Wednesday, March 12, 2025


March 12, 2025


     When JESUS CHRIST is the center of your life, there is a strength and a power that comes with Him being placed there. Some people have been led to believe that they will have no more trouble times when He is at the center of a person's life, but that is not necessarily the truth of the matter. What is true is the fact that even though someone might still have trouble, JESUS CHRIST will be there to strengthen and to help see them through whatever the problems are they have to face. There are those who will tend to ridicule, agitate, tease, and/or even try to put a person down because of their faith in The Lord JESUS CHRIST, as if they should feel ashamed to have done such a thing, but that is their folly and not the person who believes. JESUS CHRIST did warn that there would be people such as these in the world, but that is their ignorance and not the one who believes in JESUS CHRIST. Blessed in fact is the person who holds fast to CHRIST JESUS through it all.
     Therefore children of Mine, be forever mindful of the fact, that Greater is He Who is in you than he who is in the world. There is no need to ever fear anyone or anything that might come against you, because nothing or no one is greater than your Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST. I have repeated this time and time again, and I will continue to do so until My people get it through their thick heads. Yes, life can be very difficult at times for sure, but nothing is impossible with Us on your side. There is no One Greater than My Only Begotten Son, and blessed are you who have learned to lean on and to put Him first in your life. He is and will always be the center of the Universe, right along with Me. Remember that JESUS CHRIST is The Good Shepherd Who looks after His sheep, and He is The Protector of them all. Now may you know His voice when He calls, and blessed you will be for so doing, in His Holy and Most Precious Name.