Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Let Your Light So Shine

February 25, 2025

"Let Your Light So Shine"

       Matthew 5:16 says, Let your light shine before people so that they can see your good deeds and give honor to your Father in Heaven. Day in and day out some people are allowing their lights to shine oh so brightly, by being who they were called to be through The Lord JESUS CHRIST. The best way to let your light shine is by learning to obey CHRIST JESUS as you walk according to how He walked. The Lord JESUS never did try to cause anyone any harm, and never did He disrespect anyone as they often did Him. He also never returned evil for evil as so many people tend to do today. He was keenly aware of the fact that vengeance was Mine just as My Word said, which is why He could just relax and know that I would take care of whatever needed avenging. Since JESUS knew Me as His Father, He was able to trust Me just as most of you should be able to trust Me, and blessed are all of you who do.
     So from this day forth oh child of Mine, learn to let your light so shine that people can see your good works and glorify Me. Now, of course, I am not saying that you need to run around tooting your own horn and drawing attention to what you are doing. I am saying that you should go about the business of treating everyone as you would like to be treated, and not be so quick to return evil for evil or an eye for an eye if you are offended. I want you to learn to trust Me to look after you if you are wronged, or at least if you think that you have been wronged in any way. Learn how to be or become an example for others to follow in a good way. I realize there are times when a quick response to evil is needed and there is no time to wait, and in those times, try to do what you think The Lord JESUS would do. Therefore My children, live and walk according to who you are in CHRIST JESUS, now and forevermore.