CHRIST JESUS. Too many people walk around this earth causing all sorts of problems for different people, and then end up in somebody's Church on Sunday as if they are the most dedicated saint around, but We are not mocked. Such people are really only deceiving themselves if anything, because We know what is in the hearts of mankind.
     From this day forth My children, if you claim to be a child of Mine in CHRIST, then you should try to behave as if you truly are. Stop behaving like satan is your father, and doing everything you can to honor and glorify him. When people see and hear you speak, let them see and hear The Lord JESUS CHRIST and not someone whose mouth is full of filth, or someone who is mean and despicable and full of hate. Learn to be or become a person who walks by and in The Spirit and not one who walks by or in the flesh. The more of JESUS and I and My Word you allow into your life, the less of the world there will be. Day after day I see so many people who are saying they are Christians, but yet you would not know it judging by the fruit that is being produced in and through them. Now I am not trying to take away from or interfere with your free will, but do you not think that you should be reflecting The One Who gave His life for yours in your life? Blessed are you who have had ears to hear, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Sunday, December 08, 2024

One of These Days

December 08, 2024

"One of These Days"

     There will surely come a day when there will be no more hate, no more pain, no more death, no more evil, no more cheating, lying, or killing. On that day there will be peace everlasting and people will be able to get along as they never have before. There will be no more room for troublemakers such as exist today, and no room for people who only want to irritate, agitate, instigate, and bring out the worst in others. Love and not hate will be the rule of the day, and there will be nothing but goodness to be seen everywhere a person goes. Blessings will abound all around and there will be no more curses, and people will only want what is best for one another. There will no longer be the need to see a difference in race, color, creed, religion, or the need for different languages because everyone will speak one language and be of one spirit. Even the wild animals will not be interested in harming one another, the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, the calf and the young lion, and the fatling together. The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, the lion shall eat straw like the ox, and dust shall be the serpent’s food. 
     In that day oh child of Mine, there will be praise, honor, and glory to The Lord JESUS CHRIST, The King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. And yes, I will be honored as well as The King of The Universe, The Lord of Heaven's ArmiesThe Great Creator, and Almighty Jehovah. Yes, even I sometimes long for those days, but right now I am trying to give as many people as possible a chance to come to The Lord JESUS. The Lord JESUS shall indeed be the Judge of all the people who chose to reject Him in pursuit of money, fame, lust, power, and other such temporary and fleeting endeavors. JESUS will clearly show them all the chances they were given to be saved as they chose to turn away from Him. It is therefore imperative that if you hear Him knocking at your heart's door today, you let Him come inside your heart. No one really knows when their last chance to receive The Lord JESUS will be, so do not waste the time you have been given. May We see you on the other side, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Saturday, December 07, 2024

JESUS CHRIST Is the Answer

December 07, 2024

"JESUS CHRIST Is the Answer"

     It is often sad to think just how many people believe that all they have to do to get to Heaven is to so-called live right. Many believe that if they have not killed or have done anything too horrible in their life they will be on their way to Heaven. Such people do not even consider the fact that they are being compared to The Lord JESUS CHRIST as far as their thoughts, actions, and behaviors are concerned. They also forget the fact that they were born sinful while The Lord JESUS CHRIST was not. Much too often people are under the belief that as long as they do not hurt or purposely harm anyone, and as long as all they ever tell are those little white lies and such, they will be just fine to get into Heaven. What many of these people also do not realize is that no one who tries to keep the law is ever justified, because if one breaks even one of the laws they are damned anyway. He or she who tries to live by the law will find themselves being condemned by the law.
     So now listen and pay careful attention to what I am about to say My children, JESUS CHRIST is The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and no one comes to Me except through Him. Oh, I realize there are plenty of people who think that there are many other ways to salvation besides The Lord JESUS, but they could not be more wrong about that. Buddhism is not the way, Muhammad or Islam is not the way, Joseph Smith or Mormonism is not the way, and neither are any of the more than one hundred other religions are the way. There is but One Way to Heaven, and that is through The Lord JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth. It is easy for people to become all caught up in seeking other ways to get to Me out of ignorance, but all anything else does is lead to a lot of false gods. I am The One True GOD and blessed are those of you who realize that fact. So go ahead and try to live as well as you can, just do not think that is all you need to get here to Heaven. Remember that JESUS CHRIST is The Way, and blessed you are who believe, in His Precious and Most Holy Name.


Friday, December 06, 2024

Saved By the Blood

December 06, 2024

"Saved By the Blood"

     When you really stop to think about the direction in which this world is headed, is it any wonder why it would be condemned if not for My Only Begotten Son?  All anyone has to do is think about the way some of you behave, some of you talk and the language you use, or the way some of you tend to treat one another, to realize that most of you would indeed be hell bound if not for the sacrifice of The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Oh yes, I know that there are many of you who do not think that you are so bad, but wait, to whom would you be comparing yourselves? I guess if you compare yourself to the person next door, or down the street, or even compared to someone else in your family, you might not be so bad. But I see and hear people doing and saying all manner of evil things daily, with most of them not even taking the time to care about the evil they do and say. Many have taken the natural desires for sexual pleasure for instance and have perverted it in every way possible, and are yet too blind to see the evil in it all.
     So from this day forth child of Mine, learn to be thankful for what The Lord JESUS CHRIST has done on your behalf. If not for the blood that He shed to wash away your sins, most of you would truly be on a one-way trip to hell. I really hate to have to be so blunt, but the life that many of you are living cannot be said any other way. And lest any of you forget, JESUS CHRIST even made clear that your thoughts even matter, and could be just as devastating as your actions and behavior. These days especially, My Word is being perverted and changed to mean what It was never meant to mean. Much of My Word, in fact, is just being ignored in favor of people desiring to do their own thing and in their own way, in other words, they are just doing what is right in their own eyes and not Mine. I began by saying that everyone should be thankful for My Only Begotten Son and the sacrifice He made, and blessed are you who are, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Thursday, December 05, 2024

No One or Nothing Greater Than JESUS

December 05, 2024

"No One or Nothing Greater
 Than JESUS"

     It is truly so sad at times to see how many people will say and/or do anything just to try and advance and/or get ahead in this world. Many people see such things as making as much money as possible as being among the most important things a person can do and have in life. Some people tend to see other people as being more important, which many of them are, but only to a certain extent in their lives. Oh, and when you talk about things being important, one needs to be careful just how much the material things in life become elevated as well. There are of course people who will lie, cheat, steal, and even commit murder in order to be more, have more, and/or achieve more while they are here on earth. Some people will even betray a family member just to get ahead if they can, or you might even find that they would betray a so-called best friend to accomplish the same thing.
     Now listen to Me people, I sometimes see more honor among the unsaved than I do among those who claim to be Mine and saved. The one thing that everyone needs to learn is, that there is nothing that you can accumulate on earth that you can take with you except for one thing. The only real things that will matter are, whatever it is that you have stored up here in Heaven for yourself. It is what is done for the Kingdom that will truly matter, and blessed are you who come to realize that fact. First and foremost, there is nothing or no one as important as The Lord JESUS CHRIST and what you do for Him, and everyone needs to remember that fact. Those who tend to ignore the importance of The Lord JESUS CHRIST will find themselves skating on thin ice which can break at any time. Learn therefore to place The Lord JESUS first and foremost in your life, and everything else that you think you might need in life that was so important will be added to you. Sometimes, what you think is so important and so special will not be as much as you might have thought once you get your head on straight. There should be nothing greater than your love for JESUS CHRIST, and blessed you will be for so believing, in and through His Most Precious Name.


Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Being Thankful for JESUS CHRIST

December 04, 2024

"Being Thankful for JESUS CHRIST"

     As children of Mine in CHRIST, I know that I will often ask a lot of you at times, personally and in My Word. I ask so much, in fact, that many of you would certainly fail in your endeavor if it were not for The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Much of what I ask of you has to do with what My Word says is My will for you, and no way can it be accomplished in your own strength. As a matter of fact, anything that has to do with spiritual growth and power has to come through The Lord JESUS CHRIST. I realize there are some among you who think that you can reach perfection outside of The Lord JESUS, but that is only foolish thinking. Take salvation, for instance, none of you could have achieved salvation apart from JESUS CHRIST Who gave His life as a ransom for all of you. What is really sad is the fact that many will end up going to hell all because they refused to take seriously what The Lord JESUS had done on their behalf.
     So from this day forth My beloveds, if you realize the importance of having JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and Savior, then give Him a great praise of thanks. His shed blood on the cross has managed to save everyone who has received Him as their Lord and Savior. Those of you who fall short, as each of you has often done, should be thankful for what JESUS CHRIST has done on your behalf. Those of you who do fall short, as many of you have done, should realize that if not for The Lord JESUS, you would not be free from the penalty of sin and death. When you are asked to love your neighbor as yourself, most of you would definitely not be able to do it without JESUS CHRIST and The Holy Spirit being within you. The Holy Spirit Who was given to you by JESUS CHRIST, helps you to do that which is impossible in your own strength. When it comes to the possibility of trying to keep The Ten Commandments, it could not be done either apart from the help of The Holy Spirit, and blessed are you who remember that. Now may each of you truly come to appreciate The Lord JESUS CHRIST and what He has done for you, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Tuesday, December 03, 2024

The Evil in this World

December 03, 2024

"The Evil in this World"

     There are times when you can look around and see, or just open your ears to hear, about all of the evil that tends to take place in this world that makes you wonder if there is any hope. First of all, let Me say that evil has existed ever since the advent of sin. If you think what you see and/or hear is bad now, just try multiplying what you see by thousands of times over, which is what I see and hear on a daily basis. What some of you need to understand is the fact that this earthly home is only temporary and not your permanent home, which is something that many of you have trouble reconciling. It sometimes seems that everywhere you look almost there is some type of evil taking place, and that is mainly because satan is still the prince of this world, even though he is not The King. He is able to manipulate people into doing unthinkable things, of which the majority of it is evil.
     Now listen My children, even though I realize where some of you are coming from with your thoughts about evil, you need to understand that most of the time righteousness trumps evil. You also need to realize the fact that evil does have an expiration date as does satan, and that is why he seems to be more and more busy as time goes by. Too many people end up getting upset and bothered over any and every little thing that occurs, when there is no need to fret and become overly anxious about things. It is best to remember that as a child of The Living GOD in CHRIST, Greater is He Who is in you than he who is in the world. Sure evil does exist, but it is possible to learn to lessen your interaction with evil and its cohorts by the way you live your life. Have you ever noticed how certain people barely ever have any encounters with evil, while some others tend to encounter it on a regular basis? Now may you be one who seldom encounters evil as you live, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Monday, December 02, 2024

Those Who Are Coming to JESUS

December 02, 2024

"Those Who Are Coming to JESUS"

     It is so nice to see so many people repenting and turning to and reaching out to The Lord JESUS CHRIST, for the forgiveness of their sins. Oh, I realize that many of them just tend to get caught up in the excitement of the moment along with many others. Much the same also happened when The Lord JESUS was on earth teaching and healing, some became excited and wanted to be around Him because of the miracles He was performing. Now, of course, some did drift away after they received their miracle or healing, and did not desire to follow Him anymore. Such is also the way it is today as well. Those who truly love The Lord JESUS for Who He is and not just for what He can do, are the ones who are serious about their relationship to, in, and with The Lord JESUS. Too often in this world, some people tend to forget the fact that I am well aware of what is in the heart of mankind, so I will not be mocked nor deceived. My hope is to see more people who are serious about their place in and with JESUS CHRIST.
     So from this day forth My children, be serious about your love for The Lord JESUS CHRIST, or do not waste your time pursuing Him. As I just stated above, I am indeed aware of who is serious and who truly has love in their hearts for The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Do not be one of those who are only trying to follow Him because of what He might be able to do for you. You should want to follow The Lord JESUS even if He does not choose to do anything at all again but to bring you Home. What I really need from each of you today is your commitment to try and be the learners and followers of JESUS CHRIST that you were meant to be. Be aware that not everything will go according to how you might want it to go, but always know that The Lord JESUS and I will always have your back. Now blessed are you who are for real in this relationship with CHRIST JESUS, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Sunday, December 01, 2024

Learning to be Thankful

December 01, 2024

"Learning to be Thankful"

     It is so wonderful to see and hear different Ministers and teachers teach these days about being thankful in and for all things. Of course, there are many who do not see how anyone can be thankful for all things because it just does not make sense to them. Most people tend to find it easier to whine, gripe, and complain rather than to give thanks. People who think that more can be accomplished with their whining, griping, and complaining, are really barking up the wrong tree, so to speak. I am a GOD Who appreciates a person being thankful with a thankful heart and spirit, rather than a person whose main purpose in life it be be a complainer every time you turn around. Many of you even see those who do the complaining as victims, when all they really tend to be are a bunch of crybabies and whiners. Any time some of them have to face difficult times, there will be no thankfulness to be found, because they end up forgetting all about Who I am.
     From this day forth oh child of Mine in CHRIST, learn how to be thankful in all you say and/or do. The people who just will not learn to be among those who are the ones who love to give thanks, had better learn that they are not going to be as pleased with the response that comes from Me a lot of times. Those who do learn to be thankful in all things will soon be able to rise above anything that tries to bring them down. I love to lift up those who have learned the lesson of being thankful for all things, which some people do find it difficult to be. As I said in the beginning, not everyone can be thankful when they perceive that something is going or has gone wrong, which leads them down the road to having a pity party. Now listen, it is just as easy to be thankful for all things as it is to whine, gripe, and complain, and blessed are those who get that through their heads. Now may you be one who has learned to be thankful no matter what might come your way, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Saturday, November 30, 2024

In Whom Does Your Hope Lay?

November 30, 2024

"In Whom Does Your Hope Lay?

     Some people awake each day with their hope being placed in other people, places, and/or things of this world. There tend to be some people in this world who even think that the world revolves around them, and they could not be more mistaken. It is nice to just have a live-and-let-live attitude in life sometimes, especially if one's hope is tied up with and in other people, places, and/or things. It is a foolish person whose hope is tied up in something or someone other than The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Some people just do not realize that The Lord JESUS CHRIST and hope go hand-in-hand. Those who tend to place their hope elsewhere will end up on the outside looking in, so to speak. Too many people have seemed to have placed their hope in that which is hopeless, and that is a sad state of things indeed. Sometimes when you are trying to be hopeful, it is easy to get carried away because of placing one's hope in and/or on the wrong person, place, or thing.
     From this day forth oh children of Mine, always be mindful of the fact where true hope lies, and that is in The Lord JESUS CHRIST alone. Those who tend to ignore or forget that fact, will very often find themselves in the darkness that is brought on by hopelessness or false hope. It is My pleasure to help those who feel as if they have no hope in anything or anyone, realizing that there is always hope to be found in and through The Lord JESUS CHRIST. There are those who do claim that they have hope every time they are allowed to wake up, which is only partially true. But if that hope is not placed in The Lord JESUS CHRIST, then there is only so much that can be accomplished apart from Him. Be a person who allows their hope to rest in The Lord JESUS, realizing that to be in CHRIST is to be blessed at every turn. Now may good things be to you whose hope is found in CHRIST JESUS, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Friday, November 29, 2024

Removing the Plank in Your Eye

November 29, 2024

"Removing the Plank in Your Eye"

     Some people are so blind to their own faults and failings, yet they have become experts on everyone else's faults and failings. It is often so sad to see, especially since My Word has said that it is something that the child of Mine should definitely not do. Remember when The Lord JESUS said in Matthew 7:3-4, (3) And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank that is in your own eye? (4) Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’; and look, a plank is in your own eye? This is something that is occurring quite often these days, especially as it pertains to certain so-called know-it-alls. Now verse 5 of Matthew 7 says, Hypocrite! First, remove the plank from your own eye, and then you see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. There are many who act as if they are so perfect in today's world when The One Who is Perfect could really set them straight, and blessed are those who can understand and realize this fact.
     From this point forward children of Mine, learn to be the type of individual who gets your own house in order before nosing around in someone else's house. It can be so easy sometimes to become all enthralled in someone else's business while you allow your own business to go down in flames. Too often in this world, people tend to end up being, beaten down, battered, and harmed emotionally as someone else takes joy in what they have done and/or caused the other person. I see this occurring to some people, and it takes a great deal of restraint to keep Me from reaching out to help those who are being attacked. It is especially shameful when one person or group of people have claimed to be children of Mine. Some of you do have My permission to step in and set matters straight for those who require help. Remember too that those of you who live in glass houses should not be throwing stones, and blessed are any of you who learn the lesson of how to treat your fellow man or woman, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Thursday, November 28, 2024

Being Thankful on Thanksgiving Day

November 28, 2024

"Being Thankful on 
Thanksgiving Day"

     On this twenty-eighth day of November 2024, I would love for each and every one of you to remember the blessings for which you can be thankful. Now I do realize that many among you might feel that life has dealt you a hand of bad cards, so to speak, but always remember that where there is life there is also the hope of things getting better. On the other hand, many of you do have something for which to be thankful, and you should be thankful on this and every day that you have been blessed to live. I hope that you are not so self-centered as to not be able to realize that you have been blessed in ways that many others are not and have not been. Sure, I know there are those among you who believe that you are still lacking, but you are the type who needs to learn how to be more appreciative of what you have been given. Learn to see beyond your little sphere of life and recognize the needs of others as well, for then you might truly be able to see just how blessed you truly are.
     Okay now My children in CHRIST, let this day be one in which you can give thanks for any and all things, both big and small. Be also mindful of the fact that no matter what happens, you can be thankful for the fact that The Lord JESUS CHRIST gave His life so that you might have life and have it more abundantly. And do not be so petty as to see abundant life in financial and material terms alone, but also in spiritual terms as well. An abundant spirit is one in which you are able to see beyond what can only be seen with the naked eye, but also what can be seen beyond that point. Many people have seen things that they could not explain, and have heard things that no one else could hear, which is also part of what abundant life is all about. As you look at your life today, therefore, allow yourself to be thankful for any and all things, and blessed you will be for so doing, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

A Spiritual Truth of Salvation

November 27, 2024

"A Spiritual Truth of Salvation"

     There is a spiritual equivalent to the old saying that you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink, and the spiritual analogy is that you can lead a person to JESUS CHRIST but you cannot make them accept Him. No matter what you might say to them, there will be those who will not trust nor have faith in The Lord JESUS CHRIST. There are the blind and the deaf who will not see and will not hear what is needed to be able to set them free from the penalty of sin and death. It is not necessarily the fact that JESUS CHRIST will not accept them into the Kingdom, it is more that people are more concerned with pleasing themselves than with pleasing The Lord JESUS CHRIST and learning to become a learner and a follower of His. They could not care less that CHRIST JESUS took their place on the cross, and shed His blood in place of them having to shed their own blood, and there is not much, more ignorant than that.
     Know that from this moment forth, My children, there is only so much control you have over those who are lost. It is The Holy Spirit Who has the responsibility of drawing people to CHRIST JESUS, but even He will not force anyone to accept The Lord JESUS. I, The Lord JESUS, as well as The Holy Spirit, are love, and because We are love, We are not going to force anyone to do what they do not want to do. Love dictates that I do at least try to open blind eyes to see and open deaf ears to hear the truth so that they can be set free from the punishment of sin and death. Too many people are under the mistaken impression that they do not even need The Lord JESUS in order to get into Heaven when JESUS CHRIST Himself said that He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. He then said that no one comes to The Father except through Him, so anyone who believes otherwise would be sadly mistaken. Now may you be one who has chosen to come to JESUS, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Proving Your Love

November 26, 2024

"Proving Your Love"

     Would it not be difficult to believe that someone really loves you when they are pleased and satisfied just being able to converse with you once or twice a week? Now I do not mean if a person has no other choice of course, but when it is possible to do so any time and/or anywhere and they do not, would you still believe that they love you? Many of you do, in fact, claim that you love Us, but We rarely ever hear from you. Oh, We do hear from you when you need or want something, but otherwise, you tend to be silent. There are those of you who have claimed to love Us, but yet you never really want to carve out any time to spend with Us. Oh yes, you do have time to do this or that, to go here or there, or whatever else you might envision to do, but yet you have no time for The Lord JESUS or Me. When it comes right down to it, nothing or no one should be as important as We are, but, to each his or her own. Anyone who has read the Ten Commandments knows that I am a jealous GOD, and it would do people good to remember that fact.
     So from this day forth My beloveds, try to start carving out a bit of time to spend with Us on a regular basis. If indeed it is true that you love Us, then sit a while and let you and I begin to get close. I am reachable any time of the day or night, so there are no restrictions there. There are those among you who think that all you have to do is say the words that you love Us and that will make everything all right, but it does take more than that. Too many people cannot even seem to get rid of any type of interference between Us. To say that you love The Lord JESUS and Me is to keep Us first and foremost in your body, soul, and mind. Now let your light so shine before men, that they might see your good works and glorify your Father Who is in Heaven, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.


Monday, November 25, 2024

The Choices You Make

November 25, 2024

"The Choices You Make"

     Life can be difficult enough without much of the extra baggage that some people tend to add to their lives. Some people tend to add mental, physical, and spiritual problems to their lives in one way or another. Those who tend to add such issues do not do themselves any favors either, because all it does is take away most of the peace, joy, love, and happiness they could be having in their lives. Instead of having a life filled with warmth and sunshine, it is much like they tend to have a life filled with coldness and rain. As I look upon some of these people, I cannot help but shake My head seeing the misery that they allow into their lives because of the choices they have made in their lives along the way. In more cases than not, the choices were made in haste, because of greed, jealousy, or quite often because of lust of one kind or another.
     Now listen My children in CHRIST, you do not have to make your life more difficult than it has to be, just by slowing down and making better choices in your life. Too many times, I see people rushing to do, rushing to be, and rushing to see and/or hear when all they need to do is to take their time and make better choices in their lives. Some people do not believe that it can be as simple as making better choices to improve their lives, but it is indeed true. Just stop and think about what your life might be like if you would have made a different and/or better choices in your life. Many of you have been blessed because of the choices you have made, but for some others of you, it has not gone very well at all. Learn therefore to make your choices based on righteousness, holiness, and based upon who you are in CHRIST, and more joy, peace, love, and happiness you will find in your life from this day forth, in JESUS' Most Holy and Precious Name.


Sunday, November 24, 2024

How Would You Live Your Last Day?

November 24, 2024

"How Would You Live Your
Last Day?"

     As difficult as it might be to imagine sometimes, it would be nice if more people could learn to live every day as if it were their last day on earth. If you knew that it would be your last day on earth, what and/or how would you live it differently than you are doing right now? Tell Me, would you be using the foul and vulgar language that you tend to use on a regular basis? Would you be more cordial towards others and seek to treat others as you would like to be treated? Would you be as contentious over the little things in life as you have normally been? Would you be able to tell others that you love them when they would not have otherwise known? And tell Me, would you be willing to forgive those who might have trespassed against you or who might have treated you in a way that you did not deserve? And would you be capable of apologizing to those who you might have offended in your life as well? Also, would you still be committing adultery and/or fornicating as you have been doing?
     I am asking these questions today because no one really knows when their last day on this earth will be, so think about how you would want to leave this life when you do. It might be difficult to figure right now because many of you are in good health, but there are such things as freak accidents that occur every day, and you never know when you might find yourself involved in one as sometimes often happens. Seldom if ever does anyone think that today could be their last day, but would it not be nice to be ready to come Home to Us at any time? Young and old alike have met their demise without ever thinking that they would. Always learn to be ready by living life as if this is going to be your last day on this earth. If your thing is just having fun, then go ahead and have your fun, but do so in a righteous way, and blessed you will be for so doing as you live each day, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Saturday, November 23, 2024

Being A Better Person

November 23, 2024

"Being A Better Person"

     Come now My children, and let you and I reason together, realizing that not everything in life goes according to how you might want them to go. Some of you tend to see life as being wonderful and blessed which is good, but then some of you see your life as being difficult and cursed. Some of you also see your lives as being full of joy, happiness, and contentment, while there are others of you who see nothing more than sadness, hardship, struggle, and discontent. Some of you are always ready to help others and to lend a helping hand to those who need it, while others of you would just rather that people would leave you alone and mind their own business and stay out of yours. Some people just seem to live to make the lives of other people miserable, while they do not want anyone messing around in their lives. Some people tend to try and see some good in others while others just see everyone as being no good and untrustworthy.
     Now listen My beloveds, what type of person are you when it comes to how you see the world and the people who are in it? Sure, there are indeed some wicked, mean, evil, and unsavory individuals in this world, but there are also many who are the complete opposite as well. Some people try to live by the rule of treating others as they would like to be treated, while still, others do not seem to care at all about whatever harm they might cause others. Many times, in fact, some people tend to make their own Heaven or hell right here on earth by the amount of darkness they allow into their lives. Much too often in this life, people will tend to allow others to steal their joy, their happiness, and their peace by causing them to become upset, which is the detriment of not learning self-control. Learn self-control therefore My children, and blessed you will be in many ways for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.  


Friday, November 22, 2024

Being A Learner and Follower of JESUS CHRIST

November 22, 2024

"Being A Learner and Follower 

     To be or become a learner and follower of The Lord JESUS CHRIST is not such an easy thing to do, especially in the times in which you live. Following The Lord JESUS often means thinking, behaving, and even talking in ways contrary to how mankind usually thinks, behaves, and talks. Much too frequently in this world, those who claim to be learners and followers of CHRIST JESUS, actually do so in words alone and not in actions. Oh, they can shout it out when necessary that they are Christians, but mainly when they are in like company and have nothing to lose. To truly be a learner and follower of JESUS CHRIST, will often mean having to make some difficult choices at times. When trying to be a learner and a follower of JESUS CHRIST, such things as lying, cheating, murder, vulgar language, evil thoughts, and actions, all need to be put aside and left by the curb, so to speak. Being a learner and follower of CHRIST JESUS also means putting Him first in one's life, which is something a lot of people have trouble doing.
     From this day forth oh children of Mine in CHRIST, learn to let your light so shine that men will see your good works like JESUS did, and will glorify your Father Who is in Heaven. The Lord JESUS used to say that He always did those things that pleased Me, so you also should really try to do the same whenever possible. The Lord JESUS was never a pretender and neither should any of you be. When it comes to being a learner and follower of JESUS CHRIST, one should be willing to do that which is difficult to do as a man or woman, like loving thy neighbor as thyself. One should also be willing to forgive those who trespass against you, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you might be seen as sons and daughters of your Father in Heavenfor He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. It will certainly not be easy, but neither is the way leading to eternal life. Now may you truly be a learner and a follower of CHRIST JESUS in every way, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.


Thursday, November 21, 2024

Doing What Is Best for Others

November 21, 2024

"Doing What Is Best for Others"

     It could be a lot less stressful for certain people if they will learn that they cannot always please everyone all of the time. As the saying goes, you can please some of the people some of the time, but not all the people all the time. To resign one's self to the fact that not everyone is going to like you no matter what you do for them, is to live life being less stressed and less concerned about what others say. As I have stated before, it does not matter what you do for some people, they are never going to really accept or like you. Some people do not even need a reason for not liking or accepting you, which is often puzzling to some people. Some who are not liked or accepted will want to know the reason why, when in reality, there does not have to be a reason at all. I have seen people hurt and sometimes destroyed because of what someone has said, done, or thought about them. Because life is not fair My children, you are going to run into people such as these, and you will have to learn how to cope with it or be destroyed by those who wish to harm you.
     From this day forth My children, learn to be at peace within yourself, and do not let anyone steal your joy. Because you are a child of Mine in CHRIST, you have been endowed with a strength that can help you make it through anything, or be able to deal with anyone in this life. Remember, you do not have to be liked in order to be respected, and more of you need to be mindful of this fact. It is My hope that more of you will be able to rise above the need to be liked as long as you learn to treat everyone fairly and honorably. Some of you have trouble accepting the fact that you cannot please everyone all of the time, because if you could, then you would not be able to say that you treated everyone fairly, because some people deserve more or less discipline than do some others. With so many people wanting different things, not everyone will want what is best for them. Blessed are you who are able to do what is best for others in everything, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.


Wednesday, November 20, 2024

True Intelligence and Wisdom

November 20, 2024

"True Intelligence and Wisdom"

     Some people in this world tend to act as if they are and have more intelligence and wisdom than everyone else around them, and they happen to be some of the worst people to be around. Many of these people are good at trying to make others seem small and inconsequential, which is certainly not the way anyone should treat another. A person who is truly wise knows how other people should be treated, and even how to lift them up. A wise person will take the time to care about others, to edify others, and not tear others down. They also have the desire to want what is best for others. Much too often these days, a lot of people tend to be only interested in what is good for them alone, not caring much at all about others. Some people say in fact that this is a dog-eat-dog world, but only someone who does not know The Lord JESUS CHRIST would say and believe such a thing because that was certainly not His way of thinking. The closer anyone gets to CHRIST JESUS the further away from the way the world thinks they will become.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, try not to be the type of person who thinks that they know everything, even if you believe in your heart and mind that you do. The truly wise and intelligent person knows how to make other people feel important as well. They do not run around belittling others and making others feel less than they already might feel, because they know the benefit of edifying others rather than tearing them down. The main reason some people even try to tear others down is to try and make themselves feel more important. When you take the time to study The Lord JESUS and His ways, the only people He was really hard on were the so-called religious leaders of His day. Remember, 2 Corinthians 8:9 saysYou know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, so that by His poverty He could make you rich. JESUS CHRIST never really lorded over anyone here on earth because He was more than confident in knowing Who He was. Now may you be just as wise and as intelligent as CHRIST JESUS in how you behave, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.