Wednesday, November 20, 2024

True Intelligence and Wisdom

November 20, 2024

"True Intelligence and Wisdom"

     Some people in this world tend to act as if they are and have more intelligence and wisdom than everyone else around them, and they happen to be some of the worst people to be around. Many of these people are good at trying to make others seem small and inconsequential, which is certainly not the way anyone should treat another. A person who is truly wise knows how other people should be treated, and even how to lift them up. A wise person will take the time to care about others, to edify others, and not tear others down. They also have the desire to want what is best for others. Much too often these days, a lot of people tend to be only interested in what is good for them alone, not caring much at all about others. Some people say in fact that this is a dog-eat-dog world, but only someone who does not know The Lord JESUS CHRIST would say and believe such a thing because that was certainly not His way of thinking. The closer anyone gets to CHRIST JESUS the further away from the way the world thinks they will become.
     Therefore children of Mine in CHRIST, try not to be the type of person who thinks that they know everything, even if you believe in your heart and mind that you do. The truly wise and intelligent person knows how to make other people feel important as well. They do not run around belittling others and making others feel less than they already might feel, because they know the benefit of edifying others rather than tearing them down. The main reason some people even try to tear others down is to try and make themselves feel more important. When you take the time to study The Lord JESUS and His ways, the only people He was really hard on were the so-called religious leaders of His day. Remember, 2 Corinthians 8:9 saysYou know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, so that by His poverty He could make you rich. JESUS CHRIST never really lorded over anyone here on earth because He was more than confident in knowing Who He was. Now may you be just as wise and as intelligent as CHRIST JESUS in how you behave, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.