March 14, 2025
"Seeking Righteousness and Holiness"
There are people who are looking to fill the hole that they feel in their hearts and in their souls, and they are doing it with all sorts of unrighteous and unholy projects and activities. Oh, many of them think that they are being fulfilled, but in reality they are yet still lacking. There are many who have really deceived themselves into believing that they are being filled, but the reality of it is, they have to keep on seeking the unrighteous and unholy type of projects and activities in an attempt to be filled, not realizing that they are on a slippery slope to nowhere but hell. You will often see them trying to fulfill themselves with such things as lewd types of sex, all types of sexual entertainment, adultery, acts of stealing and/or cheating, and other sorts of unholy things in life, which is a sad state of things indeed. It causes one to wonder why it is so difficult for people to see that they are looking for all the right things, just looking in all the wrong places in life?
Therefore My people, be aware of the path on which you are walking, trying to fill that hole that is in your heart and your soul. Those things which are unrighteous and unholy are not the answer, My friends, and if you would only just take a little time to think about it, you would be able to figure it out before it is too late. We do love Our children like no one else can love you, but you would not know it if you keep ignoring Us and looking in all of the wrong places. Yes, My friends, only The Lord JESUS, The Holy Spirit, and I can fill that emptiness that is in your heart and soul. We are the only Ones Who can fulfill your hopes and desires in a righteous and holy way, and please do not forget it. You will be able to bear much fruit if you would only let go of the unrighteous and unholy things that you allow into your life. Be ye led by The Spirit and not by the flesh, My children, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.