February 24, 2025
"Resisting Evil"
As many of you have seen and/or have heard, there are some awfully mean, spiteful, evil, and hateful people in this world, and they come in all colors, races, genders, religions, etcetera. They are people who would not recognize love even if it were to bite them on the behind, so to speak. I have tried to do whatever I can to aid these types of people in losing these particular types of attitudes from their personalities, but I am also fighting against their free will when I do. There are so many of these types of people everywhere in different societies, proving just how busy that old serpent and his demons truly are. Now those who learn to resist the evil one, who is satan of course, will find peace from his antics for a while. Every evil thought and action originates with satan or his demons, and their modus operandi has never changed since he was cast out of Heaven. The truly sad thing about all of this is that many of these evil people have claimed to be children of Mine and that is sad indeed.
Therefore My children, if indeed you say that you are a child of Mine, then begin to behave as if you really are instead of behaving as if you belong to satan. I am not saying that you should never get upset or even be angry, just learn how to do it without sin. As any of you who have read The Bible will know, JESUS and I even became angry at times, but We did so without sinning. Do not allow satan or his demons to cause you to use your anger for evil, and you too will have done well. You truly can resist the urge to sin if you learn how to walk in The Spirit and not in the flesh. Be led by The Spirit oh child of Mine in every phase of your life, and you shall indeed be victorious over satan and his attempts at trying to corrupt you. So from this day forth, be or become a person who is able to resist all things that are evil, for if you do resist the devil, he will surely flee, and you have My Word on that, in JESUS' Most Precious and Holy Name.