December 10, 2024
"Stand Tall and Stay Strong"
As most of you know, there is a lot of pain, trials, and heartaches on this side of Heaven, and such as it is in a fallen and sinful world. I realize that many of you are dealing with some of these very things today in your own lives, and I want each of you to know that you have not been left alone. JESUS CHRIST, The Holy Spirit, and I are, and will always be continually on your side no matter what might come your way. As most of you who have read My Word should realize, even when The Lord JESUS was here on earth, even though He healed many people, not everyone was healed or was even helped at the time. Some people live for and look for the day when all of this evilness will be long gone. I know that I said in another message that this will all be different one day, but until then, just take one day at a time and know that We are right there with you every step of the way.
Now know this My beloveds, even though you are living in a fallen and sinful time, there are still many good and wonderful things available to you. Remember as well that no matter what you have to face in this present life, Greater is He Who is in you than he who is in the world. You can be sure that no matter where you go or who you are, The Lord JESUS, The Holy Spirit, and I will be right there with you through thick and thin. And even if you find it difficult to find support elsewhere, We will always be right there with you, just do not lose faith. Now you might not always feel that We are with you, especially when you find yourself going through an exceptionally rough and dark time, but that is when it is important to walk by faith and not by sight or by your feelings. It can sometimes be so easy to just want to give in and say goodbye to this world, but the child of GOD should not be such a quitter because of faith, even if and/or when the going gets tough. Blessings to you who endeavor to stand tall and stay strong, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.