Sunday, March 09, 2025

Asking Silly Questions

March 09, 2025

"Asking Silly Questions"

     Some of you tend to become upset and frustrated with certain people who seem to constantly be questioning The Lord JESUS and Me about certain things, but believe Me, We are more than capable of handling such questioning. There are indeed times when We might just want to ask them what right do they have to question Us, but nine times out of ten, We just let everything go without an answer until the next silly question is asked. One might say that no question is really silly, but I beg to differ when someone will not take the time to learn from or about Us on their own. Why do you think those of you who do know Us know the answer to many of the questions that you have had? Was it not in many cases because of you listening, learning, and seeking answers to your questions, which is much different than someone questioning Us as if they are demanding answers?
     Therefore, My children, do not concern yourselves too much about those who tend to have nothing but questions directed Our way. There is nothing in this world that We cannot handle, not even when it comes to those who tend to just want to annoy Us, which many such people love to do. Sometimes, some of these people are just listening to and following the devil's lead by listening to him. Satan will use anyone that he can to annoy Us, including the most gullible among you. All you have to do sometimes is to listen to some of the questions many such people tend to ask. I have learned to have patience with these types of individuals, whether they are being duped by satan or not. I, of course, have to lead by example, thereby loving those of you who ask the silliest of questions all of the time. Now may you who become concerned about such people learn to be patient with them as well, in and through JESUS Most Precious and Holy Name.