March 15, 2025
"When Your Desire Is to Help Someone"
Some people see themselves as being able to save the world from everything that is wrong, bad, and/or evil, but no regular human being has ever been tasked with that order. To do such a thing has been left up to The Lord JESUS CHRIST, The Holy Spirit, and Me. Some people really do of course want to do well as far as righteousness and holiness are concerned, but again I say, each one of you can do only so much because of your limitations. Any real strength that you might have is because of what you have been given in and through Us. The thing to do as far as being successful is concerned, is to learn to trust and to lean on Us in every phase of your life. It seems like it would be easy to just let go sometimes and to try and do things your own way as far as fixing things is concerned, but that is just a hit or miss proposition which often times ends up missing. There are those times when there is a collapse of everything good you might have wanted to do, but only because you are trying to do too much on your own and in your own strength.
Therefore children of Mine, keep in mind that you are not trying to correct things on your own and in your own strength if you want to do things right. In almost every case, people are responsible for their own actions, and you need to realize that particular fact. I know that your desire to help those who are closest to you might be overwhelming at times, but there is still only so much that you can do for others apart from Us. The best thing to do as always is to remember to trust and lean on The Lord JESUS CHRIST, The Holy Spirit, and Me to see you through any and all things. It does seem sometimes that the more you try or desire to help someone, the worse things tend to become, but that just means that a correction might be in the works for the person. Just keep hope alive and continue to pray for those who require help, and blessed you will be for so doing, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.