Monday, March 10, 2025

Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself

March 10, 2025

"Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself"

     One of the easiest things most people find to do as far as disputes, disagreements, and such are concerned, is to do evil for evil or to have an eye for an eye tactic. As most of you know, The Lord JESUS CHRIST wanted to take everyone beyond this point in life by saying that a person should love their enemy and to pray for those who persecute you, so that you might be like your Father in Heaven. Your Heavenly Father does cause the sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and He sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous alike. For if you love only those who love you, what reward do you have for that? In other words, My children, do not walk around with this big chip on your shoulders because there is more than enough of that happening in the world today. There are wars being fought and lives being lost all over certain things, such as land, which often belongs to someone else. The evilness of mankind is abounding all around, and blessed are those of you who are able to overcome it all.
     From this day forth, oh child of Mine, learn to rise above the pettiness of doing evil for evil and the results thereof. Try to be followers of the example set by The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Pay very close attention to His Words and to what He has asked you to do. There is so much more to life than you can ever know, especially when you can truly learn to love thy neighbor as you love yourself, and loving yourself is indeed important. Do not be or become one of those people who love to hate just because of the way someone looks or looks at you, or because of someone's color, race, religion, or any other such thing. Learn to see the beauty in life rather than being a person who concentrates on the ugliness thereof. Sure there will be problems in this world from time to time, but it is not something that has to keep you in a foul mood or disposition. Life is much too short to live it being such a miserable soul, which you have the power to rise above as a child of Mine, in JESUS Most Precious and Holy Name.