Sunday, December 01, 2024

Learning to be Thankful

December 01, 2024

"Learning to be Thankful"

     It is so wonderful to see and hear different Ministers and teachers teach these days about being thankful in and for all things. Of course, there are many who do not see how anyone can be thankful for all things because it just does not make sense to them. Most people tend to find it easier to whine, gripe, and complain rather than to give thanks. People who think that more can be accomplished with their whining, griping, and complaining, are really barking up the wrong tree, so to speak. I am a GOD Who appreciates a person being thankful with a thankful heart and spirit, rather than a person whose main purpose in life it be be a complainer every time you turn around. Many of you even see those who do the complaining as victims, when all they really tend to be are a bunch of crybabies and whiners. Any time some of them have to face difficult times, there will be no thankfulness to be found, because they end up forgetting all about Who I am.
     From this day forth oh child of Mine in CHRIST, learn how to be thankful in all you say and/or do. The people who just will not learn to be among those who are the ones who love to give thanks, had better learn that they are not going to be as pleased with the response that comes from Me a lot of times. Those who do learn to be thankful in all things will soon be able to rise above anything that tries to bring them down. I love to lift up those who have learned the lesson of being thankful for all things, which some people do find it difficult to be. As I said in the beginning, not everyone can be thankful when they perceive that something is going or has gone wrong, which leads them down the road to having a pity party. Now listen, it is just as easy to be thankful for all things as it is to whine, gripe, and complain, and blessed are those who get that through their heads. Now may you be one who has learned to be thankful no matter what might come your way, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.