Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Learning to Be Content

March 11, 2025

"Learning to Be Content"

     Have you ever known people who did not seem to possess very much in material things, but yet they were some of the happiest and most contented people you have ever seen? You then have people who seem to have or be able to attain anything that they might want and desire, but yet they are among some of the most miserable people you might ever see or know, and there seems to be no reason at all for them behaving that way. Some of you in fact might be among one of these two classes of people yourselves. Some of you in fact might feel as if you have been rejected or have been ignored by Me, when in reality, I just might have something else in mind for you. Oh, there are many of you who begin kicking and screaming like little children when all that is needed is a little patience on your part. That is why it is so pleasant to deal with those who have learned the art of patience and contentment, even when everything seems to be falling apart around them. 
     Therefore, My children, it is a desire of Mine to see you learn how to be patient and content in life, come what may. When you learn that you can be content in life no matter how much or how little you might have, then you will be on your way to knowing true peace. Always be mindful of the fact that no matter if you are rich or poor by the world's standards, it is service to Me and to The Lord JESUS CHRIST that truly matters. Life does not have to be one big miserable existence as some people have made it out to be, and that is mainly of their own doing, with a little help from satan of course. I would love for more of you who claim to be Mine, to be living examples of what a pure life is all about as far as living for CHRIST JESUS is concerned. Too often in this world, people become dependent upon other things and/or other people besides Me, when no one or no thing can do what I can do for them. Now may contentment be your forte from henceforth, in JESUS Most Precious and Holy Name.