March 13, 2025
"GOD's Blessings"
There are those who think that they know enough about Me, and they also act as if they know all there is to know about JESUS CHRIST and Me. The main reason why many of these people do not want to spend very much time with Us at all, is because they say that they do not have the time. Oh, there are those who will say their prayers every now and then, and that is not even done on a regular basis. Some people will notice from time to time that life is not always what one would want it to be, but it can indeed be better than expected. Those who claim to love The Lord JESUS and I, will very often see Us in a different light than one might expect. Those who live day to day, thinking about what will happen that is bad or what is wrong in their life, will find themselves in a miserable state of being. Those of you who do see the good in life, will begin to appreciate what you are having to face, even when it is hard.
So as you see your life passing before you on a daily basis, begin to look for the good and the blessings that will come your way because they surely will come. The Lord JESUS and I will do all We can to make life sublime for most of you sometimes, because of Our love for you. Even when life might be a little sad for those among you, there is still the opportunity to make it better if so desired. I give each of you a chance to be or become more than conquerors through CHRIST JESUS your Lord. Learn, My children, to walk according to who you are in CHRIST, and blessed you will be for so doing. I would like for each of you to know that you are loved in every way possible. Some of you are so precious in so many ways, until I am so proud of you. Now may good things be to you who are Mine, in and through JESUS CHRIST your Lord and Savior.